Magazine Covers
Snoopervising my campaign manager has been a tough job, but I guess I will keep her. This has been a great week of campaigning and I have enjoyed meeting the other contestants and look forward to a future connection with each of them.
Be sure to vote by January 31 and may the best kitty win.
Best of luck, Praline! Looks like you have been very busy doing great campaign stuff!
Wow Praline...I should have hired your campaign manager! My mom says I just have to sit back now and watch the returns! Good luck!
U IZ the BEST kitteh, Sweet P!! Ur campane manager haz done a SUPAH job! xxoo Bhu
good luck Praline!!!!
You've really put in the time and effort during this campaign. We continue to support you!
Buh...buh...but, Angelina said she voted for me!
You are lucky your campaign is so much shorter. No one can get you if you had inappropriate spending or anything like they tried on me...
My goodness, you must be worn out from such a hectic publicity tour!
Best of luck in the election.
Great campaign manager! Maybe she should switch careers?
Keeping our paws crossed you win!
WOW! That is some campaign tour Praline. Do you have your own Jet too? {{giggle}}the Cat Street Boyz
Good luck, Sweet Praline! I can see you're giving this campaign your all :-)
Your campaign manager has been furry busy! Obviously trying to prove herself to you...and doing a furry good job, we might add!
Good luck, Praline!
Oh my stars Praline! I had no idea you were running for Cat President! It is time we had a female in charge.
Your campaign manager, Mommy Paula is very talented!
I hope she sings at your celebration party.
I posted an update about Billie and I e-mailed you. She is finally getting back to normal and seems to have won another health battle. I am so grateful for everyone's purrs and prayers.
Lots of Hugs and Smoochies,
Lorianna and Miss Billie
oh Praline...you work so hards I cant believe it!!! I am sure you will be puuuresident!!
Good luck Sweet Praline. It looks like it has been a rather expensive campaign but your sure look good on all those signs, shirts, and mag covers!
Your campaign manager is doing a good job.
well from your fur to u we ar 6and 2 wuffys so u have all them votes
Sweet Praline,
You and your campaign manager really pulled out all the stops for your star spangled campaign.
My campaign manager hasn't a clue or much time it seems, but it has been all my friends that shot me to the top.
I don't think they realize how hard I'll have to work to be half as good as some of the other candidate.
I know the polls close at 5:30 NZ time (that's 11:30pm tonight Virginia USA time) and I want to have you and your campaign manager in my cabinet (where the Temptations are kept) and thank you for standing beside me in the final hours of the campaign.
Furrydance Colours Cove "Coco"
You sure have been getting around!
Your campaign manager is doing a great job! We think she deserves an extra special headbonk and snuggle for all that work!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
good luck! i votes for you cuz i iz bout the pampering stuff!
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