
Memory Lane - Tummy Tuesday

Oops!  It's Wednesday, isn't it?  Oh well, any day was a  Tummy Day for Praline.

Mom Paula:  Here are some of my favorite photos of Praline exposing her floofy belly.  She did it all the time.  I would look over at her and she was exposing her belly and would just look up at me as if to say, "well, what are you looking at?  Come over here and give me a belly rub."  She loved for me to rub her belly.  I hope you enjoy walking down memory lane with me.

And here is my most favorite video of her enjoying her belly rub.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We so enjoy walking down memory lane. She was a very sweet girl!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Ah we love those tummies.

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

Aw.. The air biscuits!!!!

Mom wishes I was this sweet. I bite her when she gives me belly rubs!

m.q said...

sweet girl
we will always remember u

BoBo Salem & ChaCha

RoySr said...

Good show Hon.

We love the belly rubs. And she had a gorgeous one.

Memory lane is good. We are here all the way.

Just sayin .....

JC said...

Awe ... she looks so much like my Meredith. Thank You for sharing with us. She was a marvelous kitty cat !!!

Kiril Kundurazieff said...

Love the photos, and the 2 videos!

Thanks for sharing. ;-F

Nikita Cat

Elvira Mistress of Pussydom

Daddy Kiril

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Sweet Praline Tummy! How did she manage that balancing act on the top of the sofa? We will miss her lots.

Mr Puddy said...

Precious Pictures and Video !

Kas said...

We`loved all her floofiness. Spider is like Mr Grumpster sometimes and gets a bit bitey too.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. I got to know just now- I haven't been in blogger much lately- but this is all I can tell you.
Love and hugs-
Reenie (Sherkhan's mum)

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I love the video especially - you can even hear her purrs...

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We so enjoyed seeing Praline today. Memory Lane is a wonderful happy place ~ thank you so much for sharing with us.
((((((hugs)))))) from us all.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

oh Paula we are so sad to know Sweet Praline is at the rainbow bridge...mommy made a post for her today...we have been gone all week and this is sad news to come home to.
Please know how much we care...and our hearts ache for your empty arms...
All our love from the cozy cottage

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

That is some of the best tum in the whole universe.

Kea said...

Aww, those are wonderful! Our favourite is the little pic of Praline hanging head down over the couch, belly up, body twisted a bit. What a position to lie in! LOL!

-Fuzzy Tales

Sónia Mendes said...

Awww, I love the video. She was really a cute litle furry angel...

Purrs from Gotchi

Jacqueline said...

Thank you so much for this precious, adorable post=we LOVED walking down memory lane with you and gorgeous Praline and look forward to more...That video is purrfect; happiness was beaming from that awesomely beautiful face and we adored her cute "air biscuits" of joy!...She was very lucky to have such a dedicated and caring Mom=the love and trust between you two is obvious...Big hugs and much love, Paula...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Whiskeratti said...

What beautiful floof!

Cat said...

Mom is crying and we all have wet eyes....we just can't find words to describe how sad we are at the news of Sweet Praline, but most of all we are thinking now about YOU...Paula..Mom Paula...we are hoping that you are doing ok in this time...as much as one can be considering... It is important that you have peace though we wish we could fill the void you must be feeling at this time. Know that we are all sending you purrs, woofs and hugs and most of all, the courage to smile even when you want to cry. We just loved seeing all the floofy tummy pics you posted today. We know that SP will never be forgotten either by you or any of us here on CB. What a gal she was!! We hope that a new friend will come along to not replace SP's spot, but to give you the love that you surely have to share and the love that SP would want you to have. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. OK? Purrs, Lautrec, Tiny and Ellwood.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

What a lovely walk down memory lane. What a floofy bellah!

We love you Auntie Paula!


Marg said...

This is great going down memory lane. The video of the belly rub is great. We can hear Praline purring. She really did like that. She was just kneading the air like crazy.
Hugs to ya Paula. One day at a time. Take care.

The Monkeys said...

There was no tummy like Praline's tummy! We will never forget her or her gorgeous belly.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We loved the video. That lovely girl truly had a lovely life!

The Chans

Luna und Luzie said...

We didn´t know before.
We are so sorry to read that she is gone to the bridge.

Love to see all your wonderful memories with Sweet Praline.
Lovely tribute post.


A few Good Cats said...

