Seeking New Campaign Manager
I just discovered that it was my Mom Paula that started the rumor that I may be too old to run for Cat President. Who's she to talk about being old? I am trying to decide if I should fire her and hire someone else. Anyone interested in the job?
funny picturesJust kidding, Mom! I still love you! Now, can I have some treats???Mom Paula: I plead temporary insanity.
My Mummy said she'd love to help, but I pointed out that she has her hands full being the Campaign Manager for me and Cosmo. I'm launching my big advertising campaign tomorrow, so that's keeping her very busy.
P.S. You don't look a day over 9!
You look like you really mean business!
Oh dear. It's painful when those closest to us stab us in the back. I know exactly how you feel.
i tried to say i doos it too but mommy said no :( she sez i can barely keep on top of my modeling duties and i iz always disappearing to take my naps. she sez i haz no responsibility yet.
but i think i make a great running mate if no campaign manager! i can be PRINCESS KITTY!! :)
Maybe your mum was worried that any Presidential duties would take away time from snuggles?
You make a good LOLcat, Sweet Praline.
Hey, maybe you could use our dawg Princess as your campaign manager. She'd probably be happy to eat your opponents... oops dat was greet your opponents.
plus dat would git her out of our hair
Um, I would punish her and then make her work twice as hard.
Huffle Mawson
Sorry, we don't know anything about running a campaign. We hope that you find a more competent one soon.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
We think you'd make a very distinguished looking prez.
Sometimes it's best not to work with the ones you love, Praline...
We think your Mom may be OK as your Campaign Manager but it may be wise to hire someone else to be your Purress Secretary, Praline.
I think if you can keep your mommy's mouth shut you should be fine, Praline. But mommies are sometimes hard to keep quiet!
All of us votes that you should give your Mom one (just ONE!) more chance to redeem herself and continue on as your Campaign Manager. She was just looking out for your best interests.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such disloyalty must be punished. If she offers an appropriate apology, such as a fresh bag of treats, you might give her one more chance.
We think your mom deserves another shot, Praline!
We love your picture today!!
Those that have referred to you as "too old," are just playing dirty politics! Stay the course!
Praline for president!!
U will win anyway!! Sweetness is as Sweetness Does! xxoo Bhu
Oh, Praline, you're not getting older, you're getting better and better and beautifuller!
Oh Praline, you are looking annoyed by the ageist slur.
I see that your mom has apologized. So she should, too!
I see by your mom's apology that she has realized the error of her ways. ;-)
I fink yoo iz JUS wat dem kittehs want! look at all yoor voties!
oh oh I can has your campain managers Praline!! your mom is wrongs you is still young and experienced!!
You do look a little ticked off in that picture!
I'll bet Mom was just kidding.
My mom laughed out loud! She thinks that you should give your mom another chance. She's probably just worried about your well being. My mom is concerned that Presidents age so much and that my black fur will turn grey if I get elected. I never thought of that.....
Awww don't be too hard on your Mom. She loves you and wants to protect you. If you become Cat President she won't be able to spend as much time snuggling with you because you will be so busy with your other duties!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Sometimes those campaign managers start rumors to get people talking about you. I think she still has your best interests in mind.
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