Memory Lane - Teenage Tortie Collage
Thank you for all of the kind comments yesterday. I was just feeling a little "blue" and feeling sorry for myself. Even when new furchildren come to live with me, Sweet Praline will always be a part of my life and theirs.
Memory Lane - Laser Eye Collage
Please purr for me as I post this week. I thought it was going to be easy to stop Praline's blog, but I'm finding it harder to do the posts because I know the end is coming and I'm not really sure I'm ready for that. I miss that little stinker and she'll always be in my heart, but I know I have enough love to give more furchildren in the future. In the meantime, I am still working through my grief. Thanks for all of your support.
I know this is last year's graphic for Memorial Day, but I wanted to honor Praline along with our military heroes today as it is Memorial Day in the United States. This is the graphic that was used in last year's post with Sweet Praline to remember those in our military who gave their lives for our freedom.
Return Engagement: AS THE PAW TURNS - Outtakes
I hope all of you enjoyed the first showing of AS THE PAW TURNS. We had lots of fun presenting this to the CB and hope to do it again in the future. I think all of my fellow castmates are deserving of an Oscar and Emmy for their performances. Now, it's off to Broadway for me!
Of course, as with all actors, there were some spoiled kitties during the production (besides me!). I wanted to share some of these moments with you.
Romeo from Peggy's Place
Melvin from Mouchois
Khyra from Khyra's Korner
Goma from My Himalayan Cat "Goma"
Hey! How did Maggy get by without an out take?
I hope everyone enjoyed the return engagement of AS THE PAW TURNS in memory of Sweet Praline. I must admit, it brought back a lot of smiles to my face (and a few tears). I'll continue with Memory Lane posts for one more week, until next Sunday, which would have been Sweet Praline's 3rd Blogoversary. It will be sad to stop posting, but I promise I will be back and I will visit after a short break. There's still a lot of healing to do and preparations for the future.
Return Engagement - AS THE PAW TURNS - The Party
I forgot that Inigo had a part in AS THE PAW TURNS! What a wonderful tribute to this handsome angel, too!
We left Mayor G. Jasper taking a nap and having sweet dreams of Praline and Maggy, thinking everything was all set for the party at Sweet Praline's cottage. Luckily for him, the phone rang and woke him up. Sweet Praline purred into the phone, "GJ, what time would you like me to be at your house to help you set up?" Mayor Jasper was too embarrassed to let his sweetheart know that he forgot it was at his house, so he told her that everything was already set up and she just needed to plan on an evening being pampered!
As soon as he hung up the phone, he immediately called Inigo Flufflebum and d'Artangan Rumblepurr Catering and Partying Consultants, the best in the village of Furville. When they heard the "last minute" party was being hosted by Sweet Praline, they immediately responded with "yes! we'd love to help." Mayor Jasper sighed as he hung up the phone and looked at the green papers he would need to deduct from his upcoming campaign tour. However, he knew it was worth it for Sweet Praline. Thank goodness she called him and woke him up.
The scene fades to Mayor Jasper's house . . .
Mayor G.Jasper, "I've called you all here this evening at the request of Sweet Praline, the village Diva. She truly believes that we can all get along, without hissing and swatting and the rivalry among us. In fact, perhaps we can teach the humans a lesson about that (they do need it now don't they?). I've invited you here to my humble abode (we mayoral types are poorly paid!) so we can share food and nip."
Praline: "Thank you, Your Honor. As you said, I do believe we can all become furriends and still enjoy each other's company."
