
Mom's Sick

Update: The opthamologist (eye doctor) gave Mom good news about her eyes. So far, the shingles are not in her eye. She just has to be really careful. Mom says thank you for all of your well wishes. We have been resting today!!!

Mom is home sick today. She said something about having a roof on her head.

Mom: Praline, it's shingles, not a roof.

Whatever! The important thing is - Mom gets to spend the whole day with me. It's what she gets for leaving me the past two weekends. Just kidding Mom.

The doctor said he thinks my mom has something called "Shingles" and he said she could be in pain for 4-5 weeks. She must go to the eye doctor this morning because the blisters are on her forehead near her eyes. Please keep my mom in your purrayers that she can heal quickly from this with little pain.

I'm sorry you feel bad today, Mom. I'll try to be good (but I can't promise).

Let's watch some TV!

And take lots and lots of naps!


Lux said...

Ouchie - I hope that clears up real soon for your mom, but meanwhile - have a great day together!

jenianddean said...

Tell your Mom to get some rest ... those types of things like to pop up when you get too worn down. I know she'll want to go to the big football game Saturday, but if you sit in her lap and purr a lot maybe she'll rest instead.

The Cat Realm said...

We are so sorry! Our maid has heard about shingles and she says it's NO FUN! We are sending lots and lots of healing purrs to your Mom!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I hope your mom's roof gets better very soon!

Chesney Cats said...

We hope your mommy feels better soon! Our "Granny" had shingles & she said they weren't any fun at all.....

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Anonymous said...

Momma has heaed of them but we both do not know what they are from.. only that My Mommas Mommas used to say to her "get away from that heater or you will get shingles"..
Either way blisters on forehead sounds just terrible, I hope that your Momma recovers quickly and that the doctor is wrong.
You make sure she gets lots of rest Miss Praline and those are some very good idea to get you both started :))


Parker said...

Awwww, take good care of your Mommy, OK? And please tell your Mommy that we hope she feels better soon!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Oh No! The PM's Dad had shingles a couple of years ago. Make sure she rests ALOT!!!

Sending some healing purrs your way!

Goldie and Shade

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh no MsPralinesMom - shingles is bad! We are so sorry!!! we hopes that the dr can give you something to help!

Purrageous Pirates said...

Oh no, your poor Mommy! We hope she feels much better very very soon!!

ZOOLATRY said...

Up on the roof-tops, ho, ho, ho... oops, it's Not Yet that time of year... but get your roof in good shape before it is.
Feel better soon; Praline take good care of your Mombean, give her lots of headbutts and nosekisses.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We hope your Mom gets better soon. We are purring for her. ~S,S & C

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh no Praline! They eye shingles is nasty stuff! We will purr for you person. Sometimes acupuncture can take the pain away too and make it heal a bit faster--although Momma says of her shingles patients the ones with body specific areas tend to do better with acupuncture than the head specific but she has still helped.

Puffie said...

I'm sorry your mommy has shingles. Our meowmee had that too last December. She gots to stay home from job hunting a WHOLE WEEK. The docter (actually, her allergist) diagnosed it and put her on a whole bunches of vitamnsi and some drug. Except for one day of bad pain on her right side of her heard, she's came out just fine. Doc sez cause they caught it fast. How could they catch it, it wasn't moving? I'm still trying figure that out!
Cuddle lots with your mom. She'll love it!

The Island Cats said...

Oh Praline...we hope your mom feels better soon...you should give her a headbutt to make her feel better...

Pattyskypants said...

Sweet P, me knows U will takez good caare of ur MOM! Go on lap and make big PURRRRRRRRRRS!! This werks fer mai mom!

True, Bhu. Purrs seem to have magical healing powers! Hope you do not have too much pain and heal quickly! xxoo Patty

Daisy said...

Oh, I think shingles can be very hurty! I hope your mom will feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

OUCH! Our bean kids dad hadid dat earlier dis year but he had to go in da hospital and was gone a whole week! Yer mom has to rest lots Praline, we heards dem roofs are caused by bein over tired.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Ooh, yucky!! We hope your Mom feels better soon!!!

Unknown said...

meee likez watch tvz but you need to be with your momz Praline! and purrr next her will make her betterz!!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Oh no. Sit on your Mom a lot so she's forced to rest. I hope she can get over this relatively quick, and not have it 4 or 5 weeks :-0

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh dear!!! I hope your Mom feels better soon. That sounds mighty hurty :(
Purrs Mickey

PB 'n J said...

We'll get to purring for your Momma right away. Our Mommy's uncle had shingles once and it's a big owie - we hope she gets better soon.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no. Shingles are supposed to be painful. Especially if they fall on your head. So please take good care of your mom and keep her inside away from the falling shingles.

Jan here: The guys don't have a clue what shingles is but I hope your mom will not have too painful a time with them. My brother had this near his eyes, so I'm glad you're going to the eye doctor too.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Our grampa used to get dem when he was stressed out and din't get enuff rest! Mom sez dey is caused by da same kinda herpes virus dat causes measles! Da doctor told mom dat dey inflame da nerve endings and dat is what causes da pain...make yoor momma rest and eat some good stuff and take care of herself so dey will go away cuz we don't like to think of anybody wif dem hurty things.

The Cat Realm said...

We hope your Mom is better now!!!

Just Ducky said...


Hope your mum gets better soonest.

Samantha & Mom said...

Glad to know the shingles are not in her eyes!

Quill and Greyson said...

Poor Praline's Mom those are very painful, Daddy had them on his tummy.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Aw, we sure hope your Mommy feels better soon, we will keep her in our purrs & prayers. Thanks for stopping by Praline, it is so good having our family back under on roof again. =^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Forty Paws said...

Oh dear! We are so very sorry to hear that your Mom might have the Shingles! That is supposed to be painful! We sure hopes she gets better super soon!

Luf, Us

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

It's always concerning when those nasty shingles are on the face. We are purraying your Mom gets over this real soon.

Hugs and purrs.

Whimpurr said...

Oh my! I am so very sorry your mom has shingles! I've never had them but my sister has! Big hugs to mom!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh your poor Mom! My Mom and I so hope she feels beter soon. Mom said she had shingles once and it isn't nice. You feel porrly and need lots of spoiling. So make sure you smooch her and spoil her a lot!

I'll send her a smooch too!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I am so sorry your Mom is sick! Shingles are so painful! You take care of her so she feels better!