
Tortie Tuesday - Baby Praline

For today's Tortie Tuesday, I thought I would take you back about 15 years and share pictures of Baby Praline as a tiny tortie!


Back to Work

I had mom with me for a long weekend, but she must go back to work today.  Soooooo, I think I'll just take over her section of the couch to sit on today.  Have a great Monday!


Easy Like Sunday

I'm pooped!  It's been a busy weekend between Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and my Gamecocks beating our state rival, the Clemson Tigers.  My mom also lost a family friend who just turned 80 and his funeral was yesterday.  Today, I'm going to rest!

At least I have lots of floof so my private parts are covered up!


Photo Hunt - Written

Today's Photo Hunt theme is "written."  I searched my brain to find something that would meet the theme today and came to the conclusion that a poem about cats would be appropriate for the theme today.

It's "written" that Cats are Wonderful Friends.

Cats are Wonderful Friends

Gentle eyes that see so much,
paws that have the quiet touch,
Purrs to signal "all is well"
and show more love than words could tell.
Graceful movements touched with pride,
a calming presence by our side --
A friendship that takes time to grow --
Small wonder why we love them so.
~ Author Unknown ~


Femme Friday

Do you see how hard I have to work to get my Mom to give me some treats and stinky goodness?  I've been reduced to climbing up her leg and begging!!!   I can't believe I've been reduced to this!


Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States.  It is a day that we give thanks for all the blessings in our lives.  I've been sharing a few things that I am thankful for this week leading up to today.  I'm very thankful for my furriends on the CB and for my mom, who loves me very much.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Thankfulness Week - Day 3

I'm thankful for delicious treats . . .

Stinky goodness . . .

And crunchies!


Thankfulness Week - Day 2

I'm thankful for belly rubs . . .

Chin Scritches . . .

And naps on mom's lap.


A Week of Thankfulness

On Thursday this week in the U.S., we will celebrate Thanksgiving.  I don't like to set aside just one day to be thankful for all of the wonderful furriends and things in my life, but I thought I would set aside this week to mention specifically some of the things I'm thankful for.

I'm thankful that I have a forever home that keeps me warm in the winter and cool in the summer!


Easy Like Sunday

I'm taking it easy today!  How about you?



Sad and Happy Saturday

I was going to write a happy post because my grandma bean came home last night.  I am very happy she is home and that she is doing well.  My mom even went to pick up my woofie cousin, Bandit from the pet motel.
 Mom and Bandit

I'm very sad to hear that my furriend, Inigo, will be going to the Bridge today (4:00 PM Australian time),  Inigo had heart problems, but he was doing better when he came home last week.  However, his liver began having problems and he's not doing well at all.  He is only 4 years old.  Please go and visit Rumblemum and Rumbledad and give them lots of headbutts and purrs.  Good-bye sweet Inigo.  You will be missed.

So, it's one of those kind of days when you're up and you're down.  I'm so happy that grandma bean and Bandit are home and I'm sad about Inigo running off to the Bridge.



Floofy Friday

Just taking a moment from playing with my new floofy toy to let you know that my grandma bean, Faye, is still in the hospital.  We're hopeful she'll be home today.  Please keep those purrs coming.

Also, mom has agreed to let us organize the Secret Paws this year. 

If you would like to participate in the Secret Paws, please email the following information to our email address (sweetpraline@sc.rr.com).  Please put SECRET PAWS 2010 in the Subject Line.

Name of kitties (or woofies).  Please specify name and number.
email address
url (CB) address
Mailing address
Would you be willing to exchange with another kitty/woofie from another country?

Favorite Color
Favorite Treat
Favorite Toy
Anything else

Let's limit this to $20 because of the economy.

Please send your information to Sweet Praline by December 3, 2010.  Mom will help me sort everything out that weekend and we will email everyone their partner by December 6.  Let's keep the Secret Paws "secret" this year until you receive yours.  The Secret Paw that you send to may not be the one that sends to you.  Let's try to make sure everyone receives their Secret Paws package by December 20, 2010.  I'll see if I can get mom to set up a web page with this information.


Thankful Thursday

A very special thank you to all of my furriends and their beans who send purrs and purrayers for my grandma bean, Faye.  Her surgery was a success and the tumor appears to be benign.  She's still in the hospital, but should be home by tomorrow.


Purring for Grandma Bean

My grandma bean, Faye, is having surgery this morning to remove a rare tumor from her stomach.  My mom left at 5:00 am EST to travel 2 hours away to sit with my grandpa bean while Faye is in surgery.  Please purr really hard for her today.

