Harley has been helping out with his screwdriver and flashlight and we still can't find out where Mom is putting all of my floof. It was suggested by one of the kitties that Mom is either trying to clone me or build a sweater from my floof.
And you thought you could fool me by putting logs in the box.
I just know there is something else in this box!
This one is open! Harley must have been successful with the scredriver on it. I wonder what he has found out.
But this box is empty. Think I will give myself a chin scritch while I wait for Secret Agent 007.5
Hmm... I am all for the sweater one.. but I'm not real certain. I wonder what she could be doing with it--particularly when it looks so pretty on you.
at least your mommy doos somefin wiff your floofs! my mommy *huff* they threwed out my floofs!!!!!!!! i thinked they iz gonna do somefin wiff them since they is so pretties but one time they juss threwed them all! maybe cuz there was Evil StepSister Floofs in the bag too....
Mom says she lets our floof go outside so the birdies can use it to line their nests. The nerve of her letting our dinner use our floof.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Have you checked at the bottom of Lake Praline? Maybe your floof is swimming with the fishes.
Huffle Mawson
Hopefully you can solve the mystery between you now that Harley is on the case.
Have you looked on Ebay? We think your floof is probably very valuable. Someone might be trying to make a quick buck on your back!
Missed you, PralineBeautyKitty!
We can't imagine what she is doing with your floof. Maybe a sweater so she can have you near her all the time. ~S,S & C
007.5 HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! That's too funny!! We hope you find your floof!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We think she is making a sweater with it...cuz then she could wear it and have a part of you next to her all the time!
This is a real mystery! Your floof is too pretty to throw away, so it must be there somewhere!
isn't floof stealing like a federal offense?
Stealing your floof?? You were smart to call SA-007.5!!! If anycat can help it will be Harley!
Maybe your Mom is jealous of your lovely furs. Maybe she will make a sweater,or maybe an art project,heehee
Purrs Mickey
Maybe she's gathering it up for the new exibit at the "Floof Hall of Fame"?
Did Secret Agent 007.5 get there yet? Has yoo figgered it out yet?
Harley says:
Sweet Praline, I think I might have figured something out. I am almost certain that your mom is SELLING your floofs! This extra money should be used to buy you extra treats!
Agent 007.5
On the Job
Mai mom sez Josie gives my floof to kittehs at the shelter who are cold and don't have enuff floof of their own to keep them warm. Maybe ur mom duz the same thing. xxoo Bhu
You are a luscious yummy cat!
Oh me know! she collects your floofy goodness and make a mitten or sweater!!!! look in to herr closet Praline!
We saw a show on the TV, where a lady makes purses out of floof! First she collects the floof, and then she spins it and makes yarn, and then she knits it and makes the purse!
Our humans use a noisy, dangerous machine that removes the fluff. Have yours perhaps been doing the same?
This is a mystery. A floof mystery!
An empty box? That is probably the next box your mom is going to fill with floof. Thankfully Agent 007.5 is in the job. I know he'll solve the mystery.
Sweetheart, if your bean finds a way to clone you, please send me one! *purrs*
We still finks she is tryin to makes another yoo. What use is extra floof to a bean anyway? I hopes yoo find out soon.
I was sure it would be in one of those boxes.
Box are great for playing and chin scritches!
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