Today's Photo Hunt theme is Walking. I don't get to walk outside like some of my friends, but I do get to walk wherever I want in my house.
I also have a routine walk every day when Mom comes home. Mom calls it my "Getting a Treat Walk." I meet Mom at the door and immediately go to the sofa to get my treats. With my tail high in the air and my own special meow, I usually get as many treats as I want. Mom says to please excuse her "loud, Southern drawl" in this video.
I can't believe my mom took this video before brushing out that mat in my floof.
That was a good pick for Walking. Your getting a treat video was fun to watch. We love your sweet meow.
That is a special walk! We love to hear you talking to Mama for treats!
So you have to beg for your treats just like we do. But it looks like you get more than we do. *sigh*
walk the walk girl. cute as can be.
Oh you look great today! :)
Work it, baby! Work it!
You have a really sweet kitty voice! Like your walk too!
Praline, you are adorabble, and you make Momma say SQUEESQUEESQUEE! She loves watchin us Ballicai walk. She sez we look like little lions! And you look like a furry floofy little lion! :)
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Cool video, and I love your floofy tail in the picture! Ours is up now too.
A word of advice to Praline from Maggy: it is good for us girls to walk after our treats as well... the exercise will help preserve our lovely figures...
Good walking Praline.
Huffle Mawson
What a cute meow you have! We think we heard a purr too!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We heard you purr too, sweetest Praline! For a second mom thought you were me! I do exactly the same tail action and a funny meow which isn't really a meow. Ohhh, how cute you are!
Purrs, Siena
That sounds like a great reason for a walk!!
How adorable is that! I didn't notice the southern drawl so much as the urgent meows and happy little purrs. It was a real treat watching Praline getting her treats!
You have a lovely walk. ~S,S, C & F
You have a wonderful walk, Praline. Do you get extra treats for being so cute?
Mindy, Moe, Bon Bon
Praline, that was very cute to see! What a good reason to take a walk!
What a sweet video. Our Momma has a Southern 'accent' too :)
She was bornded in Atlanta and still lives within 30 miles of the hospital where it happened!
~ The Bunch
Praline... we love your meows & purrs. You look very happy getting your treats. Our Mom has the Southern drawl going too - she has lived in Alabama all her life so she doesnt notice it any more.
Oh a Praline Video! That made me so happy! Cody watched with me. He thinks you are pretty! I told him to get in line. :)
I love your meow Praline. So, so cute! And your little face! Mommy Paula, I just love your voice. Singing or speaking, it's just so lovely! Billie just came in the room, so I will play the video for her now.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Great walking photo, Praline! Especially the end result! You know, we hear a faint southern drawl in your meow too. When Mom lived in Kansas City, she had a drawl/twang and when she would go back to visit, she'd pick it back up right away.
Sweet, sweet Praline! Great technique in doing the treat walk! My momma Ellie watched the video up close and cruised you!
Me no notice mat! Only notice kewt Sweet P eating treats! xxoo Bhu
Praline, we love your walk, and your meow. As for any mats you might have had in your furs, it was overshadowed by your cuteness.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
A treat walk huh? I need to start that in my house.
PRALINE! Benny & Hans use the fountain so far.
Tesla sniffs it. But she's getting closer.
She also sits next to it and tries to figure out what it's there for.
Hansel likes to drink from the stream, at the very top. Which is hilarious because it's very very loud. It makes loud plopping water sounds in between licks. He stops everytime i get the camera though. I'll catch him one day!
we simply love it, thanks so much!
Will walk for treats!
those are some precious steps~
The best kind of walking ends in treats! I like your little meow.
You realy like those treats, but it is god to get spoiled.
Hugs your pal GJ xx
That is a great video of your Mom hand feeding you treats, Sweet Praline :-D You've got her trained well ;-)
Nummy! Very cute! :)
I love your meow and your mommy's accent is lovely to listen to. Around these parts, hoomans speak with a 'Hampshire accent'.
Oh, I don't get to walk outside too but just like you, I have free access to the whole house.
Its nice to hear your miauwwww ...
Funny to see you walking,
I like your BIG tail :)
purrsss Kareltje =^.^=
We love to hear you and your mom talk!
Pretty cool WALK Praline!! And your video is so cute!! We love your Mom's voice!
Your FL furiends,
Opps!! That was us above, Mom forgot to sign out her other blog!
Your FL furiends,
Praline, WALKING to the sofa for treats is the best walk ever!!!! We love to see and hear you too!!! You and your Mom have nice voices :)
Good to see you getting spoiled!!!!
Your Mom knows how to treat a girl right!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
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