Mom keeps my Stewart Fiber Formula Treats (prescription) in this special ceramic jar. I can have up to 20 of these treats a day and they are good for my digestion. I have had several blockages because of my floof that have required me to spend the day with the VET to get cleaned out. Since I began taking my Fiber Treats and having Vetasyl capsules sprinkled on my stinky goodness, I don't have as many problems with the floof balls. To get my treats, I will begin with the "give me" stare. Most of the time it works.
However, one day, mom opened the container and turned her head and I began my work! Treats, here I come.But Mom, the jar was open and I lost count, so I figured if I kept eating, I would eventually get to 20, but I was counting by 3, so I guess I missed it. I think I showed Mom that I can get as many treats as I want.
Mom wasn't too upset though, because she needed something to laugh after the way she has felt the past few days.
There's a girl going after what she wants! Glad you gave your Mom a good laugh.
Nom! Nom! Nom!
Looks like Mom is a bit of an enabler too! teeheehee!
Yikes!! What if she eats too many?
way to go Praline!!!!! nom nom nom
Oh I think you should have as many treats as you want too!
Smart girl Praline!!! Seize the opportunity!!!
Purrs Mickey
Miss Praline
Sometimes Mom lets me get into the cookie jar and I help myself...but most of the time she will only dole out so many....I need to get some thumbs so I can open the bag myself...
It is a treat extravaganza!
I'll have to get a look like that! I am never that intense.
Purrs Goldie
Praline you is luckyz your mom left jar openz! I wish mai mom do dat sometimes...
We fink the ore the merrier when it comes to treats! Only 20 though? Hmmmm perhaps yoo are right, more more more!!
I want those too! I just saw that your mom wasn't feeling good - I very much hope she' better now. Pleas give her some noselicks on my behalf.
Purrs, Siena
Go Go Praline!!! It is good in this day and age for a Lady cat to be assertive!! :)
I hope that your Mommas sick goes away quicker.. it is not very nice to be sick for long..
AH HA that is what you were doing.. eating extra for your Momma too! :)
Your "Gimme" stare is excellent!!!!!!!
We have a very similar treat jar-same jar, different decoration.
We are glad you have found something that works so well for the hair problem!!
Well I will have Mommy look into these fiber treats, if they are yummy and help a hairball I'm all in! Glad your Mom is laughing!
Yum, yum for da tum tum!
We think it does matter what her furry friends on the blogs say. We say she should have charge of her own jar of treats. And we figure the rest of the blogs will agree.
(Uh, Praline, can we have the $20 now? We did what you asked.)
Hope your mom is doing okay and she's been keeping away from those falling shingles.
Bet they were very tasty. The "stare" obviously works for getting your own way. I must try that again. When I stare at Mom she usualy just plants a kiss on my nose, all smoochy like - when really I'd much rather have treats.
Oh no....not floof blockages!! Well, it is good that your enjoy the treats that help prevent the floof blockages.
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~
Zuzu: Ohhhhhhhhhhh. Yes, you give her more, Praline's Mommy. (Nods.) Yes. Weeee say, give that Praline more.
Oh, that's a *great "give me" stare, Praline! :)
My mom would be completely powerless against the "give me" stare. The video was great. I hope your mom is feeling better.
Silly Praline! Getting more treats than 20!
Luf, Us
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