I'm finally home! Mom picked me up around 10:30 and I fussed at her all the way home in the car. Ever since I've been home, I have investigated every nook and cranny in the house to make sure it is still my home. I've ignored Mom most of the day and have been sitting in front of my special window in Mom's office. I finally gave her a purr about an hour ago and have been meowing for treats. I think I've made my mom suffer long enough.Maybe, we can finally start visiting our furriends again.
Pee ess - it took mom over 9 hours to get home yesterday.
Pee ess ess - mom has to have a "scope" put down her throat on Friday. It just doesn't get any easier for her, does it?
Mom Paula: Praline has alternated between fussing at me and ignoring me all afternoon. I think she's glad to be home.
Praline, we're so happy you and your mom are home now!! We think you should give your mom a big headbutt...we know she really didn't want to leave you at the v-e-t...she did it cuz she loves you and wants to make sure you are okay!
Glad you both are home safe. Mom had a scope down her throat too, and just made her a little dry mouthed till the next day.
Hope Mom is okay.
If she has to have a scope down her throat you need to stop your fussing and start up the purry comforting...a cat's work is never done.
Pee ess...glad you are home!
I am glad you made it home safely Praline! YEAH!!! That scope thing doesn't sound like any fun.
Hooray! It's good to be home.
We are glad you and your mum are both home now Praline.
We hope everything goes okay with the scope.
Sweet Praline: I bet you mom is happy you're not too standoffish still. We have to be nice to the humans....occassionally. And my human Tommy had a scope thing that went down her throat and to see her heart--she said it was piece of cake--because the vet made her sleep. All will be well!
Noir in Texas
Welcome home you girls! Life is good!
A scope down your Mom? Oh noes! See what happens when she leaves you?
Have a great weekend!
(((HUGS))) for Praline
(((HUGS))) for Mom Paula
Welcome home sweet one, dont be too hard on your mum she needs your love right now..
Hugs GJ xxx
So glad you two are both home together. Now, you be nice to your Mummy, Praline!
We are glad you are both home safe.
Praline,we are so happy you are in your own home again!!!!! Staying anywhere else is just not fun!
We will send some purrs to your Mom though. Friday does not sound fun for her :(
At least she gets to come home and see your sweet face :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Yeah, we are so glad you are home.
There's no place like home!
Pee Ess: Our Mama has to have a scope put down her throat on Wednesday!
Praline, we are so glad you are home, what you have gone through just really sucks ... what else can we say. We have kept up on your trials with the nasty flea fever, and are sorry we have been distant, but there is a lot going on in the beans' lives right now, and our blog has been getting the back seat ... sighs! We hope things go okay for your Mom with that nasty scope thing, please give her a hug from us.
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
So glad you are back home, Praline!! YIPPEE!!!
Best of luck to your mom with the scope. Our mom had that done several years ago.
We're so glad you are home and happy again. We're glad you decided to forgive your Mom too.
Ugh about the "scope" thing! We're going to send loud purrs to your Mom.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We are so happy that you're home with your mom!!
We'll be purring that efurrything goes OK with the scope thing on Friday. Mama goes Tuesday for a pelvic ultrasound, she's not too happy about that either. She had a couple done a few years ago & she didn't much like them.
Our word verification is "nostop"....do you think that's for both our mamas?
You maybe need to spoil each other a bit now, wot wiv your trip to the vets and your mom's scope down the throat! Smooches might be called for.
Happy to see u r both back in the comfort of ur home!! xxoo Patty and bhu
a scope.... hope everything is ok with you !
Praline, glad you're back home!
Oh boy. You and your Mom have had a rough week. I'm so glad you're both back home :-)
Best wishes for your Mom when she gets scoped Friday.
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