Mayor G.Jasper: "Will you all take your seats at the table please? The humans wish to begin serving us." (He clapped his paws and Paula, Peggy, Ann, Sachie, Rone, and Carol jumped to attention and begin serving the group.)
Praline: "May I sit beside you, Your Honor?"
Mayor G. Jasper: "Of course, dearest."
The Mayor (again): "Bhu, get out of your bag and come to the table. Romeo, I know you're tired, but sleeping on the table is totally not permitted in my home, move to your chair please!"
Bhu: "I like being in the bag, or in a box, or behind something, or under something... or, or... oh well, I'll sit if I must."
Romeo: "Stop complaining GJ, I did one-hundred-and-one surgeries today! I worked far harder than any old civil servant like you, and I'm am tired! But, out of deference to your position, I'll be seated."
The Mayor (again): "Goma, get off the sidebar and come join us. Melvin, you too, put your mousie away and come to the table, Mouchois."
Goma: "But you know I can get much better photographs from over here, and I do have to publish tomorrow in both the political section and the social pages! Though I am concerned GJ, about it being "free advertising" for your next mayoral run in 2010; will I have to give equal space to the other candidates?"
Melvin: "I don't wanna come to the table. I mean I do wanna come to the table. I don't wanna sit in that high chair, that's for baby-kitties, and I am growing big now. Besides, where I go, my mousey goes!"
The Mayor (again, with a heavy sigh): "Goma, you can take pictures after dinner. And don't get all hissy about the advertising, I'll give you green papers if you insist! Melvin, just push your high chair up to the table by Romeo please; I have no other chair. Besides, Romeo will cut up your tuna cakes for you, since you're not allowed to use a knife yet."
Praline: "Shame for shame! You are all fussing and arguing over the silliest little things. This is not a good way to start our evening of harmony and getting along together."
The Mayor (frowning): "And so where is Maggy? Didn't she come, or is she late as usual?"
Praline: "Mmmm, Uuhh, she's way back there in the corner. She says she won't join us unless Khyra can come to!"
The Mayor (totally exasperated now): "OK, OK... Khyra please join us. After all... wouldn't you all agree that's a very good way to begin getting along?"
Everyone, in unison: "Yes, oh yes it is. Purrs all."
Praline: "And that dear friends is "how the paw turns". It turns towards you, with friendship."
In the meantime, Sweet Praline touches both Mayor Jasper's and Bhu's paws under the table and little Melvin spots them while he is retrieving his mousie . . .
To be continued one of these days . . .
Tomorrow - Out takes from the show of all of the cast!
It's so sad we were never able to have another soap opera with Diva Praline, but she was definitely a star in this show. Please come back tomorrow for outtakes from the series. They are so funny.
Return Engagement - As the Paw Turns: The Meeting
Sweet Praline goes to the Furrsville Salon & Spa for her daily floofing and Zoey has worked her in to have her "highlights" brightened and a complete body massage. After a great day with Khyra on the motorcycle, Maggy has come for her weekly nail trim and a paw massage. To their surprise, Zoey has secretly booked them both into the same room at the same time (That little Zoey is a great prankster!). Zoey slowly closes the door on Praline and Maggy.
The intimacy and quiet of the salon allows Praline and Maggy to chat amicably. They agree that the ongoing rivalry between them is of no benefit and they must find a way that all can live happily with one another in Furrsville. After all, Praline and Maggy have been friends since the cradle and no mancat should come between them. Praline immediately texts the Mayor (G. Jasper) requesting he call everyone together for dinner that evening at his home...

