~ Put the logo on your blog.
~ Add a link to the person who awarded you.
~ Nominate 10 other blogs.
~ Add links to those blogs on yours.
~ Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
Hopefully, all of my friends will see this on my blog because Mom says she probably won't take the computer this weekend so she won't be able to help me visit my friends. I'm still giving her some headbutts to encourage her to take it along.
Mom, do I have to just pick 10? Okay, I guess I will follow the rules. I would like to give this award to:
- Goma
- Jasper McKitten-Cat
- Maggy and Zoey
- Victor the Vampire Kitty
- Parker
- Daisy
- Gandalf and Grayson
- Laila and Minchie
- Lux
- Billie (Twilight's Muse)
Now to work on the grandpa bean and my treats!
Hey, Paw Paw (that's his name the grandkidbeans gave him)! Hurry up and open these treats!
Oh Sweet Praline. That is horrible. You can come visit us this weekend.
That's a lot of treats!!!! I only ever have one measly packet. Come, bring them and share with me!
There have been a few kitties who wondered how I got to the roof. I get up there regularly by jumping up from the fence which is quite close to the garage roof and from there I can get to other parts of the roof. As for the neighbour's roof, I climb the trees first and than jump from the overhanging branches.
Getting down is easy enough - I just slide down the vertical walls very gracefully.
We hope you get lots of treats to make up for your mommy not being home this weekend.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Oh how nice of you Praline! Thanks for passing this great award on to me!
Smooches and get your Paw Paw to open those treats!
Enjoy your weekend with Paw Paw!!!!!
concatulations on your award! and lookit all those treats! WOO HOO!!!
A football trip again? Isn't there football near you? Well, at least your Paw Paw is there to shower you will attention and treats. Is that a new basket of treats? Surely you did not have any left from last week.
Congratulations on you award! And we are very honored that you have passed it on to us! Thank you very much, Praline!
Ohmaigosh mai mom say me can has awards and it is yummy!!!!! better than treatz!! meeee soooooo happy! fankz Praline!!!
We feel your pain, Sweet Praline! Our mom is abandoning us this weekend too only she'll be back tomorrow night. She's going to a scrapbooking retreat.
Thank you for the beautiful award! That was so sweet of you. That's why you are Sweet Praline! We'll have our staff work on passing it around on Sunday when she reports back to work. Guess you have to give the staff a day off once in a while.
Hi Praline! Wow, Mommy Paula you sure like football! :) The only sports I like to watch are gymnastics and ice skating. (I'm such a girl!)
I'm sure Mommy will miss you Praline and I'm glad Paw Paw will keep you company.
Thank you so much for the award! It's so pretty. I will try to post it as soon as I get a good block of free time. Billie and I have been spending quality time together. She ate really well this morning.
Have a really good weekend!
Hugs and Smoochies,
Lorianna and Miss Billie
What a gorgeous frame Miss Praline in your first picture it is very colorful and awakes soul nice!
I like the name your grandpa was given "paw paw" it's cute and endearing and also it has a kitty related word which is always good.
Congrats on your awardie!!! It is very pretty!!
And thank you so much for thinking me me :))
Make sure that your Momma travels safely and haz lots of fun and do not get into TOOOO much treats.. Momma tells me once it's on it's very hard to get off.. I do not know what that means :))
Have a wonderbubble weekend!! :)
Sweet Praline, you are so beautiful! You enjoy your treats from Paw paw!
Congratulations on your award, it is really pretty! And thank you for thinking of me, too. You are nice!
WHAT THE PAW?!?!?!?!
At least you have your Paw Paw to take care of you . . .
Well, it's not good your mom's leaving but extra treats do sound like a nice consolation prize! ;-)
Thank you so much for the pretty award! :)
Lucky to has grampa!! xxoo Bhu
Please send blessings to Bhu, who is unable to walk today. He has had x-rays and blood work, but no diagnosis. xxoo Patty
Congratulations on your award! We look your scrapbook picture, that is neat. Hope Paw Paw spoils you.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
At least yoo get lots of treats! We is glad the mom doesnt go away on weekends like she used to.
Concats on your award. Paw Paw sounds like a perfect weekend companion.
DKM only gets that way watching Volleyball and Waterpolo matches with UCLA.
Well, if you have to be abandoned, we're glad it is to someone who spoils you with treats.
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