Happy Mother's Day to my Mom bean, Paula! Thank you for taking such good care of me for over 13 years! I luv you, Mom!
Mom Paula: I want to take this opportunity to say Happy Mother's Day to the two best mothers I know: My Mom, Faye and my sister, Dorenda. I am so proud of both of them and I love them dearly!

Praline, that is a beautiful picture of you and your Mommy. Happy Mother's Day to her.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
hy..praline happy mother's day..
do u want too be my friend?? can U put my blog too ur friend link..
this is my blog
U have a great family
Hi Praline
Thanks for coming past my blog! You are a lovely foofy cat like me! I intend to spoil Vicki and sit and purr on her lap all night.
Happy mother's day to Paula and every other mum out there.
Huffle Mawson
Happy Mother's Day to you all! This is a lovely post.
Those are lovely photo's, thank you for sharing. Have a lovely mothers day. It is not our mothers day, but it ismy mum and dad's aniversary, take a look.
Hugs GJ x
That is a beeooteeful pikshur of you wif your Mom! Bof of you shure look like you are totally enjoying the cuddle.
~Slash & Bronzy
PS. Here's wishing your two Moms a Hoppy Momma's Day!!!
Praline, what a touching tribute to your mombean, and Paula, to your mother and sister! Happy Mother's Day from the 3-Ds!
That is a nice picture of you together. Happy Mothers Day!
Happy Mother's Day to your mom, Praline! And Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!
Happy Mother's Day to your Mom! A special Mother's day wish to her Mom and sister too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That's very sweet of you, Sweet P! But U reminds me I furgets to get mai mom Muther's Day card! Uh oh! xxoo Bhu
That's so sweet, Praline!
Happy Mother's Day to your Mom!
Great photos Praline!
Wishing your Mom and all moms the best of days!!
You & your Mom have a nice family :)
WE hope you have a fun day!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Happy Mother's Day, Mom Paula! We hope you enjoy your special day!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Happy mother's day to you!
Us kittiez wish youz and your momma and youz m♥mma's m♥mma all de bestest day ta day. M♥mma's iz just 'bout da mostest 'portant 'bean in da whole, wide world!
Happy Mothers Day to you!
Happy Mother's Day to you, your Momma and Dorenda and to all the Momma's! Praline that was a lovely happy mother's day post!
Please wish your Mom a Happy Mother's Day from us:) You both look really sweet in that photograph!
Happy Mother's Day to your mom!
Happy Mother's Day Praline's Mommie!
Happy Mother's Day to Praline's sweet Mommy Paula!!
Happy Mother's Day to your Mommy! You are both sweet!!!
Happy Mothers Day!
We are giving you an award, then look in our blog =)
Jas & Gi
Belated Happy Mother's Day to your Mom, your Mom's Mom and her sister Dorenda :-D
Those are two really sweet pictures :-)
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