I got a special award from the Creek Cats last week. I haven't posted it because of Mom's hurt shoulder and neck, but I didn't want too much more time to pass without thanking them for the honor!Here is the meaning and rules of this award:
"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
I would like to give this award to Maggy and Zoey at Zoolatry, Jasper McKitten-Cat, Daisy, Goma, Laila and Minchie, Luxor, Chey and Gemini, and JB. There are so many others out there, but Mom says I must follow the rules.
I think my head just exploded from the cuteness! Very messy...
What a beautiful baby you where! Tell your Meowmie that our biped is really proud of her for figuring out how to put up your award. We got da same one and its just sitting there.
Ollie & family
Praline, you are a cat. Rule is a four letter word. I'm just sayin'...
Huffle Mawson
What a floofy cute lil' princess!Hey, thanks for stopping by to keep tabs on our Mommy! She is feeling lots better now and is finally eating foods other than soup and yogurt!We hope you Mommy will be feeling better soon too. =^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Oh Praline...you were such a sweetie back then!
Congrats on your award and we hope your mom continues to improve...
Hi Praline--
I'm new to the cat blogosphere and just wanted to stop by and say hi. You sure were a cute little baby!
Congratulations on your award! I can never get enough of your baby pictures, Praline!
I'm still purring for your poor hurty mommy.
You were a very cute baby - and concatulations on your award!
SQUEE!!! Even back then you were a beautiful Pink Lady!
Thanks you for the award!!!
We voted for you for President too.
We liked your platform the best. (plus you are our good friend).
Praline dear, what are darling kitten you were!
I see over at Misha's that you're a candidate for Cat President of the World, but why aren't you promoting yourself on your blog? We voters want to know about our candidates.
Our mom is SQUEEEEing big time over you baby picture, Praline!
OMG, mai mom has the same pillow sham! BTW, mai mom tried to paste your election poster into our blog and it doesn't seem to like the code. To be fair, mai mom took Maggy's poster off. U getz mai vote, Sweet P! xxoo Bhu
Oh you were such a cutie!!! But I should have known given how cute you are now.
Thank you so much for the award. We should be getting that up on our blog soon.
you iz cute little flooball even when you iz little!!
ps--i thinks i has same pillowcase wiff the design on it! mommy's mommy had it and i likes it so much when i goes see her that she bringed it home for me...i loves sleepies on it
You were (and still are) a cutie pie! Concatulations on your award, you deserve it. P.S. We voted for you!
Praline, youdeserver nothing less than a pampered life!
You were born to rule the roost!
Triple squeeeeeee!
Concats on the award!
Awww what a little cutie!
you must've been a beautiful baby...
you must've been a beautiful girl...
oh Momma quit singing you'll never be an american idol.
Praline you sure were one gorgeous baby and now your still one gorgeous girl!
picshures of yoo az baybee iz ALWAYS kyoot!
ohmaigosh Praline!! Fank you so much for the yummy awards!! mai mom say it is better than mai faorite bonito frakes!!!! I is like your baby pictures a lots, mai mom thinks you are the cutest kitteh ever!!
You were such an adorable baby - no wonder you grew up to be such a beautiful girl!! ConCatulations on your award!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You were such a cute baby, and congrats on your award! And thank you for passing the award on to me. I will try to get my mom to help me post it, but she has been working way too much.
Ohhhhh Praline, your baby picture is just way beyond cute, it made me smile sooo big! Maybe this will inspire Momma to scan some of me because I was a little cutie too ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
You're so lady like and well behaved Praline. Concats on your award.
so much cuteness! so much cuteness I can't look away. even Bendrix is going "aaaaaaaaw" and that never happens!
What a sweet picture of you, Praline, as a baby :-)
Congratulations on your award. It's well deserved!
Too cute!!! Love, love , love your baby photo. Can we have more from time to time?
Sweet Praline, thank you for thinking of me when I haven't even been around! :-/
Love your picture!
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