Mom was talking with the nice lady at the pet store and she gave Mom a trick for keeping my toys "fresh". She told Mom to put some potent cat nip (oh boy!) in a ziplock bag and to put my toys in the sealed bag. She said I would go crazy playing with my fev-ver butt mousies after soaking up the aroma of the cat nip. Guess what? It works!

I am impressed that your feather butt mousie is still alive!
Oh man... Miss Praline you is just itching for me to do a bunny hopz on you!
And Momma.. she wants a face full of that tummy fur!
haha I like your "keepaway" eyes.. I hopez you iz not addicted?!?! ;)
But... I don't really like catnip. I still play with Mr Mouse though, so maybe I don't need it.
Huffle Mawson
Don't worry Praline, nip makes me snort too, and drool.
Beautiful girl, you look like you're having so much fun!
-Fui, Suey and Evie.
That's a good idea! What daddy does is we have a big container of nip, and he periodically puts several of our toys in there and rotates them every week or so for us.
Oh wow you are really giving that feather butt mouse the business, especially in that last picture.
That is a really good idea Praline! Our Momma bought some catnip spray, but it isn't the same!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
some cats like catnip and others are not too bothered about it. I have a catnip plant or two in pots, but I ignore them.
Hi Praline and Mommy Paula! How adorable! Billie snorts when she plays in the nip too. Not very ladylike, but so funny! I will have to put some toys in the nip. Toeshee keeps losing the toys and I can't find them anywhere!
Praline, you are so good to not fuss when Mommy grooms you. Billie will sit on my lap, but as soon as I start brushing she gets really snippy! I end up doing more knot cutting than floof brushing.
Have a beautiful day in S.C.! I would love to live there!
Hugs and Smoochies,
Bhu never caught on to the 'nip, preferring instead the more sophisticated and rare carrot addiction. LOL! I would LOVE to hear little miss Sweet P SNORT! I bet it sounds just as adorable as she looks. xxoo Patty and Bhu
Watch out kitties... that's one high flying cat there...
Catnip makes everything better!
Oh Praline, you're having such a good time - I can tell! Enjoy!
Ohhh Praline me likez your fury fury body upside downz!! Mai mom thinks that catnip trick iz going to workz!! she will try for sure!! fanks for the tipz!!
During a Nip encounter, we are not responsible for any noises that may occur. Snort away, Praline!
Catnip marinaded feather butt mousies must be potent! Great idea and thanks for sharing. I'll have to try that.
Daddy is home and doing well. Thanks for all your purrs!
Wild Kitty, not so sweet now!
Snort, roll and get googly eyed! Even dainty Zippy does it.
Oh look!!!! A happy 13 year old!!!!! You can never get rid of the kitty in us! Remember that and we will live a long ,happy life ;)
Purrs Mickey
That was a great suggestion to put old toys in a bag of catnip. We tried it too, and it made us fall back in love with some old toys.
Hello beautiful! :)
From the topcatrules girls.
OMG -- Praline, you are TOO TOO TOO CUTE! I think your mom said you're not too big on hugs, but I would have a VERY hard time not squealing at you and, um, SQUEEZING YOU! You are like a big, fluffy stuffed animal!
Ahhh! We luf those fev-ver butt mousies and toys like that too! Then they get lost for awhile, then Maw finds them, then we have fun again too!
Luf, Us
I love to eat nip, but Angle jsut rolls around in it. Then I can lick it off her and get her share too!
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