Secret Agent 007.5, Harley, is hard at work on the case of the missing floof. He thinks he has a lead and is convinced I should see positive results soon (MOM, can you repeat "TREATS?"). I thought I would assist SA 007.5 in the search.
Is my floof up in the chimney? I know smoke rises when there is a fire and my floof is very light, so maybe it went up there.
Is my floof in this bag? Mom is always leaving the house with this bag. She claims it's paperwork for work, but I'm not so sure . . .
Mom, what are you doing with my floof?Pee ess - Sorry I haven't visited much this week. Between my search for my missing floof and mom's job and her painful neck and shoulder, we are both exhausted. Mom promises she will help me catch up with my visitation this weekend.
wow, you have a secret agent on the case of the missing floof? Don't worry, Praline. You'll find it.
I think I've worked out what your Mummy is doing with your fur...
i thinks your floof is wiff my red mouse cuz i no finds her again.....
maybe 007.5 can looks for her too!
ps--i hopes mommy feels better soon!
We know that Harley will not let you down; he will find your floof!
If Harley is on the job, everything will be okay.
I hope your mum's shoulder gets better soon!
Huffle Mawson
Missing floof? You can search the Zoolatry home, cause we seem to have lots of extra floof flying around these days, perhaps some of it is yours!
PS be better soon mom...
We hope you find your missing floof soon, Praline!
Hope your mom feels better soon too!
There's gonna be a lot of missing floof around here in the very near future.
Rudy is in for a big surprise!
We hope your Mom feels better soon. Our Mom is going on a cruise tomorrow so we won't be able to visit next week, but we will be posting. Mom says she'll check Facebook too!
Sniffie and the (still Freezing) Florida Furkids
Best of luck on your search!!! We sure hope you find your missing floof!
We also hope your moms hurty feels better soon!
Good thing you have LOTS more floof on your body!
Oh, gosh, we wish your Mom would feel better soon. Healing purrs coming her way.
We're still sure that the big, noisy machine took your floof. The woman just dragged it around and all the floof-balls are gone. We swear.
Paula mom, me hopes ur shoulderz an neck gets better soon! xxoo Bhu
Sweet P, do you REALLY NEED that missing floof? It looks like you have plenty to spare! xxoo Patty
Maybe someone stool your furs from your Momma and she hurted herself when she was trying to keep them to give back to you?!
Oh I will purr that she is okay and that Harley can handle the wicked person who stooled them--maybe he needs help from Sammy the Whapinator!
Boy you and SA 007.5 (aka Harley) have been working really hard on this case! I hope you find lots and lots of floof in your house, Sweet P. Stop by my bloggie when you get a chance--I have an award for you!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Harley says:
Praline, I am sorry to tell you that I think your floof has actually been stolen and sold on the black market! Your furs are very valuable you know. I hope that an arrest will be made soon.
Secret Agent 007.5
On the Job
Hello Sweet Praline, I hope you find your fluff. I have lots you can have some of mine if you like. I think you are so beautiful. I am blushing now.
Hugs Ginger Jasper xxx
Missing floof? We are sorry to hear that. We have lots if you want, we'll share.
Thanks for stopping by and visiting us. We'll be back to see how your floof hunt is going.
You still can't find your floof? Hmm, its good that you can grow more.
It sounds like Harley has nearly solved the Mystery of the Disappearing Floof. We hope no more gets stolen. We hope your mum's shoulder is soon better.
Oh no. Sorry your Mom's not feeling well. I hope she feels better soon, and that you find your floof.
My oh my, where is all that floof going?
Did your mom hurt her neck and shoulder trying to stash the giant boxes of floof that she stole? We hope she feels better soon.
I hope you find your floofs soon!
PS we have an award on our blog for you.
hehehe, Praline! You've maded alla us Ballicai and our Momma smile with yur Floof Quest! I hope you find alla yur floof! Momma steals Brainball's floof, too, and he just can't figure out what she does with it. If you figure it out, be sure and tell Brainball cuz he's so so kurious!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hi Praline, don't worry if you can't find your extra have plenty of that pretty stuff left=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
ps, thanks for asking, our Mommy is feeling better...aside of a cold she is trying to beat. We are still purring your Mommy gets better soon.
Any luck yet on finding your floof?? Mama says when it stays warm around here that Fes is going to be losing lots of his floof. She has some sort of plan she's not telling us about.
Hope your mom feels better really soon!!
Where could your floof be? Hopefully Harley...I mean agent 007.5 can crack the case...
We are stumped!
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