
Remembering Praline - video

Mom Paula:  Praline went to the vet this morning at about 8:50 am.  As the vet went to put the first needle in her to "put her to sleep", Praline climbed up on my shoulder and when the vet took out the needle, Praline turned around and hissed at her.  She was a little diva until the end.  She fell asleep on my shoulder with me talking to her and telling her it was okay.  We then laid her on the table for the last shot and she crossed the Bridge so peacefully.  I am heartbroken, but I know I did what is best for my little Sweet Praline.

Last night, when I was awaiting for this morning to come, I just had to do something constructive, so I put together a little slide show.  The background vocals are actually me singing.  There are some rough places in the video with the audio, but I can't figure out out to get the hissing out (maybe it's Praline still being a Diva).  I wanted to share this with all of you.  I will keep this blog open and will share some theme days of Sweet Praline over the next few days.  Thank you so much for your support - you are amazing!

Praline will be coming home to me on Friday.  She is being cremated and the urn I found had a Himmie on top of it.  The lady gave me a $50 discount on the urn/box because I fell in love with it so much and told her I couldn't afford the shelf price.

I truly love all of you and couldn't function right now if it weren't for your support.


Shawn said...

I am so sorry for your loss. So many people, including myself, have been praying for Sweet Praline. Now she is at the Rainbow Bridge, running to meet all that are waiting for her, with the sun shinning and butterflies in the air waiting to be chased!
Cecil and Chloe

Remington said...

Tears are falling here....our thoughts and prayers are with you as you mourn your loss. RIP Sweet Praline....you will be missed, my dear friend....until we meet again.

Katnip Lounge said...

Paula, I'm at work crying as unobtrusively as I can...and laughing at my predicament! Praline is, even now, cheering me up.

Sending love and healing thoughts to you. I hope Friday comes quickly so you can collect your sweet, Sweet Praline.

The Island Cats said...

What a beautiful video. Tears are streaming down my face.

Someone once said, whenever one of us in the Cat Blogosphere loses a furbaby, it feels like we all have lost one. And this is so true with Sweet Praline. She will be missed. Paula, please know that many of us are sharing your tears.

Comforting hugs...
Island Cats' mom Sue

The Whiskeratti said...

We are very, very sorry for your loss, and we understand your pain. This is the awful downside to loving others, that eventually we have to lose them. But Praline is at peace, and free of pain now. And you will see her again. - Love, Leia, Toby & Cathy

Kat's Kats said...

May the many memories of love outweigh the grief of loss. Someday you'll be together again.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde & their Feeders

A card for you

Freya's Staff said...

I'm so sad right now. There's nothing I can think to say, but try to take some slight consolation, in that she's in no pain at all now.

You did the kindest thing you could have done, and we all applaud your bravery and compassion for Sweet Praline.

This is a fitting tribute to a beautiful kittie, and one of our friends.

RoySr said...

Paula, Lisa and I want to express our feelings and our condolences to you and yours on the loss of the little one. Actually you did not loose the little one, just her physical presence here on earth. She will always be with you, that I am sure. With the love you two had there's no way she will be forgotten. I wanted to do a tribute to the little one when I first read the first post, I think it was at Brian's Blog, telling of the end of the little Beauty's vibrant and happy life. Soft old me had to stop and cry. No I can't do a tribute page, but I will NOT forget your little Lady Cat. She was too special. I do hope you don't mind if a copy one of her pictures for my private album of 'friend kitties from the WWW.'

Be strong, be safe, and know that the Rainbow Bridge is way brighter today having received your little angel kitty. And know that she will be waiting for you when the time comes for you to rejoin and move on.


JC said...

I can't tell you how much I will miss her. Thank You for doing the song and photos of her. What a life she had with you ...

xo xo xo xo,

JC & The Purr & Fur Gang ^,,^

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Paula that is the most beautiful tribute ever. Your sweet voice singing that song and the photo's are all so beautiful. I cant tell you how sorry I am at your loss and know how much you are hurting now. You gave Praline a loving life and she knew how much you loved her and right untill the last loving thing you did for her. The tears are falling too hard to write more. take care. Love carol and GJ x

Catio Tales said...

I'm crying so much Aila has come to check what's happening. That was beautiful, Paula. And I am so glad she was a little tortie with attitude right til the last. I know this all hurts so much and it must be so empty.....

There are many people thinking of you, and Sweet Praline touched very many lives. Please keep the blog open and don't be a stranger.

With love, Karin (Punapippuri's Äiti)

meowmeowmans said...

We are so very sorry. We wish there was something we could say or do to make things better, but know there isn't. So please just know that we care so much, and are purring and praying for you. Thank you for loving Praline so much and so well, Paula. And thank you for sharing your beautiful lives together with all of us.

Run free now, Sweet Praline. We'll see you again...

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Our eyes is leaking. We so sorry Praline hadta go. We sends lotsa purrs n luvs for yore sads.
Dat a very good rememebery video. Maded us smile some. We luv yoo.
Sanjee and the resta tha Hotties

Sónia Mendes said...

Oh, It's a sad, sad day...

We will miss her so much. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Lots of Purrs from Gotchi and his mum

Anonymous said...

Momma saw the photo on the video and then we read the post... Momma won't let us watch the video since she started crying before she even pressed play.

head bonks from alla us

SuziQCat said...

