Is you floofy? YES
Is your paws so floofy you can go skidding across da floor? All the time! I make my mom laugh when I go skidding across the wood floors.
Do slinkies joke that you must be bonkers cos your paws have so much floof growing out of dem? I've been told I should have them trimmed.
We is looking for the most spectacular toehawk.
I'm in!
Here is a picture of one of my front paws with it's toehawk. I like to use this paw because it is tri-colored.
I'm up for the challenge!!!!
Praline, You do have long toehawks! We are slinkies so we don't have those!
I think that's the most impressive entry yet!
Wowie! Those are fabulous toe hawks!
I have short furs so I can't enter the contest but I am looking forward to seeing all the other entries! Yours is most impressive.
Huffle Mawson
Impressive! I call mine snowshoes but they aren't nearly as floofy as yours! You gonna win this contest!
Purrs, Siena
WOW those are some major toehawks Praline!
Wow, we have never seen so much fur. ~S,S,C & F
Oh wow, I don't think any of us can compete with that. Ginger has the floofiest paws here, but they are no match for yours.
Praline- you have AWESOME toehawks!
Oh's gonna be hard to compete with those toehawks!
Hi Praline,
We wanted to stop by to say thank you for visiting us yesterday and leaving nice words of support for our dear Benson. We appreciate your kinds words during this tough time ,and are glad to have made a new friend like you out of all this mess.
We posted an update on benson this morning if you care to read it.
Thanks again Praline, and we LOVE your blog. We will definitely be back to visit again soon!
love Gibson (benson's brother) and jaime (the human)
Praline, you've got some furry impressive toehawks!
You have some amazing toehawks!!!
You'll win for sure!
U has the most FLOOFY toehawks, Sweet P! xxoo Bhu
Pefect paws for polishing wood floors. FAZ
Those are toehawks in the extreme!! Wow! They are like a wig!!
You have huge toehawks, Sweet Praline! You must spend a long time grooming them.
Wowee, what floofy pawies. You're gonna to win paws down.
We have never seen toehawks like that before. Well actually we have never seen any toehawks, but yours are magnificent.
look at dem flooofies! i neffur stay still long enouf fur mommeh ta git fotos of mai feets!
woo hoo what toehawks...and we hope you are feeling better Miss Praline and we also hope that your Mom is too.
I hope you are feeling better Praline. Let me know if there is anything I can do!
Praline you paw is surely heairly!!! I think you will win!!
Praline, from one floofy girl to another, those are great toehawks, I have them too but not like yours! I am purring and purraying that the Laxatone (yuck is right!) and Advantage take care of your problems, it really sucks to throw up. I do that too because I am a constant groomer of my floofy furs, not to mention Sam and Simon's furs too! Get to feeling well really quick, furriend ...
Purrs and headbutts,
OOOHHH multi-colored toehawks!! We're not sure we can compete with that!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Praline, we just wanted to stop back in and let you and your mom know that we are purring for you both. We hope that you are able to pass the darn hairball very soon. We're purring for your mom cause we know she is very worried about you.
So much furs!!
WOW!!! Those are super floofy toes!!!!! Bet they keep your feets warm too ,heehee
Hope you are feeling better too!!!
We'll send purrs ,just to be sure :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Awesome toehawks! Hope you are feeling better Sweet Praline!!
Those are pretty spectacular toehawks!
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