Update - I threw up again this morning. There was a lot more of my floof in it, so Mom thinks the Laxatone may be working and I am getting rid of it. However, she's still going to watch me very closely.
Mom and I are feeling better today. She must go to church to play the piano and she has a solo today, but then she is coming home to rest with me the rest of the day.
So glad you're both feeling better!
Wow a solo! What does your mom play? An organ or piano?
that sounds like a good Sunday for both of you!
Sounds like the perfect Sunday to me!
Huffle Mawson
We're glad you're feeling better. We like to play the piano too. The humans call our music "abstract". Wonder what that means?
That's a purrfect way to spend a Sunday!
U iz so kewt taking napz! Patty sez she hopes ur mom's solo goes well! xxoo Bhu
Your plans for Sunday sound purrfect to us!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We're all gonna chillax with Mom and watch the Red Carpet and the Oscars.
Keep hoarking up those nasty ol' hairballs sweetie!
Have a relaxing day Praline!
We are glad you are both getting better. It's horrible when you have to yak floof isn't it. Mum always knows when I have floof that needs to come up cuz I keep coughing. I have Katalax on my paw to help it go through but I still get some hairballs.
I'm glad you're both feeling better. You're wise to spend your day resting.
Shhhh, I hope you both are feeling better very soon.
Praline we hope you are feeling better now that you are getting rid of some of that ingested hair. Snoozing is a great way to pass the time.
PeeEss: We love your "warm" pictures!
Yukky for you to sick up floof but it will make yu feel better. I am sending you some more warm loving purrs.
Hugs Ginger Jasper x
You're too cute - our Lady would be picking you up all the time and you'd never get any snooze. We sure hope you and your mom are all better really fast. Purrrrrrrs!
Sometimes it is hard to get rid of all that fur. I hope you feel better after that nice nap Praline.
Tenny haz bin yakkin up sum of her furs lately. At leest thats my story. I'm stickin to it. Hope yurs dont git worse. Do yoo like brushing and furminaytin? We do. It helps git rid of the extra furs.
I'm so sorry that you got sick again. I hope you feel better again soon. I'm sending you lots of healing purrs. I'm glad your mom is feeling better.
Ohhh Praline, we hope that you yak up all of your floofs in your tummy, but if you need to go to the vet we think that would be good just to be on the safe side. We are purring and purraying for you, furriend ...
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Sleep tight...hope you get all that floof out of your tummy.
Oh sweetie, I am so sad that you are not well. Hope you feel better soon. I ham sending my purrs. Those furballs are a nuisance. Yes, I get them too.
ohhh Praline!!! you is has enough rest and your mommy is taking good care of you!!! Me wish I can be there so me lick lick you and feel better...good luck your vet tomorrow!!! many many puuuurs...Love Goma
I hope your tummy gets better soonest.
O dear, Sweet Praline - I sure hope both you & your mom are feeling 100% soon!
Awwww, big huggies to you, Praline, and yur Momma! We're glad yur Momma's feelin bettur but we're sorry you're gettin sickies, Praline! Here's a tip from Momma about how she helps Brainball with his floofball / hairball / konstipashun issues (and he's around 11 years old): she gives him baby food squash effury day. She started out with half a teaspoon, now she gives him a whole teaspoon. And it gives him some extra fiber and helps him with his poopin. And he takes hairball goop fur his hairballs. Have yur Momma be sure and check with yur vet as to whether he/she thinks squash would be okay fur you, Praline, but it really helps Brainball.
We love you, beeyootiful gurl! And we're sendin our heartfelt purrs and lots of head rubbies and Momma sends yur Momma great big huggies.
Praline, We want you to get well! Your poor mom is worried about you and so are all your friends. Please get well soon.
Praline,we are sending you more BIG PURRS!!!!!!
We want you to be well!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Dear Praline,
I hopes you feels better real soon. Keep warm and cosy.
Purrrrs and haeling purrrayers to you Sweet Praline!! We hope you are feeling better!!
Your FL furiends,
We're sorry you're not feeling good. We hope tomorrow is better for both you and your Meowmie.
Ollie, your floofy friend
Praline, we just found out that you aren't feeling well (Mom hasn't been letting us visit). We are purring our loudest that you will get better soon.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Sweet Praline, we just saw what they wrote about you on the CB. Pleez get well, sweet one! All the best for the vet visit, we're sure they'll get you feeling alright again. Try not to worry and concentrate on getting better, okay? We're thinking of you!!!
Siena & Chilli
Praline, get better. You and your Mom both need to stay well. You are so little and floofy and those darned fleas tricked you into eating your hair, but you'll get better. We're purring for you.
--Jasper, Josie, HB, Maggie and our Mom and Dad
Aww, poor Praline...I keep sending you lots of purrs...get better soon!!!
oh Praline, we are purryaing furry hard for you honey
We're purring for both of you.
Ms. P and Cinza
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