So many good memories... the tummy rub video is a precious one. Remember the good times...

Anonymous said...

You know you got just the right spot when a kitty's toes start curling and kneading!

Cory said...

Praline's belly was her gift to the world!

We were honored to have virtually rubbed it.



Anonymous said...

Love the tummy rubs, and those furry little feet, too!

curator said...

I just found out that Praline had crossed the bridge. I am so very sorry for the loss of this beautiful friend, and everyone here at the Museum sends love and purrs your way. What lovely tributes you made for her. Your friend, Curator


What a wonderful walk down memory lane.
We love the belly floof.
Thank you for sharing Praline with us all these years.


Pip said...

Thank you for sharing these images of your sweet girl. We hopes you finds small comfort in knowing that we are all out here sharing your journey, paws extended.

wildcatwoods said...

Thank you for posting such sweet pics of her.

Cats of Wildcat Woods

Bailey Be Good! said...

Heard the news... Just stopping by to drop off some puppy prayers and hugs!



Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

We just love the tummy pics and video! Our favorite pic is SP laying on your legs with her sweet little face looking up!

We hopes you are feeling just a little bit better today. We are sending you lots of hugs and kitty kisses xoxo

Rocky, Angie, and Mommy Karen

The Island Cats said...

We think Sweet Praline had one of the floofiest tummies we ever seen!! And she sure did love her belly rubs!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That beautiful floof tummy always brings a smile with it!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Wonderful post!!!!!!!!! We miss Praline so very much....we are happy to see you are keeping her blog active.....we send you our love, (((((Paula,)))))))))) in hopes it will be a small comfort to you.

Please check your email as you should have something from us today.

Love, Love, Love.

meowmeowmans said...

What wonderful and indelible memories of Praline! Thank you for sharing them with us, Mom Paula. (((hugs)))

Pattyskypants said...

Sweet Praline was so absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much for posting this again! xxoo Patty & bhu

KarenMcG said...

I'm so glad you posted those tummy photos! You can tell she really loved to have her tummy rubbed. I also love the way she's working her paws in the video!

Anonymous said...

That sweet baby was so content. You can tell she really liked her tummy rub.

My babybella is like that. She just loves for me to rub her tummy. I guess I need to do more videos.

You are still in our thoughts.

Angel Simba said...

Oh, my, she really LOVED the belly rub! I must have gotten a message about belly pics from Praline, because I have a belly pic up today. But for me, I give mom the bitey if she tries to rub my belly like that. It must have been really fun to enjoy for both of you. We also love the expressive tail and paws.

Catsparella said...

Aw, the floofiest belly ever! I love how she is making little 'air biscuits' in the video..what a wonderful memory! :) xo

The Florida Furkids said...

Praline sure loved her tummy rubs! We love the way she's making biscuits and looking back at you!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Alexi said...

AWHHH! What a fluffy belly!!! 'cept for G man, we don't got so much fluff! Thought we do love belly rubs despite a certain lack of fluff. I bet that was great belly rub.

Anonymous said...

A perfect belly rub for a perfectly, precious girl. We are enjoying the Memory Lane. Hugs and nose kisses for you and Angel Praline

Shawn said...

I loved these pictures, especially the one on top of the sofa..or is that an oriental rug?
Her belly was so cute and she sure enjoyed that rub!
I hope you are doing OK, you have been in my thoughts and prayers everyday.
I am so new to this area of the blogosphere and wish I could have followed your sweetie longer.

Chloe and Cecil

Shaggy and Scout said...

Those memories will live forever in your heart as will Praline. What a beautiful dear cat she was. And what a gorgeous tummy!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh what a sweet SWEET darling video. She was loving every second. xoxoxo

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We love all the pictures of Sweet Praline showing her tummy like that. That is my favrit position too.


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Thank you for sharing your pictures walking down memory lane. Mom still says one of her favorites is the one where your feet look like they are attached to Praline while she is laying on her back on you. Too, too darned cute!

Think of you often and hoping you are doing okay. (((HUGS)))

Thanks for stopping by to wish Laila a Happy Birthday!

=^..^= said...

We love how she paws the air ever so slowly as she's getting her rubs!

~Slash & Bronzy

Clarissa said...

What a beautiful belly! And she made air biscuits!!!! Our Panda and Fred LOVE belly rubs. We bet she had the softest belly furs too!!!

Clarissa & Co.