Note from Mom: Praline is eating, she is just being a little more finicky than usual. She has always given me a hard time about eating her canned food (she needs it to get her medicine), but she eats her dry food with no problem! I think she just wants to be pampered! Who can blame her when she has a slave like me???
Miss Praline You have trained your Mom like I have trained I only eat off of a spoon that she has to chase me around to feed me...hehehehe...we are smart tiny gurls aren't we?
How could you not be a slace to her Momma of Praline?? Look atthose face, it looks like " I kill you now ifs you doez not obeys" hehe
My sisfur Mushka will only eat dry foods, she does not like any canned. But she has a very sensitive tum tum. She will eat Momma and daddas food though, like last night ate 1/2 of Mommas fresh salmon...
Hi Praline and Mommy Paula. Billie has me bringing her food to her too. She likes her evening meal brought to her. It's nice to have someone to spoil who appreciates it. Praline's cute little face is hard to resist. Billie is next to me right now and she says, "Hey Praline! How are you?" Let us know if you try the Friskie's Party Mix. I think it's gentle on the tummy. :) Hugs and Smoochies, Lorianna
Hello Sweet Ones! Just want to let you know Bhu is better, almost back to normal. I posted on Floof & Fur to thank you and all the wonderful felines and beans who sent such great high healing energy our way. LOVE YOU! xxoo Patty and Bhu
Are you making up for your mom being away those weekends?
You don't look too happy, Praline.
We both love our crunchies! We eat our soft food too, but we love crunchies!
That face is just priceless, Praline!
We think you should be pampered more. ~S,S & C
Hehe, good choice with today's theme ;-)
Humans can be mean when it comes to food. They are eating all that nice stuff and we kitties... :-/
Pamper Praline? That should not be difficult for anyone to do... just look at that precious face.
That picture definitely says it all! We know how to wrap our mom's around our furry little paws.
Of course Praline wants to be pampered! We cats know what we want!
oh i thought you eate the whole plate Praline!! and asking for more lol!! your mommy is so good taking care of you!!
Miss Praline
You have trained your Mom like I have trained I only eat off of a spoon that she has to chase me around to feed me...hehehehe...we are smart tiny gurls aren't we?
Ha ha!! This is the face Bhu gives when his papa makes pancakes with BUTTER! Bhu sez: "Me luvz melted butters. U got some?"
hehe Praline yoo go girl!
Sweet Praline, what a smart cat you are! Way to get more pampering.
Oh that face! You must have really missed out on something good.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Praline, you have the cutest little face!
Praline, believe me, if you can use your teeth to eat, take advantage of it! ;-)
Thanks so much for stopping by to wish me well. You're very sweet!
Praline, that face says 1000 words!
Praline, you do not look happy. I hope your Mom fed you some stinky goodness from her fingertips, like she's supposed to ;-)
How could you not be a slace to her Momma of Praline?? Look atthose face, it looks like " I kill you now ifs you doez not obeys" hehe
My sisfur Mushka will only eat dry foods, she does not like any canned. But she has a very sensitive tum tum.
She will eat Momma and daddas food though, like last night ate 1/2 of Mommas fresh salmon...
Hi Praline and Mommy Paula. Billie has me bringing her food to her too. She likes her evening meal brought to her. It's nice to have someone to spoil who appreciates it. Praline's cute little face is hard to resist.
Billie is next to me right now and she says, "Hey Praline! How are you?"
Let us know if you try the Friskie's Party Mix. I think it's gentle on the tummy. :)
Hugs and Smoochies,
All I can think is how much I want to kiss that precious face of yours!
If you were a rabbit, that would definitely be a disapproving rabbit face for sure. I think your Mom needed to share.
Hello Sweet Ones! Just want to let you know Bhu is better, almost back to normal. I posted on Floof & Fur to thank you and all the wonderful felines and beans who sent such great high healing energy our way. LOVE YOU! xxoo Patty and Bhu
Aw, did she it it all and not share wif yoo? We don't like it when mom does dat either.
Keep getting your mom to hand feed you. That is the only way to go.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
That is the funniest expression on your sweet little face.
Oh hai, kat and nice lady! I always likes some gravies on mah dryfood.
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