As many of you know, my platform for Cat President is "Compulsory Pampering." My mom tells me that I am just a spoiled little Southern Belle Diva. I tell her that I am just getting the attention and pampering that I deserve. Today, I want to share through Thursday Thirteen, 13 ways that I am pampered.

13. And wonderful belly rubs!
Pee ess: Mom is still my campaign manager! I couldn't ask for anyone better.
Mom Paula: Thanks, Praline.
I think you have that pampering thing down to a science!
Those sure are great ways to be pampered!
Your Mummy has got the ol' belly rub action down to a fine art!
What a lucky kitty you are!
What a fluffy belly!
Oh wowee, you sure are a pampered ladycat! We're going to bookmark this for our mum, to remind her when she slacks off:)
I think that's your campaign right there!
Huffle Mawson
I can see that I still have lots to learnfrom you about being pampered! I haven't even scratched the surface!
Praline the Queen of Pampering!
I think you were wise to give your campaign manager another chance. I can see she's trying to make up to you by doing all that ultra-pampering.
Your friend
Yes, you deserve it Sweet P! At least Bhu and I think so! xxoo Patty
There is no doubt about it. You are indeed pampered:)
OMG OMG I am kcocked out dead with your belleh-tastic video Praline!!!!! you has such a impressive belleh!!
Praline, I just CAN'T HANDLE the floof between your toes. CAN'T.
You deserve every one of those ways of being pampered. We could see you were loving those belly rubs the way your feet were moving.
We think that is a fair amount of pampering. Not excessive, but fair. But we want to know what those blue-green-ish treats are? certainly live up to your campaign platform!
Praline! i fink i gunna lose dis race. i am furry sads. But happees ta see yoo iz doin well wif yoor camp-pains.
Yup, more pampering and fewer clippy claws...we'll take da massage but no clippy claws.
Hi Miss Sweet Praline,
Thanks for coming to visit our Blog. Since this campaign started, I have been visiting every candidates blog and have made some new furrends, and that's what it's all about, right?
You are the most elegant girl cat, and your platform of Compulsory Pampering is something you are very experienced in, and all of us can benefit from your wisdom there. And we see you have a lovely fireplace you do Fireside Chats there?
Coco said she didn't have the jitters, but she actually does have 'em. I think she needs to do a little more reading into what a good president needs to do, she's so used to getting her own way all the time, not really having to think about making everyone happy.
We are pretty new to blogging and don't know how to do all the bells and whistles, like you and Skeezix and Daisy do. But we are learning and having loads of fun doing it!
Coco and the cats of Furrydance and Teri
This looks excellent!
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