Mom came home from her oral surgeon and we spent some quality time together. She crashed on the sofa for a little while and I rested right beside her, which was surprising for her, because I don't usually do that. She needed some comforting because her mouth was hurting. Don't worry, she will be okay. She just has some irritation and inflamation around one of her teeth, but the doctor gave her some special rinse she has to use twice a day and then come back in two weeks. He just shook his head at my mom again. He says she is a medical enigma. Mom told him she was just trying to keep him challenged and on his toes.
After we rested for a little bit, mom put me on her lap and brushed and rubbed my belly a bunch. You should have heard me purring. Here's hoping that you and your mom have a belly rubbing day!
Doesn't that sun feel heavenly on your belly? We probably could have gotten belly rubs if we had calmed down. We were more interested in playing musical seats tonight.
WE are glad your Mom is taking care of her mouth! Those belly rubs and brushing are very important!
I hope everything starts working out better for your Momma's teeth. That does not sound like fun.
You have a lovely tummy Praline!
You make a great comforter!{{giggle}}Thanks for stopping by on my birthday Praline=^Y^=Ty
We've been having spine scritches here for Touch Me Tuesday, but I now you've mentioned it I think I need some belleh rubs, too.
I hope your Mummy's teeth get better soon!
Shedding season, tell us about it! You are such a good nurse, Sweet Praline. Purrs to your mom!
Being a medical enigma is not something I aspire too. I hope your mum feels better soon.
Huffle Mawson
Purrrrrrs to your momma! Hope to get well soon!
Have a nice day Praline!
All in all, I'd say you had a pretty great day!
Praline what a luffly floofy belly you has! It would be so nice and soft fur your mommy to rest her head on. Hope your mommy's mouth heals up fast. It's nice of you to comfort her.
Looking at that cute face of yours, Praline, would cure what ails anyone!
Hoping your Mom is pain free real soon!
How could your Mom resist that tummy?!? I hope she's feeling better. It's a good thing you were there to comfort her.
Yep! Me starts efurry day with belleh rubs from mai mom! She luvs me! xxoo Bhu
What a lovely picture that last one is. I knw the feeling about the shedding. I am also losing fur a lot. I wont let mum brush my belly and she struggles to keep it knot free. I have to go to the clippers and get it cut of every year. That time is comming up again.
Hugs GJ x
Sounds like you and your Mom spent some real quality time today. We hope your Mom feels better soon - Moms are preshus.
We're happy to hear that your Mom's gums and teefs are getting better! Keep taking real good care of her, Praline:)
Praline...we love your tummy shot...wild or not!!!
Ooh, look at your floof! :) I am so sorry that Mommy Paula's mouth is still hurty! I sure hope this rinse works and fast! It was so sweet of you to lay down with your mommy Praline. You are a good girl.
Billie is on my lap right now, purring away. I'm on the floor with my laptop on the sofa. My legs are falling asleep and I'm getting very stiff. Uh, Billie? Could you please move honey?
I may have to bribe her. :)
I hope you are having a lovely southern evening!
Miss Billie and Lorianna
Praline, that is a great tummy shot. Tavi is the only one in our house who likes his tummy touched (besides Camie) and he doesn't have any where near the floof you have.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
His belly is so cute! Mom said it is willing to hug you ^^
I hope your mother improves soon =)
Jas & Gi
Oh praline sorry about your mom!
Your belleh looks fantastic!
also thought you would like to know, Benny LOVES the fountain!
And Hansel does too! He ONLY drinks from it. And, he's drinking more than he used to- he won't even touch the old bowl anymore. Tesla still hasn't used it yet. But, I'm glad the boys get such good use out of it!
That is one seriously pretty belly you have Praline! Nice sun spot too! Hope your mom's mouth is feeling ok now.
That floofy belly of yours would brighten anyones day!
hahah Miss Praline you has the belly showin' down pat!
Every time we see that glorious belly we go all weak in the knees.. well legs.. umm paws too!
WE sure do hope that your mommas teefs heal up good.. it must be so horrible :(
We send purrs to help speed them along :))
That was very sweet of you to comfort your mommy Praline! I hope she is feeling better!
Ah, Praline, you're a sweetheart and so good to your mom. We hope her pain goes away really soon!
You keep her company, she gives you some rubs. That's a fair trade!
You're great medicine.
We hopes your Mom's gums feel better and you both enjoy more snuggling. ~S,S,C & F
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