Hi my furkitty friends! Mom likes to sit on the sofa watching TV, so I must continuously jump up beside her and remind her it's time to catch up with my CB friends.
Okay, Mom, use one of these remotes and turn off the TV! How come you have so many remotes?
I don't know what I am going to do with my mom! She is even convincing me to watch TV (see computer screen and post later this week!)
Its nice to remind your mom to visit the blogs.
We hear you Praline - getting help from Mommies can be soooo hard!
yes mawmees must be looked aftur n stuffoms... deys likes dat teevee stuff ya knoh.
Katie Too
We watch da TV AND Blog at da same time. Actually wi sits on da Mommakitty and dictate to her.
I don't know why more humans don't multitask... sigh.
Moms have to be watched all the time!
oh praline you is such a good kitteh making sure your mom stay close to us kittehz!! i luv how dedicated u are Praline!!
thaz like my mommy too. sometimes you haz toos sits next to them long time. and then sits on lap-topper to shows them. if that no works, i hits.
Mums need a bit of a push sometimes. You don't have that many remotes, we have at least twice as many as that!
Huffle Mawson
How could TV be better than spending time with you???
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We also have to remind out mom to help us blog! Have a great Monday, Praline!
I don't watch TV but mom cought Kirby watching. He is just a baby and is still learning what all teh things in his new home are. You are do fluffy! Cant' wait to see more!
My mom's not much of a TV watcher, so she surfs the 'net a lot, when she has time after chasin' Sticky Kids.
Does she really have four remotes? Yikes ... if you figure out which one to take, I think you're in good shape. I'd start with the bottom right one, that looks like Time Warner.
Thank you for pulling yourself away from the electronics long enough to visit our blog! Our Mama is in love with your beautiful and fluffy furs:)
We are just stopping by to thank you for visiting us and leaving words of comfort after our Sen-Chan went to the Bridge. We very much appreciated your gesture.
Tom, Tama-Chan and #1
Hide the remotes. It gets you more attention and it's fun to watch them searching.
All our kitties like to sit with their Daddy to watch TV.
Good mommy help can be hard sumtimes. We had to drag our the mom away from dat facebook place just to leave comments today! Sheesh!! Our blog comes first!!
Blogging is more fun than watching TV. Unless cartoons are on!
Remotes are terrible things - my dumb SS gets confused which goes with what.
her dont want to blog wif u well our bean will take u in so u wont be so unhappy just sell the tv
Our mom watches waaaay too much tv too, Praline!
It's just not right that we have to keep reminding our mums to help us blog.
We kinda like when dad watches tv, he sits back in da recliner and der is lots of spots fur us to get comfy on and watch wif him.
we make mommy sit on the couch wif her laptop and then we can snoopervise her helping us blog and she can watch tv
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