Just look at all of these handsome mancats in one location! Get the smelling salts, ladies!

Back in his office, G. Jasper is tired, but he still has to confirm the guest list with Praline and doublecheck with Goma on the news coverage. Sweet Praline would never forgive him if everything wasn't just purrfect! G. Jasper looks at the clock and thinks a short nap won't be a problem. He falls asleep as he looks at his two ladies, as they are his favorite screensaver.
Return Engagement: As the Paw Turns: The Deception
Sweet Praline has one of the loveliest homes in the village of Fursville, as befitting her position in the community. She had just made a fresh pot of blackberry tea, and some nip-biscuits, when she has a text message from Bhu telling her he would be delayed for their visit. Apparently, the Sheriff had contacted him; a client was in jail, and needed immediate counsel.
Praline was not concerned. For you see, Melvin had stopped by unexpectedly. Praline has a special spot in her heart for dear little Melvin and likes to smother him with motherly advice and love. You see, Sweet Praline was not able to have little kitties of her own, which has always a sadness that she hides away where no one could see.
So the two lounged in the summer sunshine on Praline's front lawn, and she took the opportunity to give some "counsel" herself. Advising and teaching "little Mouchois" on all the peccadilloes of Fursville society, and how he must learn and grow to be a proper mancat.

Goma was bringing a bottle of expensive nip champagne, and wearing his best tie. Romeo had his box of chocolates, his hope renewed. Only he knew that inside the box were "caramel pralines," her favorite. Caramel pralines are the only thing Romeo knew were sweeter than Miss Praline. And Jasper brought a very special sunflower, grown in his own garden -- special with it's heart-shaped leaves; and of course, he brought Kong, something the two of them had enjoyed playing with together on past dates. The three were anticipating good things, good times.

Meanwhile, Maggy, having a bit of a hissy-fit over all the attention going toward Praline... decided to take up the town's "daring devil dog" on a country ride, and a lakeside picnic. It had been an invitation impossible to turn down... for she did have great affection for Khyra... and he even brought helmets, how considerate. She held tight to him as they rode off out of town...
Return Engagement - As the Paw Turns, Day 1
The day starts out bright and sunny in the town of Furville . . .

Bhu BigFurs, Esq. is spotted leaving his law offices for a secret meeting with Sweet Praline. He had a special bouquet of pink roses (pink is Sweet Praline's favorite color) and just knew it would be a purrfect night for a date with his sweetness ...
Mayor G. Jasper observed Bhu leaving with the roses and was considerably upset by this turn of events; he had no flowers, no wine, no nip... and no plans on courting Miss SPP today... After all, they just left each other a few hours ago . . .
Romeo had just approached, carrying his box of nip chocolates for Miss SPP, but sadly realized he would have to stop and nap for awhile because he was tired from his date with Miss Maggy Magster last night, and Bhu would get to her first! What a dilemma for Jasper and Romeo... how will they go on? How will they surpass Bhu's attentiveness..." After all, Miss Sweet Praline loves to be lavished with attention . . .
Stay tuned...
Memory Lane - Preview of "As the Paw Turns"
Join members of the Floof and Fur gang in the premiere soap opera, "As the Paw Turns."
"As the Paw Turns" is set in the village of Furville and is loaded with Himmies, who need lots of attention. Furville is run by Mayor Ginger Jasper, a handsome ginger Persian. As you can imagine, his job keeps him quite busy, especially with the beautiful (and sometimes vampy) ladycats, Sweet Praline and Maggy Magster.

Sweet Praline and Maggy Magster have their eyes on several of the handsome mancats in Furville - Bhu, Romeo, Goma, and Ginger Jasper, and sometimes they can get in a little bit of a spitfight over these handsome gentlemen. Sweet Praline has taken little Master Mouchois, aka Melvin, under her tutelage. Little does she know, Melvin works for Goma, the editor in chief of the Fursville Daily News.
The opening scene (beginning tomorrow) begins with Mayor Ginger Jasper, Dr. Romeo Montague, and Bhu all setting out to court Sweet Praline. Stay tuned . . .

My photo and costume are compliments of Zoey and the ZH, Ann at Zoolatry.
Memory Lane - Encore Presentation. . . As the Paw Turns
Coming to a computer screen near you this week - the newest soap opera to hit the CB. All of us floofies are great friends and I love them all. I've been teasing you to get you ready for our soap opera. Did I get your attention?

