The result was the lake in my backyard, as seen below! This was only one section of the backyard that was at least 2-3 inches deep. I told Mom this was my own private lake and I have named it Lake Praline. Mom was not amused.

Luckily, Mom has a great neighbor, John, who came to our rescue. He turned off the water and stopped the leak. He said he would help to replace the spigot in the spring. He said he just couldn't stand the thought of a neighbor paying exorbitant prices for a plumber. All he asked for was a hug!
Mom also called the water company (the water had been spraying for at least 12 hours) and when mom told her she had a lake in the back yard, the lady said, "maybe you will have an ice rink tomorrow" (they are calling for ice and snow this morning.) Mom was not amused again!
I figured mom needed some comfort, so I gave her the belly shot with the cute look. Mom WAS amused!! I did good!
I hope she can salvage all that dissertation research!
You were very sweet to give her the belly shot!!!
i haz my own lake too. i always thinked of it as Birdy Lake. i thinks i now will calls it Lake Peanut Butter. or you thinks Lake Princess Gigi (my ovver personality) is more regals??? ps--you did goods wiff floofing mommy wiff your belly.
Jenny: What happened with the dissertation!! Is everything okay???
Good job Praline. We hope that you got sufficient praise from your momma for alerting her, even though she didn't realize it at first.
Good job on the floofing too.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
ohmaigosh!! Praline you REALLy did GOOD!!! I is soooo proud of you!! you is an angel looking over your mom!! Mai mom thinks she should listen to meee more now!! Thanks Praline!
You did really good! That would cheer my mum up for sure. You are lucky to have such a nice neighbour.
Huffle Mawson
You're so smart to alert your Mom to the leak! We hope her impawtant papers are ok.
Mom wants to snorgle that belly shot!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Yikes!!! Good thing it was found! That is happening here all the time.
Cute belly!
That belly could make the worst of days better!
Good girl, Praline, alerting your Mom to the disaster! If we google Lake Praline wonder what we would see? Glad your neighbor came over and saved the day. He's a keeper!
Did your Mom give you hugs and kisses from us?
Yes, you did do good, Praline! Thank goodness for kind neighbors!
Oh no! Your Mom just can't win for losing. Our houses just aren't built for cold weather. At least you were able to comfort your Mom. She's very lucky to have you, and a good neighbor.
Hey Praline, we gave you an award!
Me come by ur house to skatz tomorrow! That is VERY kewt belleh shot, Sweet P! xxoo Bhu
Oh Praline and Mommy Paula, how awful! I sure hope the papers were saved! Kitties sure are good about hearing and seeing things us beans do not. I wish this cold would just go away. 40 degrees here would be a heat wave! Your tummy sure is cute Praline and I bet it cheered your Mom right up.
You look so snuggly by the fire.
Sending warm thoughts and hugs your way!
Praline...we're glad you were able to help your mom feel better...but we don't like that lake even if it is named after you...we hope it goes away soon...you have a nice neighbor too...
Oh noes! I am glad you have such a nice neighbor. And Praline, you done real good!
Oh no, that is awful! I hope your Momma can salvage her research papers. You did a good job, Praline, alerting your Mom and comforting her :-)
When will Beans learn that when we tell them something is wrong, they need to take notice of us.
Does that mean you are extra famous now because you have a lake named after you?
Praline what a wonderful job yoo has done!
Hope yoor mom's importint papers are okay. Yoo haf nice naybors like us. Good thing yoo were able to cheer up yoor mom wif yoor floofy belly.
you tried so hard to tell your mom you were so good. we are glad your mom's neighbor came to help her.
Oh Praline, you look so cute - no wonder your mom was comforted by you!
John sounds like a great neighbor to have!
I found lakes are best kept outside, even if they are named after you.
Oh my! You did very well in alerting your mom, Sweet Praline! It is great to have such a nice neighbor. Phew!
Hope you didn't lose anything with the water leaking all over.
Oh, Praline! Dat's much worser than our plummin issues. No lake, just a few wet boxes an a lot of moofin old stuff that prolaly should be throwed away anyway. I mean, WHY do they still haf a crib? The boy is 13! You done a good job cheerin up yur mom.
Ours was a spigot pipe, too. Mr Plummer replaced the spigot (which was always bad) an the pipe all the way to sumfing called a valve. Then he replaced dat too cuz it wouldn't moof an I gess it was sposed to. Insteada pipe, it's flexible hose now in the closet.
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