I went back to the Vet yesterday and no wonder I was feeling poorly, I had a fever of 104.5. Mom knew I was feeling bad because I didn't fight her going into my PTU and I didn't meow the whole way to the Vet and back home. The Vet said I have something called Flea Fever and said I must have the flea treatment for several months. The Vet gave me something for my fever and I am feeling a little better. Mom has to travel out of town next week and she is worried about leaving me at home with either the pet sitter or her parents checking on me, so she will probably board me at the Vet's. This will be the first time she has ever boarded me anywhere, but she feels it is best for me (and for her peace of mind). Mom is also going to call Terminix to have them treat the house for fleas while she is gone.
Mom Paula: I knew Praline was sick Wednesday night. When I came home, she didn't meet me at the door (as she always does) and went through several rooms calling her name and not finding her. I finally found her in the litter box. I tried to give her treats and she spit them out. She just slept on top of the laptop computer all evening. When I got home Thursday afternoon (early to check on her), she came to the door, but just stopped and looked at me (no meowing, no purring). I checked the litter box and the poop wasn't normal either, so off to the Vet we went. Praline didn't fight me going in her PTU and she was totally quiet in the car (very unusual). I let her out in the Vet's office and she actually hissed at me when I went to pick her up. She NEVER hisses at me! At first the Vet was perplexed at her fever, but found some flea poop on her fur and said she had something called Flea Fever. She gave her something for her fever and an antibiotic for the bacteria from the fleas. I still don't see any fleas and don't know where she is getting them from. After the Vet examined Praline, Praline just rested her head against my chest, which is also unusual. I could feel the heat from her little head.
I had another meeting last night, but when I got home, Praline met me at the door and was meowing. She ate some treats and also some stinky goodness. I am still at odds whether I should board her at the Vet's while I am gone next week. If she continues to improve this weekend and the pet sitter will come over and show me that she can give Praline her medicine, I may leave her at home.

Praline sleeping beside me in my home office last night.
Oh Sweet Praline, sweetie pie! That's so scary to have such a high temp. That happened to me once when I was little and it freaked out my mom. Take care!
Sweetie!We hopes you are feeling better. Our vet always says that Mom always knows when her babies are not feeling well. We are sending purrs and prayers that you are back to you normal self soon.
Oh Praline! I am glad that you got that taken care of. Icky nasty fleas!
Aww Praline - Hope you get better soon little lady...
Get better soon, sweetie! Carbon gets flea fever too, if he doesn't get his drops. He perks back up with the medication, though. Just treat the house and then air it out well. Then make sure Praline gets flea treatment every month regularly.
Just a thought - but sometimes you can pay a vet tech from your vets office to come by to give medicine. My vet offered this when I was new at giving Sub-q fluids.......
Oh my sweet little one, please dont be ill. You must improve ths weekend and you will then get to stay at home.
I am purrring realy loud for you to get well.
Your pal GJ xx
Oh my precious tiny little girlfriend...please do not be sick anymore! Those bad fleas!! How dare they make you so sick!! Have you tested the flea poop to see if it really is? Make it wet and if it turns red then it is...I would want to be real sure about this diagnosis.
I will purrrrr for you my sweet and soft hugs to mommy Paula.
Poor Praline! I hope you feel better soon.
Huffle Mawson
Poor Sweet Praline!
I relaly hope you get better soon, but at least they know what's wrong with you, and it's just a matter of time till you're better.
remember to eat lots and sleep lots. Can you manage that??
heatbutts and snuzzles,
Oh, poor Praline! I know how icky it is to have fleas, as I was recently covered with them! The Vet gave me a pill to kill them and Mom gave me Revolution to keep them off me from now on. I sure hope you feel better from now on, too!
Praline, flea fever doesn't sound fun! We hope you are feeling better real soon and those fleas will stay off of you from now on!
Sweet Praline, we are sending you our very best recovery vibes. Sounds like you were really feeling awful!! Please feel 100% better very soon!
Poor Sweet Praline! Those nasty mystery fleas sure caused a lot of purroblems. I'm glad her medicine is starting to work and she's feeling a little better. Hope fur a full recovery very soon. Such a sweet baby!
