I am trying to look spooky and scary this week of Halloween. Everyone told me last week that I looked too sweet to be spooky. I don't think Mom is getting the right idea.
Mom: Awwwwww - Sweets for Sweet Praline - Aren't you adorable?Praline: MOM! I wanted to be spooky and scary. Can't you do any better than that?Mom: I'll try harder tomorrow Sweetie!
Praline: MOM!?!?!?!?
Sorry Hon' - you are too cute.
Heheheh that is a nice spooky face!ovega
haha Your Momma is just butter in your hands is she not?
My Momma happens to be on your Mommas side...
What I thinks ifs maybee ifs you get one of your really cranky faces and photoshop on some weapons we might thinks you iz the Hansel and Gretal witch or something??? blah I got nothing... heheh
Ooo pes: you must let us know when your Momma is better so we can stop puuuruing and stuffs :))
Praline, we gotta side with your Mom on this one. You are just too adorable!
I don't think you have a spooky bone in your cute little body!!!
Yep, you are just too sweet looking to be spooky!
~The Creek Cats~
Ha ha ha . . . very cute, Praline!
Well if you can't be scary, you could be so cute you are scary!
U so purr-fect! Don B scary! B kewt! xxoo Bhu
You definitely look sweet and not spooky at all.
Sweet is just fine with us Praline!
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Well, there's only so much your Mom can do Praline - you are just so darn sweet!
Your post made me a little scared...of cavities. Very sweet post.
Praline, I just don't know if your mom can DO that! It may not be possible! ;-)
You look very very sweet!
I think your mommy is like me! We don't really like the scary part of Halloween, so we just concentrate on the SWEET things! *purrs*
Yup dat is sweet, a scary one wud be like skulls around yer neck on a collar or sumfing.
We don't think you could ever be scary - sweet is good too. What does every trick or treater want? SWEETS!!! You're purrfect the way you are!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
No, you just don't look scary. You look cure.
Maybe you can make a mad face?
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