
Shabby Chic Day

Now, this is my kind of day!  Milo and Alfie came up with the idea to share our unique ways of decorating the house that we live in.  My mom is always trying to "photoshop" pictures because of all of the stains where I've been sick, but I think this adds a unique chicness to my house.  It shows that I live here for better or for worse!  So here in all of it's glory is my area of the office with dry food, bomit stains, and a general mess.  Of course, there is also me, who is the chicest diva around!

Mom Paula:  I can't believe I'm letting Praline show this picture with all of the stains.  I've tried every product out there and nothing will take out the stains she leaves.  Oh well, anything for my Sweet Praline.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Praline--I think you have made that area beautiful!

HubbleSpacePaws said...

Yes, it does, sweetheart! And your mom is wise to understand you ARE so worth it.

You, too, Mom Paula? I tried to photoshop out our "imperfections" for the longest time, but finally decided that our home is meant for our entire family. When I visit my friends, I'm there to see them, not the state of their carpet or their furniture or their housekeeping... and they show me the same courtesy. Eventually, I figured out that my blog friends deserved the same credit and then it was easy to trust them with the "real" us.

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Praline, I think the rug is so much better for what you have done with it!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Stains are a big specialty of ours, too. We hope you are feeling okay, Sweet Praline.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Praline, yoo have a troo flair for Shabby Chic! Well done. Yoor mom is very lucky to share her home wiv such a skilled and artistic and beautiful cat. Purrs.

Kea said...

Well done, Praline! Those stains really improve the tone of the carpet--who wants a plain colour?

P.S. The mom found Nature Clean Pet Stain and Odor Remover at PetSmart a while back...It's deionized water and hydrogen peroxide, that's it. Works like a charm! Too bad she can't find another bottle of it. Heh.

Angel Simba said...

Excellent bomit stains, Praline! Your Mom contributed very nicely by choosing the grey color carpet. My humans find that their blue-grey carpet really shows the bomit well. Our family room has tan-beige carpet and the bomit just blends right in.

Has Paula tried Spot Shot? My Mom got a COFFEE spill stain out of the rug using it the other day. She was impressed.

The Florida Furkids said...

Wow, you're a pro! Great job!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Mr Puddy said...

It look like you decorated with beads on the carpet !
Very Pretty Praline : )

Jacqueline said...

Praline, you are such a gorgeous Diva, we didn't even notice your surroundings, sweetie...Happy Monday, lovely girl...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

KarenMcG said...

Awww, Sweet Praline, we love your style!

Stains, schmains! It's you (and your mom Paula) we come to look at!

We do know what you mean about the stains, though, as our blue carpet in the bedroom is looking a whole lot like brown.

The Island Cats said...

We think you are an excellent decorator, Sweet Praline!!

The Monkeys said...

We think you're a fabulous artist, Praline! We're glad your Mom let us see your work!

Marg said...

Good job of decorating Praline. You should see our carpet. It is really stained. Mom just doesn't worry about it. You are looking good Praline. We are still sending tons of purrs and hugs to Mom.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We think you could earn many $$$ if you advertised your artistic
talents Praline.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Margaret said...

Praline, thank goodness I am not the only sloppy one! I love to carry chunks of food and drop them in my water dish. Then I tell Mom, "I can't drink this! It's got too much junk in it!"

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Hey, Praline, that looks like our house! Our Mom is smart...she has carpet the color of our bomits. MOL!

Brian's Home Blog said...

When it come to Chic beautiful one, you've got it covered!!! Purrs Sweet Praline!

Anonymous said...

Miz Praline:

I use Nature's Miracle. I have a big jug and pour it over the stain. It seems to work pretty well.

OKcats said...

You ladies just made our mom's day! She has not been able to get the stains of 4 cats' vomit out of the carpet, either! We have heard the green product works (can't remember what it's called, but a lot of cats have had giveaways for it), but she hasn't tried it yet.

Forty Paws said...

Lovely shabby chic!

Oh yes. We have stains too on our carpeted areas. Paw bought one of those machines that sit there and rotate and clean up the stains, and sometimes we have to use hydrogen peroxide to get the stains out. Our Smokey pukes if he doesn't get a pred pill every 24 hours. It can't be 25 hours or he yacks.

Luf, Us


Miss Praline
Your rug looks practically new compared to what we've been able to do on Mom bedroom carpet. When they brought the house the purrson living here before them had off white carpet. So you can imagine what it looks like now. Mom has found the best stuff by far is the Clean and Clear from SEA YU. It's not purrfect but it does a better job than most products.


CCL Wendy said...

Praline, you did an excellent job! You did your mommy proud! Actually she sounds a little ashamed of it, but all of us kitty folk deal with the same stuff.

So there's nothing left but to show your pride in your work!

CCL Wendy said...

Sorry, I forgot to tell you you're on the LOLSpot again, dear!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Swetheart you have made that place your own and your mum is so right anything for you.. Hugs GJ xx

Cat said...

Well done Sweet Praline!!!

Pattyskypants said...

Hai Paula! Mai mom sez I should tell U about club soda. Furst, she lets the puke dry a bit, putting a paper towel over it to remind effurrybody it is there. Then she scrapes it off the carpet and once the solids are gone she pours club soda on the stain and lets it soak in for a few seconds. Then she takes an old white t-shirt and rubs the stain until all of it disappears. We hope it works fur U! xxoo Bhu

Admiral Hestorb said...

You beautiful girl. If you do it, it is OK.

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, you really made that area look chic, sweet Praline! Pawsome job!

Daisy said...

Praline, you done a great job decorating your rug!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Mom Paula, Stains can wait. Let your sweet girl make as many as she wants!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Same here. The white berber carpet in the sunroom came before we did but now....it's all ours!!

Quill and Greyson said...

Mom swears by Clean and Green carpet and upholstery

Jans Funny Farm said...

We can tell you're pretty proud of decorating your own area, Praline.

Unknown said...

Hey Praline! Great job!
I have a very chic Buenos Aires apartments and I might copy some of the design and implement it in my own apartment.