Here's a list of the cast of characters who all reside in the Village of Fursville:
- BHU - Bhu BigFurs, Esquire (an attorney)
- GINGER JASPER - Ginger Jasper, Mayor of the Village of Fursville
- ROMEO - Dr. Romeo Montague, PhD., Renowned Doctor of Catpsychiatry and Village Counselor
- GOMA - Editor In Chief, Reporter/Journalist, Photographer/Artist for the Fursville Daily News
- SWEET PRALINE - Miss Sweet Praline Purrfect, the town's favored lady, a bit of a vamp, astute, charming, witty and enthralled by her many suitors (an attorney, a doctor, an editor and the mayor!!!!)
- MAGGY - Miss Maggy Magster, also a bit of a vamp... in competition with Miss SPP for at least one of the gents!
- MELVIN - Master Mouchois, a/k/a MELVIN... youth has it privileges (and so does his smaller size)... showing not only the curiousity of a cat, but the curiosity of youth... keeping an eye out on all the adults and their ongoing dramas... he has been known to "report" back to Goma (the Editor) on what he see's and hears . . .
Memory Lane - Easy Like Sunday (Earlier Years)
Memory Lane - Photo Hunt - Cluttered Collage
Unfortunately for me, "cluttered" was an easy theme to put together for Photo Hunt today for Praline's memory lane collage. My home office and bedroom closet are a wreck, but Praline loved to hang around the clutter. If there was a sheet of paper on the floor, she was going to lie down on it. She loved to sneak into the closets and hide. I simply must clean out this clutter to get the place ready for the future!
Memory Lane - Eating Stinky Goodness
Memory Lane - Secret Admirer Video
Here are a few more videos that Terri sent me of Tiffany watching Praline.
Memory Lane - Getting Brushed and Purring video
Memory Lane - Live Catnip Video
Memory Lane - Praline and Mom Paula collage
Memory Lane - Easy Like Sunday Collage
Thank you for being patient with me as I remember the many personalities of Sweet Praline as I deal with my grief. I'll only be posting until June 5, which would have been the 3rd Blogoversary. Thank you for your continued thoughts, comments, phone calls, emails, and prayers! As my doctor said, the CB is probably the best "support group" you could ever have at a time like this.
Memory Lane - Eating from Fingers Video
Memory Lane - Washing Face Video
I hate Blogger went down today and almost all of my comments from Thursday are gone! I had to repost this one today. I hope all of you have a great weekend.
Mom Paula
Memory Lane - Wendy's LOL Collage
Memory Lane - Back of Disrespect Collage
I've decided that I am going to keep the Memory Lane posts going until June 5, 2011, which would have been Praline's 3rd Blogoversary. I'm trying to put together a special post for that day and then the "active" posting will end. Thank you for your continued support (I still cry every night and morning).
Memory Lane - Playing with Catnip Mouse
There is a possibility there may be a new kitty blog coming soon. There are two rescue kittens that someone is trying to get me to take and I also have an appointment with a Persian breeder who is expecting a new litter in June. So many decisions to make and so many emotions to go through.
Memory Lane - Getting Brushed
Memory Lane - Belly Rub
Memory Lane - Getting Treats in the Office
Memory Lane - Playing with Mouse Video
Memory Lane - Nip Cigar Video
I am working on a special project to share with all of you, but I just can't do it yet. My former mother-in-law passed away this weekend and the family asked me to sing at her funeral, even though I've been divorced for 16 years. I was practicing with the pianist Monday and I was doing fine singing the songs for her funeral (today). Then I pulled out the song I want to record for a special video project I'm working on to share with the CB and in the second line of the song, I lost it. The pianist just looked at me and said, "You're not ready for this one yet." The song is "Smile" from Charlie Chaplin. I'm trying to put together a slide show of all of Praline's funny faces and outtakes and wanted to record "Smile" in the background, but I'm just not ready yet. My emotions are still too raw! However, this video made me laugh out loud, so I hope you enjoy it.
Memory Lane - Eating Treats Jar
I hope you don't mind me still sharing memories. They help me in the healing process and some of these videos just bring a smile to my face.
Goodbye My Sweet Praline
Online Photo Editor
Angel Praline: Don't forget to visit the Floof and Fur Gang as we remember all of our furry furriends that have gone before us. My sister-before-me, Muff, will also be featured.
Online Photo Editor