Since Mom has been out of town the past two weekends, her dirty clothes have built up and she must wash the clothes on Monday instead of the weekend. There is only one problem! When the empty clothes basket comes out, I immediately jump into it. She has the nerve to want me to move so she doesn't have to carry the clothes into the other room. I tell her that's what they made bean arms for. Are you with me kitties? Should I move?
You want me to move when and where? Use your arms to carry those clothes to the laundry room - This is my basket!
Of course you shouldn't move! If your comfortable there she needs to do something else!
Iz YOUR basket Miss Praline you sit that sweet little a55 right where it is!!
Maybeee even make the Momma play wiggly fingers through the holes with you, I like that :)
Welcome home Momma of Praline! :)
Redfurd here! I knowz exactwy how you feel! I wove our gween laundry baskit too! were there first before the clothes! Of course you should not be moved!
DO NOT MOVE OK tell her to by a new one for her self We did not move so our bean got 2 more and her dont know it is 6 of u and only 3 baskets wont work thanks for coming over and look at our BIO
Not moving. No way.
Luf, Us
U no has to movez! But be careful not to jumps out until AFTER all clothes are moved! xxoo Patty & Bhu
Yup, I think a new laundry basket is in order!
weee so much fun Praline!!
That's tha attitude, Miss Praline. Tha tough-a#s attitude.
Stand yours ground!
Love & Purrs,
She should find her own basket. That one is occupied!
My Dad says you should move and save your Mom's back, but I say you should stay there because you were there before the clothes! Tried watching your football game this weekend, but between Wildcats and Chickens, I got a little distracted...
The basket belongs to the kitteh. That's a standard rule at my house.
Your Mom is just going to have to find another way - all laundry baskets belong to the kitties! In fact, I won't even move if you putt dirty clothes in on top of me (I even make Mommy carry me down to the laundry - purring all the way)!
Heck no, you should not move! Your Mom needs more laundry baskets. One in each room for you to lounge in, and then another one for herself ;-)
Thanks fer comin by our party! We had loads of fun wif everyone!!
WE have one of those baskets at my house too. I thought it was for cats, isn't it?
Your mom gets the basket on weekends, and you get it on weekdays. If she wants to use it, she needs to stay home with you on weekends. It's only fair.
Hi Praline and Mommy Paula. I'm glad Mommy is home. :) Billie love to lay on the clean laundry as I'm folding it. You know kitties rule right Mommy Paula? I bet Praline gets the basket. ;)
Have a wonderful evening!
Love and Purrs,
Miss Billie and Lorianna
No, no move~
I am sure your mom will figure out other way to wash it, hahaha~~~
It's even better when there are soft warm clothes in the basket!
Festus does that to Mama too. Sometimes she just throws the dirty clothes on top of him. She doesn't make him get out though....she just carries the basket to the laundry room & he gets out while she's putting the clothes in the washer.
That's what your mom should do...just give you a ride in the basket.
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
(that's Momma squeein again!)
You look so adorabble in that laundry basket!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
No, don't move! We love empty laundry baskets too!!!
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