Flea fever sounds nasty. I hope you get better and don't have to go and stay at the vet.
I never heard of flea fever before, it sounds awful. Since I go outside, sometimes I get fleas, but Mom knows how to look for them and she gives me pills that kill them.
I hope you can stay home and not stay at the v-e-t place. I'd hate that more!
We're so sorry that you're not feeling well, Praline! That must be scary for your mom since she has to go out of town. We hope your sitter can give you your meds so you don't have to stay at the V.E.T.
Poor Praline, we are purring for you to get better fast and take your medication like a good girl so you can stay home while your mum is away.
Poor little one. We know you are in good hands tho, and we'll send some of our purrs your way.
Oh, sweetheart! Those nasty ol' fleas! We know how worried you Mom is about leaving you. When our Mom went to Ireland for 10 days she had to board Cerise and Lilly at the vet because Cerise was in such bad shape. It gave Mom a lot of peace of mind. They were very spoiled while they were there.
(((HUGS))) and PURRS
We heard that fleas can be vishus! When The Girl was little, she got Rabid Tick Fever, which means that she was bitten by a tick that had been on a rabid animal! We have to be on the lookout for those creepy fleas and ticks! We hope that you feel better, Praline! We're purring for you:)
Oh, Praline, we hope you get to feeling better soon!
We hope you are feeling better soon.
We had a time with fleas last year & none of us ever go outside either. Mama's been putting Frontline on us since it started getting warm. We almost lost Festus last year because of those nasty fleas. Hopefully we will be able to keep them at bay.
Sweet P, pulleez getz better, K? Me an' mai mom will be purraying fur U! xxoo Bhu
Oh Praline and Mommy Paula, I hopped over here as soon as I read your comments! Poor sweet little girl! :( Poor Mommy! :( I am purraying for you really hard. Some kitties are just very allergic to even one little flea bite. That's it, I'm getting the Frontline Monday! Billie and Cricket are on eyedrops for seasonal allergies.
Mommy Paula are you sick too? You must be so worried honey. Gosh, I miss one day and all this stuff happens! My candles will be lit and healing thoughts and prayers sent my dear southern belles.
Love and Hugs,
Praline, I am so sorry that you been feeling sick. I never knew about flea fever before. I hope you get all better real soon!
It's a good thing your mom rushed you to the vet! That flea fever sounds extra nasty. How scary! We can't wait to hear that you're alright again, please hurry. ; )
Oh Praline, you poor sweetie. I am sorry you are so sick. I will send many many purrs and prayers you get all better soon. We're sure you'll do fine at the VET. Maybe your grandbeans can visit you there.
Many VETs say that indoor only kitties don't need flea treatment, but a couple years ago I got tapeworms from fleas. Now I get flea treatments a few months every year.
I hope you're already feeling better. purrrrrrrs
I's didn't know about flea fever either. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Love and Purrs,
KC & The Sherwood Bunch
Aww Praline we hope you're feeling better today. Mom says one of us always manages to give her a scare before she goes away.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Awe sweety, we'z sorry yoo is not feeling well. Haffing da exterminator come in and get rid of any fleas might not be a bad idea. Mom and dad hadda do dat when Punkin furst came home. Da nice man dat did it den should mom and dad how to keep dem away...
Praline,we are send you purrs!!! We want you to be well :)
Kitty power will see you through :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
So sorry Praline. Big purrs for a speedy recovery.
Poor Praline! I hope you're feeling not so hot and bothered now.
Oh poor little Praline - we are so sorry. Mom said follow your instincts - you'll know wevver it's safe to leave her or if she needs extra care.
Praline we do hope you feel MUCH better soon.
Oh noes, dear Sweet Praline I am so sorry to hears dat you gots dat Flea Fever. Good thing your momma tooks you to dat vet to makes you feel all better. I has so much missed comings to your blog, momma has been keepings me so busy. But we rushed right over after hearings about you. Sendings you healing purrrrrrrrrrs! I hopes your momma can leaves you at home wif your sitter. It always nice to be at home in a familiar place.
*nosetaps* to you sweetie!
Baby Patches
{ralne, We've not heard about flea fever before, but we're purring for you to get better and stay better,
Gypsy & Tasha
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