I can't help it, my fur kitty friends. I have two mancats out there that are my boyfriends. I know I should be selective and choose one, but just look at these two guys! What lady cat wouldn't go crazy?

Bhu has visited me almost from the beginning of my blogging and he has been so nice to me. Bhu is a Himalayan with beautiful blue eyes and tends to have that little cattitude that we Himmies have and he is so handsome! Bhu's mom is so talented with her quilting and has several designs on the blog.

Goma is another Himalyan mancat on the CB. Goma has become pretty famous for such a young mancat. He was featured on Animal Planet on the tv program, Cats 101 and even has his likeness on some snowboards. Recently, Goma's mom, Sachie, designed a t-shirt and I am the drummer and Bhu is the dancer! Cool! The only bad thing is that Goma has three, count them, THREE girlfriends.

Both of these mancats have the beautiful blue Himmie eyes, the dark (Seal Point) markings, long luxurious floof, like to chew on plants, have great mom beans, and love me! Aren't I a lucky ladycat?
Wow Praline, you're so lucky on having two boyfrendz! Ahhh, I wish I was cat just for that...
i iz soooo jealous! i don't nose Bhu--he lookz handsome---but i loves goma. mommy showed me his handsome pics weeks ago and i purrs every times i sees it. you iz lucky to be his girlfriend! i iz trying to be lucky #4 cuz he says in new yearz his resolution is to gets more!
Praline, you are lucky to have such wonderful boyfriend cats. We hope that you enjoy every minute of it.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Ohhh 2 boyfriends! Wow
Well, if you can have two boyfriendcats, I don't see why they can't have more than one too!
Huffle Mawson
You have the beginning of your very own harem there, Praline! You have stunning taste in mancats, they are two very handsome boys. Mum likes quilting too, so we are off to see Bhu's page now!
I applaud your choice of mancats; they are both handsome dudes. Suit you purrfectly!
Phew, I am glad it is not Harley!
Your mancats are stunning, Sweet Praline!
Purrs, Siena
hai Praline, you has anther BF besides mee and dat is Bhu?? ohmaigosh me is....SO GLAD!! Bhu is mai best man cat friends and meee think Bhu is puuuurfect for u!! Me think you can has too much Bfs ip u want cuz u is beatipul lady cat!! xoxoxoxoxo Goma
You have 2 boyfriendcats? That's all? They are both very handsome suitors, Praline! Who could resist those beautiful blue peepers!
Play the field, girlfurrend! Oliver over at Whicky Wuudler's is madly infatuated with me.
Not only are you a lucky ladycat, but they are both lucky mancats for having such a sweet and pretty Praline!
Ooooh Praline!
You are such a little flirt!
(But your boyfriends ARE very handsome!)
They are lucky to have found you!
Oh yes! You are one very lucky ladycat! Oh yes!!!
Luf, Us
Miss Praline it is ok to share the love around... when we is built for love it is just wrong to keep it all selfishly, no? :)
I has a very special little girl in my life (Miss Elsie from whiskers and Puurs), but I gots lots of love and feels that every lady is deserving of treating special and making feel good :)
You little men cats are very handsome, I think you should let your hair down and enjoy all the love you has :)))
Sweet P, mai mom sez kittehs don't have same roolz as 'beans so me can be ur BF and Goma can be ur BF, too! U iz too purrity and Goma iz tooo hansome, so me no mind! Me LUVS U! xxoo Bhu
You are a very lucky ladycat ... but I thnk they are very lucky mancats, too. Tough decision, I know, but if Goma already has three girlfriends you may want to look toward Bhu because I don't know if they allow that many girlfriends in South Carolina.
Well, just look at you - no wonder these hunky mancats are crazy about you! :)
I say keep them both, but lay down the law with Goma. You can have two boyfriends; he can only have one girlfriend.
You is a lucky lady cat, Praline, but I think they are even luckier because YOU are THEIR GFC!
If one of your boyfriends has 3 girlfriends, I think it's only fair you have 2 boyfriends ;-)
Well Praline, a girl could have worse problems. ;) They are both adorable just like you too! With Bhu you could stay in and chill and with Goma you could go out dancing!
Have fun!
Hugs and Smoochies,
Lorianna and Billie (who would like a nice sweet boyfriend. But she's happy to have friends like you!)
♫ ♫ Torn between two lovers....♫
Those are handsome mancats for sure! I don't think you should have to pick only one.
It's nice to have your options open!
I hear you, Sweet Praline, do I ever hear you!!!!
Missy Blue Eyes
I can see it is very difficult for you to choose with their big blue eyes.
Darling, once you go Russian Blue, you never go back!
Call me... :)
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