Update from Mom Paula: Praline is not a happy camper! I called the Vet's office this afternoon. They said she is eating and drinking water a "little" bit and using the litter box, but she won't let them brush/comb her and she hisses at them when they walk by. Of course, I feel really guilty! The Terminix guy also says he sees "no signs of fleas," but he treated the house. My poor little baby!
funny picturesWell, I'm on vacation (that is how I've chosen to view this stay at the VET) and doing okay so far. Mom called yesterday afternoon to check on me and they said that I am doing fine. Mom will get more details today and update you.Pee ess - I'm not really trapped in my PTU, I am in a nice lttle suite. Maybe mom can get some pictures on Saturday.
Praline...we hope you enjoy your "vacation." If they brush you and give you treats...it's almost like being at the spa! A spa vacation!
You've got a suite?! Do you get room service and a treat on your pillow at night, too?
Have a good vacation and enjoy yourself Praline!
Have a nice time at the spa....I mean V-E-Ts
We iz happie dat youz is safe while youz momma iz not at home. Girlz shouldn't be left alone wifout a chaperone when da momma is gone.
We hope you're being spoiled rotten wiv lotsa treats and scritches.
I hope they're treating you with the respect you deserve, Praline.
Huffle Mawson
We hope you enjoy your stay in your suite. If not, let us know and we will send you a cake with a file in it,
Oh no. Those things usually mean going to the vet.
Enjoy your vacay, Praline!
We hope you're having a great time on your vacation. Put on a sad look - that's always good for some extra treats!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
A suite? That sounds wonderful, akshully! Does it come with room service?
I think I could handle a nice suite for a few days!!!
Purrs Goldie
Poor Praline! I don't like to see you trapped in your carrier efun fur a little while. I'm glad ur mama sprung fur a luxury suite fur your vaCATion! We're looking furward to seeing the furtos.
We will have to speak with our mom about getting a suite when we are at the V.E.T.! We're glad you're doing well.
Ohh!! you are at the Vet for vacation!?? how do you do dat?? I is glad you are not sick though!!
Nothing but a sweet suite for the Sweet.
I am sure you have a very nice suite!
Glad you are comfy and feeling better.
We hope your vacation suite is very nice.have fun Praline.
Hi Praline! I'm glad you are enjoying your "spa vacation"!
Keep your chin up, Praline! It'll be over soon:)
Let us know if you need a jail break! But if you're getting pampered in your suite the way I imagine then you're probably doing OK. Hope your Mom is enjoying herself (although I don't know how she can without you)...
Oh man, a whole week at da vet! Are dey being nice to yoo? We sure hope so, cuz if dey is not nice to yoo I know da whole blogosphere will come der and scratch dem and poop on stuff.
I'm glad you're doing better and feeling feisty enough to hiss at the beans as they pass your suite! I hope you don't get mats, though, by not letting them brush your beautiful furs! Never mind, not long now till your Mommy comes home :) xxx
Oh Praline...we think we need to teleport over to the vet's and have a party to make you feel better!
Poor Praline! Maybe we will plan a execute a secret mission to get you FREE!
Fluffy and Bonkers
Poor Praline! We're sure you don't hiss very often. Close your eyes and nap, that makes the time go by faster!
Thinking of you, Siena & Chilli
Poor Praline. It may take some time to adjust to the area--and get used to the fact that she's not at home. It's hard to know so quickly!
Poor little Praline! I hope the rest of your "vacation" goes better!
We're sorry that you have to be away from your mom and home for so long. We hope your mom is having a great trip, and we hope the vet is trying really hard to spoil you in the manner to which you have become accustomed.
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