Come Sit with Me
It was cold enough in South Carolina his morning to build a fire. I don't think I have had a fire in two years, so this was neat. Don't worry, Mom watches me to make sure I don't get too close.
Mom, you built a fire! Yay!
A fire means that these bricks will warm up.
I'm checking out a comfortable place to get warm. I wonder if Goma or Bhu will come sit by my fire with me. Any one else want to join me?
Oh, Praline, don't get too close to those flames!!! We would love to join you. We never saw a fireplace before. Enjoy!
We'll teleport right over!
Oh Miss Praline I had to comment on how glorious it looks, how warm and cozy.. and with all the other beautiful kitties keeping you com... what momma? They are not real kitties??.. hey I would pretend they was anyways!! :))
Praline...we'd love to join you by that fire!
I love to cuddle by the fire. We get one lots because ours is fake but it is still very warm.
We have a big fireplace but Momma has no wood. We sit by the heat vents and pretend we have little fireplaces. Quiet sad, isn't it?
You look beautiful with your fireplace.
~ The Bunch
oooooo that looks so warm. purrrrrrrs It is so cold here our pipes froze overnight even with the cabinet doors open!
I've never gotten to see a fire in my fireplace cause my beans never got it cleaned out and capped. sigh.
We love our wood burner fire too. Dad lights it in November when they come back from their holidays and it stays lit right through until it gets warm again.
That looks great! We have a fireplace too, but Mom never uses it. When we lived in New Jersey we used ours all the time and liked to sleep on the warm tile in front of it.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That fire looks so warm and cozy. Can you send that to us pronto?
wow...i nose sees fires before!! Cept in candles! That looks so nice! I comes sits wiff you! and maybe then we gets two man-cats to join us? :)
stay warm and floofy!!!
Hai, Sweet P!! Me haz never seen a fire but U iz purrity brave to get so close!! Thanksz fer inviting me! Me be rightz over! xxoo Bhu
How U getz pillow with mai picture on it??
We love your fire and your cushions!!!
This winter has been very cold here too.
That sure looks cozy! I would love to join you!
wow beautiful can we come over our bean cover up her her cant use it or be arount it wenn it is in usr but her love to see one stey worm
I am teleporting right over! I have never had a fire in a place but warm, really warm, I want it.
mommeh saz, i too clumsy, will fall in fires. STOOPID mommeh.
I'm torn between snoozing in the lovely warm sunshine here in New Zealand or having snuggles with you in front of the fire. Can I do both?!
Oh, I'll bet that *is warm - it looks so relaxing!
praline, they is calling fur snow! we is gonna watch to see if we gets any. mommees says it wont stick to anyfing. mommees says it has been a few years since we southern carolina cats have had any real snow. daddees says we hafs been hoggin the floor vents so the house donts get warm. mommees says that is our way of keepin our hineys warm. let us know if you see any snow.
yuki, kimiko, & kintaro
Hai Praline...i must tell you mai mom is krazy about your mom's pillows...she wants to know where u get it!!
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