The extra Laxatone started working last night and Mom says I stink a little. It's not my fault she brought in the fleas. Let's hope this does the trick and nothing else is wrong. As usual, my Mom is a little worried.
Vet Visit
I threw up two more times today, so Mom decided it was time to go to the Vet. It turns out that I picked up fleas again (guess it is from the recent warm weather) and between the seasonal shedding and licking the flea bites, I am swallowing a bunch of floof. My temperature was normal, the Vet didn't feel any blockages, and my weight was still fine. The Vet gave me two big slabs of Laxatone (yuck!) and a treatment of Advantage. Mom still needs to watch me closely, but the Vet thinks this will do the trick. I do have my yearly checkup next month when they will steal my bloods and other stuff!
Let me back in!!!!!!
Let me out!
After a little drama, I decided to explore. I was trying to figure out how to get up on that shelf when the Vet walked in. Mom didn't get a chance to take any pictures duing the examination because she was holding me and keeping me calm. I only hissed when the Vet checked out my backside.
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Don't you hate it when they stick that thing up your butt? Mum tells me they do that cos I wave my bum in everyones faces.
Hope you feel better soon!
Miss Praline our momma always freak out over us, it feels silly but it is not, it just means that they care lots and lots.
We wish we had some little titbit of informations but we does not know a thing about sweet floofballs like yourself.
One thing we can do is puur lots for you to get 100% again :))
And why is is that they think it's cute to take pictures of us when we are are the v-e-t...I don't think my mom would like it very much if I were there taking pictures of her dr. visit...of course I don't know how to use a camera.
Miss Praline, you poor ladycat. It must be tough sometimes when you have all that beautiful floof. We hope you're feeling better soon!:)
Tell your mum not to worry, you will be fine. She should consider getting herself some flea powder though; it's obviously her who is bringing the fleas in.
Huffle Mawson
Aww we hope you are feeling better soon, Praline. Kaleb got fleas once the very same way and it made him sick, too! Those must be mean, nasty creatures.
We hope you are soon feeling better Praline. One of us yakked twice this morning but we won't tell mum which of us it was.
Praline...we hope that laxatone helps you out...whenever one of us yaks, mom always gets can't a cat yak once in awhile??
I escaped from the exam room once. I ran straight into Dr. Lisa's doggie. He is a nice guy and we got a long fine. It was fun to watch all the beans chasing me. ~Socks
Hope you feel better Sweet Praline. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis, & Fenris
Yucky fleas! That's dreadful, Praline! That reminds us... Hey Mom, isn't it time for our neck squirty thingy?
-Gandalf and Grayson
Fleas are nasty. We had 'em once and didn't like it at all. We hope you're back to your happy, floofy self soon!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Sweet Praline, we are sure this treatment will do the trick! We didn't even know indoor kitties can get fleas! We are purring for you to feel better asap!
Siena & Chilli
how'z da poop praline?
hope yer feelin better.
wut warm wether? it'z 30 degreez heer.
We understand your mom is worried. That's what moms do! We sure are glad to hear it was nothing serious and we purray the laxatone does the trick!
We feel your fear being at the vet! Nothing worse than poopies that are stuck inside your belly. We like your pink carrier.
I hope that you start feeling better. I hate it when my humans track in fleas, which happens a lot around this area as we have the perfect weather for them.
We hopes you are feeling better soon. Mom hates VET visits, too. It's cause I am hard to catch to put inthe PTU and then I hide for the next day
Humans: Yes Cliff & Olivia?
C&O: How comes all the other cats gets to roam at the vet?
Humans: We don't think that all...
C&O: Hush. Next time we get to roam!
Humans: sigh...
Your vet has a very pretty, clean office. That impresses Teri the vet tech. Glad all you needed was a glob of goo this visit!
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
haha, the word verification is difuri, like da furry!
Ack! The VET! Poor Praline. I had fleas once and I got tapeworms. eeew, but your VET would have noticed that right away so no worries there.
I love my Laxitone. I get it every other day (for my IBD) and lick it from the spoon! Have you tried the tuna flavor?
We're sure you're going to be just fine. You obviously have a good VET (as far as they go) with that clean office.
purrrrrrrrrrrring for you Praline. barfing is no fun!
U look laik a ladycat completely in control of the sichuayshun! Hope U iz feelingz better soon, Sweet P! xxoo Bhu
Oh you poor darling, sicking twice I hope you feel better soon. I too have a lot of floof and I get horrible fur balls. Mum gets upset too when they make me sick.
Your vet sure looks a good one.
Get well soon Sweet P I will be sending you loud purrs.
Hugs Ginger Jasper xx
Oh Praline honey, I didn't know you were urping up! Poor baby! I'm sure the VET has it all under control now. Mommy Paula was quick to get you there too and I don't blame her for worrying.
I'm glad you liked your feather ball. I watched your Valentine video and it was so cute.
I sent a toy to JB along with some nip, hoping it would interest Misty. I was so saddened to find out that Misty went to the Bridge this morning. Today is a day to snuggle with our kitties and let them know we love them.
Billie and I send lots of warm hugs,
Praline, you are very, very brave to explore while you are there! I usually curl up into a little ball and pretend to be invisible.
I hoep you do not bomit any more!
Those bad fleas! We hate them! Wait a second, what is a flea?
Oh dear, hope you feel better soon Praline! I had fleas once a long time ago, I got them while I was staying in kitty jail. But ever since then I have had Advance on the back of my neck every 5 weeks and I have never had them again. My mum gets 6 months' supply at a time from the v-e-t.
So far, scratch on wood, we have not ever had fleas. The spoos have had a tick a couple of times though. Poor Praline, guess your mom didn't know that bugger was riding on her. =^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Just as well there is nothing too serious. I get that from time to time as well. We long-haired floofies know all about it.
Thanks for coming around and leaving kind words. They are much appreciated.
Ooh, poor baby! At least you are traveling in style in the pink crate! Rufus hopes you get better soon! :)
Floof - it's a blessing and a curse. Hope you feel better soon.
We hope you feel better soon!
Praline, We hope you are okay. Floofballs are no fun.
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