I think I need to sharpen my claws before I go to stay at the Vet's office this week just in case they don't give me enough treats. Mom has packed my treats, stinky goodness, crunchies, medicine, and my pink boa from Ginger Jasper. This will be my first time away from home in 13 years, so wish me luck.
Mom says she will check with the vet each day and try to give you an update on how we are both doing. The flea exterminator comes on Wednesday and my grandma bean is going to come back over and open up the house and vacuum! Mom won't be back home until late Friday and she will pick me up on Saturday.
Happy Birthday, Auntie Deb!
Oh Praline, good luck. It's a good thing us cats can't tell time. You'll be back home before you know it. Plus, there are lots of new peoples to love on you. Just be sure you demand lots of attention all the time.
I think you are very smart to sharpen your claws now! Good luck at the vet. They ought to give you tons of treats.
Da mostest 'portant thingie is dat youz get rid of your fleas an' dat da house getz rid of it's fleaz. Dose bugs iz terrible once dey getz into a house. We is crossin' paws fur youz and youz momma.
It's s shame you can't bring Ginger Jasper along as well!
Don't worry you'll be back soon - minus those pesky fleas!
Happy Birthday to your Aunty Deb!We hope she has a super day!
Milo and Alfie xx
Get those claws good and sharp!! We hope all of those nasty fleas are gone when you get home.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Paula I read your comment on JB blog...soft hugs to you over that. I also was in a simliar situation so many years ago...it helps to share sometimes.
I hope Praline is all better soon. She is special to me as she reminds me of the kitty so many years ago too. Miss Minka was a blue creme Persian. Yes I love Praline's little sweet face so much.
Hugs and hugs to you, Karla
We think you will do fine at the Vets. We have heard that they like to sneak extra treats to the boarders! :-D
Good luck Praline!!! I'm sure they will take good care of you!!
I hope your stay at the vet will be okay Praline! I'll be thinking of you.
Huffle Mawson
We hope you do well at the vets! Think of it as a vacation, Paraline!
We hope they get rid of all those nasty fleas too!
We hope you have fun at the vets! make sure your mom leaves instructions on when's ok to give you treats and how much crunchies- some techs are afraid to give too many treats in case the owner doesn't agree with it. ALso make sure to tell them how much and when you give stinky goodness!
as for tesla we are sure the tests will come back negative. This morning i left the room, and went back in about 15 minutes later. I went to check on her, she walked into her box, put her paw over a certain spot, chirped and pawed, then came out and purred on me. So i checked. She has successfully used the box 2 times since she's been home.
I think the dr. is dead on. We will know this morning for sure.
We think you'll do fine at the vet, but our mom says she thinks your mom will worry about you (our mom always worries about us when she goes away - we are not sure why, because we don't worry about her!) So we're sending purrs to both you and your mom!
Good luck at the Vet. I have never had to stay at the vet over night much less for a week. But you will be fine. Lots of new people to meet. We will be looking forward to hearing about your adventures at the Vet clinic. Take Care. Lots of purrs coming your way.
Praline, I'm sure efurryone at the vet's office will go nuts ofur you, and give you lots of treats and pats efurry day! You might efun become so popular that you won't notice ur mombean is gone.
You're such a purrecious girl!
I'll bet those vet beans fuss over your adorable cuteness nonstop and the time will fly.
P.S. Flea bombs away!!!
We know you will be just fine and the vet techs will take super care of you, sweetheart! We are sending you comforting vibes because we know it is no fun being away from home.
You will be one spoiled little girl at the vet! Maybe you could hear your Mom's voice everyday when she calls too.
Ohh Miss Praline don't forget your momma to pack something that she has worn and not washed of hers so you can feel comfortable with her smells.
We hope that you has the best time, I know that you will get enough treats how could they resist ?? :))
Ms. Praiine, I know you'll feel out of your element at the vets, but they'll take good care of you and when you come home all those NASTY fleas will be dead and GONE.
Looking forward to hearing how you're doing each day.
Good luck, Praline!
I've never had to stay away from home, but my sisters have. They didn't like it much, but they loved coming back home after having been away.
And, of course, my mommy worried about her babies the entire time.
Oh Praline, I will hold you and your Mommy Paula in my thoughts this whole week! Just take nice long naps and enjoy your treats Praline and I'm sure the day will go by quickly. Poor Mommy Paula will be worried, I know, but just think how nice it will be to have a flea free house! Those nasty things have caused more than enough trouble! We had to de-flea our house a few years ago and things were so much better after they were gone.
I watched Praline's video and Toeshee watched it with us and Billie, who is on my lap started purring when she heard Mommy Paula's voice! It was such a sweet moment. :)
Praline, I'm sure you'll get lot of attention at the VET's. Your sweet face and soft fur will be hard to resist! I'll be sure to check in on the updates this week.
Take care sweeties.
Love and Hugs,
Lorianna and Miss Billie
Sweet Praline! Thank you so much for the special birthday wishes!!! You have helped make my birthday so special!!!
Love, Auntie Deb
Praline, just think of it as a nice spa vacation!
You'll be just fine, Praline. Just relax and try to think about all of those nasty fleas going to meet their maker!
You will do fine Sweet Praline! Mom has packed all the important things including her love and caring for you!
My sweet one, I will be counting every hour untill you are back. It will soon pass and you will be back with your mum mnus the unwanted visitors.
If you need me just meaow and I will be there.
Hugs GJ xx
We will be finkin' about you and sendin' you all our purrs while you are at da *shudder* Vet's.
But don't worry. It's a tough choice, but Vets are definitely better than fleas!
Just remember to act all pathetic when you come back so your Mom remembers to spoil you with treats!
We will be thinking about you while you are at the V E T . That is a good idea to get your claws all sharpened up. You need them to keep the vets in order.
Best wishes for you and your Mom. You for being at the vet that long, and your Mom because I know she'll worry.
I'm glad your Grandma bean will come over and take care of those things. That way your Mom can bring you home as soon as possible!
Good Luck, I hope all turns out well for you guys!!
Praline, how pawsome dat yoo is feelin better now. But we must say how poopy it is fer yoo to has to stay at a v-e-t while yer mom is away.
Minna and I wish you well.
Good luck. I'll be thinking about you!
Maybe it'll be fun with lots of spoiling.
I hope to give everything right in their weeks in the vet!
Happy birthday to Deb =)
Jas & Gi
Hopefully you're stay at the v-e-t will be over before you know it! Then when you get home you will get lots of extra loves & treats from your mom....we think it's a law they have to do that when they leave you. If it's not, it should be!!
We hope that all of the fleas get out of your house and that your stay at teh vet isn't too bad. Make sure they aren't stingy with your treats.
We hope everything goes well at the Vet. Feel better Praline.
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