
New Stuff

Mom stopped by the pet store last night and brought home a surprise!  I have a new bag of my crunchies, some stinky goodness, and a supplement that she hopes will help with my stiffness.

Now, the only problem is to find a way to get this bag open!  Mom said she looked for those new catnip Temptations, but the pet store didn't have them.  Ever since I saw Laila and Minchie with some, I've wanted them.  Here's a picture of my surprise.

 I'm keeping my paws crossed that the Cosequin helps my achy joints.  Mom says I'm getting more mats because I am not grooming myself as much as I used to and I'm not as patient when she brushes me!  Paws Crossed!!!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We hope the supplement helps!

OKcats said...

The Cosequin seemed to help my arthritic old guy, Snuggles, and he ate it in his wet food without a problem. I hope it works for Miss Praline!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

My dear, can I offer you some medicinal snuggles?

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I really hope the Cosequin works for you, Praline! Although I have to say, I think Rumbles' suggestion sounds even better!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We hope you feel better soon. That is sad that you have sore stiffies make you feel bad.

Angel Simba said...

That looks like a good supply of noms, Praline, and I do hope the Cosequin helps your stiffness. Kitties need to be supple, don't they?

Mr Puddy said...

Paw cross Miss Praline, and I purrs for you to feel better. But I really feel positive !!!

Kisses and Hugs

Teddy Westlife said...

Fingers crossed the supplement helps!

cherie said...

Praline is beautiful. I hope the supplement does it's magic and helps her joints.
Found your blog through the Saturday blog hop and will be visiting often.

Marg said...

That is a great supplement Praline and it should work. It sure works on dogs and horses. That looks like good food. Mom sure does take good care of you. Take care Praline.

The Island Cats said...

Looks like you are stocked up for awhile, Praline! We hope the Cosequin helps!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope cosequin helps you Praline perhaps with that supplement and a cuddle with Rumbles you'll be dancing the night away.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That cosequin might help Sweet Praline, a long time ago one of the elder before Brian cats used it and it helped out. Enjoy your weekend!

Luscious Lucy said...

We hope this makes it so you can get all twisty-turny with no aches, Sweet Praline. You are such a cutie.

The Florida Furkids said...

We'll keep our paws crossed for you! The cosequin seems to help a lot of kitties and woofies!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Hope it helps sweet one. Mum tried that Royal dry food for me.Hope the medicine helps your joints.. Hugs GJ xx

Catsparella said...

I hope the medicine helps your hurties!! Have a nice, relaxing Caturday with your nice treats!

KarenMcG said...

Well, Sweet Praline, "The Boys" and I are crossing paws, too.

We've heard of Cosequin, and didn't know kitties could use it. We hope it works for you.

We maybe need to get some for Jonny, as he seems to "lumber along" like he might be having a bit of aching joints.

Pattyskypants said...

Itz hard to groom when U is not feelin' well. Me knows! Hope U feels better, sweet p! xxoo Bhu

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope the Cosequin helps you feel a bit more supple.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Hope the supplement helps the stiffies, too, Praline!
And the other stuff--well, yum's the word!

Have a good weekend!


The Creek Cats said...

We all eat Royal Canin Special 33 and Intense Hairball formula. They have great food. Maggie May did very well on Cosequin after her surgeries. MSM is also good for joints.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are hoping that cosequin helps with your achees. By the looks of it, you are set for a while in the food department.

Mom said she's gonna stop at Petsmart tomorrow after church and buy you some catnip Temptations and mail them to you so you can try them.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Maybe our mom should ask our vet about trying that with Scooby. He seems kind of still lately, not getting up as smoothly as he used to. Touch of arthritis maybe? He's due for a check up so she will ask about it then. Thank you for the suggestion.

Nip Tempations!!! On man gotta find us some of those!

Shaggy and Scout said...

He seems kind of *stiff* lately
not "still".

GRAÇA said...

I also like this food and this is one of my favorites, but now they are left paressem car wheels I love these, and how Vomo and then vomit to get too full, mamy now cut one of those who love food and these three
Turrinhas of loving girlfriend

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That looks like good stuff. We just got some Spa Select today. Good luck on the acheys...