1. I cheated. Some of these flowers were in bloom in April because of our warmer weather early in the South.
2. This is the Dogwood tree in our front yard outside of our picture window. This tree has recently been overshadowed by the Hickory Nut tree and lost some limbs in one of our rare ice storms about 6 years ago, but it is still such a pretty flower.
3. The picture above was right before one of our showers in April. See the dark clouds.
4. The Azaleas were in full bloom this year. Some of these Azaleas have been planted since the 80s when mom moved in this house and they just started blooming.
5. This is the fushia colored Azalea one of three that mom just planted last year. It is the only one that survived, but has a beautiful color.
7. The white Azaleas were planted by the former man in the house over 20 years ago.
8. Mom just loves Gerber Daisies. This is the only flower that she started planting a few years ago and it keeps coming back. These are the red ones near the house. We have some yellow ones out by the mailbox, but it was getting dark when mom took these pictures, so this is all could show you.
10. This is a close up of the Iris. Mom and I just love this flower.
11. My grandma bean planted these Crawling Pansies just two weeks ago. Aren't they pretty?
We love seeing your flowers...and we especially love those daisies!
What a beautiful view you have Praline. We love the iris also.
Those were lovely. Our first iris bloomed yesterday!
We LOVEd the tour of your flowers - and Mom said your porch is very inviting. She could just imagine sitting there reading a book (wiv a kitten on each knee - she didn't say that bit, but we know she'd want us on her lap!)
We adore your front porch! Flowers are so pretty but caring for them is a lot of work sometimes. Your dogwood is a stunner!
Thanks for your garden tour, Praline! Beautiful flowers!!!
Lot's of nice stuff to look at. I don't go outside either.
My mum is jealous of your flowers and she loves Dogwood!
Huffle Mawson
We LOVED your flowers, thanks for the tour. We especially liked the iris. ~S,S, C & F
We agree.... that is the perfect southern front porch, complete with rocking chairs!
Lovely flowers, they are all just beautiful! None of our plants have flowers just yet. Our mom loves gerber daisies..... they were her wedding flower!
I enjoyed the tour vey much, what lovely flowers. I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH..
Whata wonderful surprise to get that package and open it to those lovey lovely things. I love everything and cant say thanks enough.
Huge hugs Ginger Jasper xxxxx
mommy says our irises are about ready to bloom - maybe in a few days. she started wif a small plant wif one flower 3 years ago and this year there looks to be about 20 flowers on it!
What do you mean your Mom doesn't have a green thumb? Your flowers are gorgeous! Our Mom's thumb is so not green that this year she is considering silk flowers for our balcony. Irises always remind her of growing up in Kansas City, MO. You rarely see them in Chicago.
What a very purrdy yard. You are one lucky kitty with a view like that!
Mommy killed most of our plants so we haf no flowers here. But there is a bamboo plant that Mommy is currently killing. Bronzy helps out too by chewing on the leaves.
Oh Praline, I think Mommy Paula has a green thumb for sure! What beautiful flowers! Azaleas and Iris can be very fussy. But, yours look lovely! I love your front porch. It looks so inviting. You have just the right house; not too big and not too small, with a nice yard and a cozy porch. I would love a home like that down south. :)
I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Those are some very pretty flowers. That's one of Mom's favorite things about being back in the South are all the good flowers.
Beautiful!! Just beautiful, Miss Praline!!!
So purrity!! Me wantz to come an sit on porch chair! Looks comfy! xxoo bhu
Your flowers are looking so great Praline!
Hugs and purrs for you and your mom!
Those are beautiful, Praline:) Flowers always attract lots of neat birds and bugs, which we just love to watch.
Lovely flowers. Our Mom does not do plants either. The ones she has are just hardy things that survive on their own!
Your garden is so beautiful ^^ How sad you can't get out to enjoy it =/
Jas & Gi
Your flowers are beautiful!! Thanks for showing us!
Oh those are lovely flowers!!
You have gorgeous blooming flowers and trees outside. I love seeing everything in bloom this time of year :-)
Ohh Miss Praline thank you thank you thankyou! We loved taking teh tour with you!! they are all so pretty and had momma all melted.. momma is a big fan of Azaleas, she loves it when they are heaps clustered all together and the show the beautiful dense flowers display..
O and we will take your gorgeous porch now thankyou! :P hehe
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