
Campaign Poster

The "rumor" circulating (someone commented on Zoolatry about this, we think her name was Paula?)... was that Praline was a bit elderly perhaps for the position... but those are definitely nothing more than vicious rumors by the media and opponents' supporters... no truth at all to that! The proof in the pudding: see my campaign sticker below!

My dream is that all kitties can receive just a fraction of the pampering and love that I have received from my Mom Bean for the past 13 years.

Pee ess: Paula is my Mom!


Teddy Westlife said...

Age = experience. Those kittens know nothing!

Huffle Mawson

Mittens said...

We need a girlcat purrsident, I'm voting for Praline.

Forever Foster said...

What a shocking slur against you!:O

We like your button very much, especially the "sweetness is as sweetness does" line- very apt:)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Ageism must be stamped out! That is a terrible slur against you.

ZOOLATRY said...

You are like a good bottle of wine... with a robust and rich flavor that only comes with age...
so pop your cork and go for it!

The Island Cats said...

Oh yes, Praline...with age comes experience! And we know you have lots of pampering experience!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Praline - that's a GREAT campaign poster!!!

The Florida Furkids said...

Gee Praline, we think you should find that Paula person and put the bitey on them!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cory said...

Hi Sweet Praline! Good luck to you in your campaign! This is very fun!

Tybalt said...

I am sure you are very wise, Praline! And I totally approve of your dream. Purrs!

PS: Hope your mommy is better!

Maggie May said...

We wish you all the best in your campaign Praline! Sweetness is as sweetness does....we love that!

jenianddean said...

That's a good dream, and a good wish to all of us.

Anonymous said...

We believe that you have the wisdom and experience to lead on day one. If that 3:00 A.M. call comes, we know that you'll be ready.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Praline, we cannot believe anyone would say such a thing about you!

Nomi said...

There are lots and lots of kitties Praline who welcome a candidate with wisdom and life experience.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Our Himmie sister, Cerise, lived to the ripe ol' age of 17 1/2 and our Himmie cousin, Cydney, lived to be over 18. You come from very hearty, healthy stock, Praline, so don't believe anything anyone says otherwise. We are campaigning hard for you girl!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Not at all - go for it! I see that the members from the Floof and Fur Party are well represented.

Anonymous said...

OMC's? Yer mom spread that rumour???

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Age is always a good couse you got experience!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We hope yoo haf properly punished yoor mom fur spreading dat rumour! It's not age, it's experience.

Quill and Greyson said...

Grannycats rule, till we take our nap.

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

hehe i thinks you mean the poof is in the pudding :)

Unknown said...

Praline for puuuresident!! Owesome posters Praline!