I think Mom must still be asleep and dreaming when she came up with this "painted" theme.

Come on, Mom! I'm dizzy!
Seriously, I'm helping mom clean up the house today so it can get rid of the fleas while she is gone this week. I think mom has decided that it will be best for both of us if I stay at the Vet while she is away. This will be the first time I've stayed away from home, so keep me in your purrs. I am feeling much better today, but still have several days to pills to take.
Praline: we reallyreallyreally hope all the "fleas be gone" soon and the house gets ready for you... cause your Mom has totally and completely ZONED OUT without you as evidenced by the posted picture today. We are sending help her way real fast. Something to calm her down... easy does it Mom...
Glad to see you finally got to post on your blog, Praline, after our Moms spent way too much time talking on the computer and not tending to the important stuff of the day first.
Consider staying at the vet as a vacation. We're sure that everyone that works there will give you lots of attention because, well, hey, who can resist such a sweetie as you?
Yikes! Is that you in the middle of that paint splat?
We are glad you are feeling better.
We're sending purrs and nose butts your way, Praline. For both you and your Mom. I'm sure the vet will take great care of you.
Praline, I am sure you will do wonderfully at the vet. And I think you will like your home more if all the icky nasty fleas are gone. We hated it when we got fleas and we did not even get sick!
Once me had to stay at vets. Me no like it. First, U can't follow any bean around an' play or ask fur foodz. Me was very hissy by the time mai mom came to rescue me. Me hopez U has a better time, Sweet P. They will luv U, no doubt! xxoo Bhu
Make those fleas flee!
Oh Sweet Praline, we had no idea fleas could make you so sick. We always get flea treatment (hiss) we used to use Frontline but we switched to Advantage Multi because it has the heart worm medicine in it. Silly Scylla wouldn't eat her Heartguard. We are purring you get better really fast. We think under the circumstances being boarded at the VET is a good idea. ~S,S,C & F
there are lots of people that board kittens at the clinics when they go out of town. It's really a good idea, if she's had a fever recently and needs meds... at least at the clinic she'd be under constant supervision.
Can you count on your petsitter to take her to the clinic if she has a fever? does she know Praline well enough to recognize odd behavior? High fevers are really really really bad. I think you should consider boarding her at the vets.
For fleas- if she's an indoor only cat, you should consider Advantage for cats. NOT advantix- but advantAGE.
Frontline does both fleas AND ticks. Maybe doing a short course just to be safe. Sounds like she has a serious flea allergy.
Oh sweet one we will miss you if you go to the vets, but understand it is for the best.
Hope the nasty fleas go soon.
Hugs GJ xx
That is a neat picture! We know you will do fine at the Vet's while mom is gone. And that will make sure you are OK.
Whoa, I thought it was my medication making me dizzy! Nope just Mommy Paula playing with pictures! :)
Oh Praline and Mommy Paula I am holding you in my thoughts and heart dear ones! You will be fine at the VETS Praline. You are so adorable, I bet you will get tons of attention! I know if I worked there, I would be all over you! :) Just bring your favorite toys and maybe a tee shirt of Mommy's so you can have her scent.
Mommy Paula, I am so worried about your mouth and tummy! I sure hope the doctors can get this under control for you. I understand med side effects on the tummy. Yuck!
Sending Lots Of Love and Healing Thoughts,
Lorianna and Miss Billie
Fleas must be just awful, Praline. We hope you're all better soon. The Vet might be the best thing while you're Mom is gone.
Is a big big paints splat Miss Praline!! hehe lucky it is only pretend :)
We have never had fleas (momma says to touch wood), but we can imagine they are terrible.. let alone making you sick! I hope that your momma gets it all fixed up and I hope you are ok when your momma goes away.. we has never been without momma and dadda at all.. momma thinks we is babies hehe
That picture made us dizzy!!!
We think you'll get loads of attention while you're on vacation - take advantage of it!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Good now you feel better ^^
Jas & Gi
Hope you are all better very soon sweet Praline.
Praline, I hope you feel better real soon. I like the paint picture!
hehe, that paint pickshure is way KOOL! And alla us Ballicai are purrin and purrin fur you, sweet Praline. We hope you keep feelin better and better and better and we're sendin lots of love.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I wish I could bring my pet to work too!
Oh Praline,
I am sorry to hear your are sick from fleas. WE are also sorry to not have been around much lately. My mom is having a really hard time. We are purraying that you will get well soon. It is no fun to be sick. And we are also purraying that you will be ok away from home. Your mom must be worried sick about you. Please get well soon!
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