 Grandma Bean, Faye and my woofie cousin, Bandit

Purring for you, Grandma Bean.  I hope you are home very soon.  Be careful on the road today, Mom.


Tortie Toes

These tortie toesies are made for walking up mom's leg to get some treats!  One of these days these tortie toes are going to walk all over you!  MOL!


900 Posts!

Would you believe today is my 900th post?  Mom has helped me post every day since we first started blogging over 2 years ago.  I've met so many wonderful furriends and mom just loves the beans that have reached out to us.  I hope all of you have a wonderful day!  I love you!



Go Gamecocks!

Mom and I are celebrating the Gamecocks' win over the Florida Gators!  We are the SEC East champions and will travel to Atlanta, GA on December 4 to play the Auburn Tigers again.

Go Gamecocks!


Photo Hunt - Itchy

Today's Photo Hunt theme is "itchy".  This is an easy one for us furry furriends.  Even, I , the Southern Diva, gets a little itch now and then and I do what comes naturally, I scratch it!!!

Tonight, our Gamecocks go down to the swamp to play the Florida Gators for the SEC East champions.  If we win this game, we get to play the West champion for the SEC championship game.  We're on ESPN at 7:15 pm EST.  Go Gamecocks!


Femme Friday

Mom finally got home last night.  She was so tired, she didn't even get around to setting up my post for me.  I had to wake her up this morning to tell her to get my Friday post up.  Here I am sniffing to find treats and to make sure it was Mom in my house.  MOL.

Hopefully, I can finally start visiting my furriends again!  Have a great weekend!


Treats on Thursday

I thought I would share this video of happier days when mom was home more!  MOL!  I think all of you know how much I love treats.  The thing is, mom says she just can't turn down my adorable face, so I work it for everything it's worth!

Would your bean give in to this face?


Hanging My Head in Shame

I am so embarrassed because my mom hasn't been around lately to help me visit my furriends that I think I'll just hide my flat face in shame!  You'll notice that even the computer screen is blank!!!  Mom will be on the road three days this week and she gets home late at night (except one night this week she will stay elsewhere).  She promises that the traveling is almost over for a few months!

Hopefully, we'll get back to visiting everyone soon.  Please don't forget me!


The Man in Stripes

As you know, Mom and I like to watch college football on the weekends!  However, we don't always enjoy watching the man in stripes.  Sometimes, I have to give Mom the eye when she uses some choice words when she doesn't like something the man in stripes does.

Mom is on the road again this week for several days!  Hopefully, this will stop soon and she'll stay home more.


Easy Like Sunday

Mom is still sleeping in the recliner for a little bit more, so the bed is still mine.  Thanks to all of my furriends who helped me keep it as my own yesterday.  My Gamecocks got beaten pretty bad by those Razorbacks, so Mom and I are taking it easy today to recuperate.

For those of you who are asking - mom's shoulder is getting a little better each day.  She is out of the sling and the PT is picking up with strengthening exercises.  Her range of motion is still limited and she still takes a pain pill (a lower dosage and different type) at night to help her sleep, but she is slowly going off of those.  Keep those purrs coming!


My Bed

Mom says she thinks it's about time she gets out of the recliner and starts sleeping in "my" bed again.  I don't think that's fair.  It's been mine for almost a year now.  Do any of you want to come over and help me cover the bed so she can't take it back over?

Pee ess - Our South Carolina Gamecocks play the Arkansas Razorbacks in football tonight on ESPN at 7:00 pm EST.


Femme Friday

Mom is out of town again.  The grandma bean is checking on me while mom is gone so that means I usually get extra treats.  Mom will be home tonight so we can watch TV together again.  In the meantime, are there any beans out there that want to come over and give this ladycat some lovin?


Dona Nobis Pacem

All we are saying is to give peace a chance!


Two Pralines

I like for mom to help me visit my furriends, but why is she looking at that Praline when the real thing is right in front of her?

Mom Paula:  Praline is so funny.  She can be in the back of the house, ignoring me, and when I put the laptop on my lap and just open the lid, she is right in front of me wanting to climb all over the computer and the laptop table.  If I close the computer, she goes back to the back again.  What a little Diva!


Halloween Treats

I enjoyed all of my Halloween treats this weekend.  Between the great parties around the CB, especially at Gracie's, and my mom giving me all I wanted, I had a great weekend.

Did you get lots of treats, too?