Tummy Trouble
Update from Mom Paula: I did take Praline to the Vet today and she was running a fever of 104.5. Her teeth were fine, there were no blockages, but the vet found evidence of "flea poop" again! What gives? She NEVER goes outside. Anyway, the Vet said she had something called "Flea Fever," which comes from a bacteria that fleas carry. She gave Praline some medicine for the fever (said she should be much better tomorrow morning), some antibiotics, and the Advantage Orange. The Vet said the diarrhea is probably a result of the fever. The bad thing is that I must travel to Louisville, Kentucky next week, so I am probably going to board her at the Vet's office so they can give her the medicine and watch her. Please keep her in your purrs!I've had a little tummy ache the last two days. Mom is watching me close today to see how I am doing before she calls the vet. I'm eating good and drinking water, but I've just had a stinky litter box and a little loose stools. Of course, she just gave me some more of that Laxatone two days ago, too, so I don't know what she expects.
Mom has also been feeling poorly lately, too. We'll be around to visit when we are feeling better.
Feel better, Praline!
Oh Praline! Feel better!
We'll be purring that you feel better soon Praline.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
ps - and we'll be purring for your mama too.
pss - our word verification was pralame (almost praline)
Oh, I hate having a mucky tummy! I hope you and your Mummy feel better real soon.
Hope you and your Mom feel better soon, Praline!
I hope you both feel better soon Praline.
Huffle Mawson
We are hoping you and your Mom feel better very soom, Praline!
Oh we hope you both are feeling better soon!
we get laxatone ALL the time. It is good to help with colon issues! It shouldn't cause loose ones though.
Why not have your mom drop off a sample of your stool to the vets? Can they run it without you having to go? If your tests are like ours, it takes about 10 minutes to check. It'll look for obvious things!
We are purring for the both of you to get better very soon!! Sending you both healing vibes!
We are sending purrs your way, hoping you are both feeling better soon!
You two go snuggle together and get well soon.
Oh noes! We are sorry to hear you are both not feeling too well. Take care of each other.
Sending purrs that you both are feeling better soon!
Oh my sweet oe, please dont be ill again. I hope it was just the meds mum gave you and nothing more. Please look after your mum amd give her lots of cuddles.
I am purring realy hard.
Hugs GJ xx
Oh noes! You two get better real quick, okay?
We are purring and purraying that your tummy feels better soon. We know your mom is super worried about you. Hugs and purrs and slobbery dawg kisses to both of you.
Oh no. I hope you and your Mom feel better soon!
We hope you both feel better very soon.
We sure hope you're feeling better soon. Flea Fever sounds nasty (as well as flea POOP!).
Purrs and headbonks.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Bless heart, Praline!! We are purring that the medicines make you feel all better, sweetheart!
My poor little Miss.. you and your momma is in such the wars lately.. this is very much not good!
I hope that you and your momma feel better quick like, we is gonna purr for you both :))
O, poor Praline! Seein da vet stinks an stayin at da vet... wul it mite be better than bein home alone, but... Take sum earplugs; vets always got woofies an they NEVER stop.
I hope them fleas pack thems bags an leaf fur good dis time! We's nefur had em here, lick on wood.
Victor & Nina
Get well soon, sweetie!
Purrrrs for both you and your Mom to feel better Sweet Praline!! Hope your vet stay is nice & quiet!!
Your FL furiends,
I would check with your vet first, but I'd suggest that while you're gone and Praline is at the vet that you set off flea bombs in your house. My vet says that it takes a combination of things to knock out a flea infestation. We use Zodiac Fleatrol Fogger and we've also used zodiak carpet spray with good results.
Praline we is soooooooo happy dat yoo is goin to feel better after all dat pokin and prodin at da V-E-T! Purrssssssssssss from all of us!
Oh praline! We hope you improve soon and that his mother back as soon as possible the travel to be with you =)
Jas & Gi
ohhh Praline! I know how you feelz to be sickz!! me had fevor too! Me wish I is there with you so I can fight with all da bad fleaz and eatz tham!!! me is ppraying for you Praline! Purrrrrrs!!
I hope the two of you feel better very soon!
So sorry you are feeling down and had to go to the V. We hope both you and Mommy feel better soon, we're sending purrs.
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