We are all so sorry for your loss of Sweet Praline today. You were so strong for her and she knew love and comfort until the end. This is what we all hope for. Praline maybe gone but she will never be forgotten. Sending purrs and hugs to you today.

cheryl said...

what a wonderful tribute to sweet praline--you gave her a wonderful life and a soft, dignified, and loving passing. everyone at chez pierce prays god's blessings for a peaceful heart, dear paula!

cheryl, tom, the meowers, & the dbd

Caroline Golon said...

What a beautiful tribute. I loved your post yesterday.....sunny days are here at last for your sweet girl.

Don't ever forget that she's happy and at peace now with no pain.

You're not alone, Paula. We're crying with you today but you're going to be okay.

I loved that she hissed at the vet. What spunk!


jenianddean said...

That was a beautiful tribute. Praline will be sorely missed. We'll be looking for you at the Bridge when our time comes. We treasured the time we had to get to know you. We'll be keeping your Mom in our prayers.
--Jasper, Josie, HB and Maggie

Kea said...

It's a beautiful tribute, Paula. We're so sorry, so sad...We wish we had some way of truly helping you through this. The love of the CB will surround you, but grief is a journey you do walk alone.

(((Hugs))) and Light to you, Peace to Sweet Praline. We're sure she's now being her full Diva Self at the Bridge!

-Fuzzy Tales

Hannah and Lucy said...

Paula that was a wonderful tribute to Sweet Praline and your voice was so clear. You were a wonderful mum to her and you could see how much she loved you. We are so sad but at least Praline is no longer in pain and is in a wonderful place of sunshine and old friends. She will watch over you, her mum, with love always.
Love and purrs from Hannah and Lucy plus Mum Sue xx xx

Unknown said...

I can not watch the video because I am full of tears...it is beautiful tribute to Praline. You guys are the best of the bestest friends forever!!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

My human and I on the West Coast were pretty sure we would be waking up to this blog post, but as prepared as we were, we are very, very sad here. I am sending you lots of soft purrs and headbutts. To Praline, I have this message: I do not believe in good-byes, so instead I will just say, "Till we meet again."

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. Such a beautiful tribute, and such a beautiful voice.
Sweet Praline will be missed, she is happy and in no pain now, joining all her kitty friends. We know what it's like to lose something so close to you, we will purr and pray for you.
Smokey, Oscar & Beth

Brian's Home Blog said...

The video and song was every bit as special as your Sweet Praline. I shall always feel proud that I was able to call her my friend. Thank you for taking the time to share Sweet Praline with all of us, we are all better off for knowing her. Purrs and hugs.

The Florida Furkids said...

That's a beautiful tribute to a beautiful Diva kitty. The tears are just pouring down my face but, even now, Baby Praline pictures make me smile. Praline was such a beauty and so lucky to have found a forever home with you. She lives forever in your heart and the hearts of all of the Cat Blogosphere. Your own magnificent voice adds so much to this tribute too.

Love, hugs, purrs and prayers

Mom Sharon and the Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie (who is having a blast meeting Praline at the Bridge)

BeadedTail said...

Tears are flowing here too but I know that Praline is always going to be in your heart. Such a beautiful tribute to Sweet Praline. Many hugs and comforting thoughts are being sent your way.


Chrissie said...

Paula, I'm just loving you a lot right now. I know this was so hard for you. You loved her well until the end. I'll be keeping you in my heart and praying for the comfort of your heart.

Angus' Mum

VL said...

Ma'am Paula

I have read this blog for about a year but never commented. Your dedication to Praline is so admirable. May you have courage to go through the rough times. And I am sure there is a nice little furball somewhere destined to be yours after times heals you. Praline would want someone else to experiance the love she got too.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

So so sorry for your loss. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful kitty. My eyes are leaky too.

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Paula, your slide show and beautiful voice has me in tears ... it is so touching and such a fitting tribute to your sweet girl. We love you and Angel Praline very much, and as always you are in our thoughts and prayers to help you through this heartbreaking time ...
Jan, Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Random Felines said...

Lots of tears here too....mom can't watch the video cause she is at work and it will make her cry that much harder. There are just no words to make this better....

Angel Simba said...

What a beautiful, beautiful tribute. So very sorry that Sweet Praline had to leave you. We are sure your sweet memories of her will be a joy to you in the days to come. Please do keep her blog open, she was such a cute Diva, and we would love to see more of her.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Mom Paula, ours hearts are breaking knowing that Sweet Praline is an Angel. But at tha same time, we knows shes not hurting any longer.
It's kinda a weird double feeling.
And we's sending you all ours Texas-kitty sized purrs and love and hugs, okay. Just wish we was there in purrson.

Ikaika said...

We are so sorry that Sweet Praline had to leave you. She was lucky to have such a wonderful mom and caregiver. We send hugs and gentle purrs of comfort.

Run free at the Bridge, beautiful Praline ...

'Kaika and his mom

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We are sending you all our love, and we are sending wishes of peace with Praline as she romps in the land over the Rainbow Bridge.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh Dear Paula, we are so sad -- but we knew it was coming and it was just good that she pretty much told you she was ready. Princess also stopped eating days before she went to the bridge. She was ready. And now, our dear beautiful lovely flower is safe and happy at the bridge with Caesar and Prinnie and so many other beloved and always missed and cherished kittybabies.
You know we are so lucky to have photos -- and the memories will never fade. There are so many good ones too.

bonks and hugs and love always

Casper Bear said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sweet Praline! Our thoughts are with you at this sad time!
RIP Sweet Praline
Lotsa Licks
Casper Bear

Anonymous said...

Dear Paula,

What a beautiful tribute to your Sweet Praline. Your baby is now looking down at you. Her sweet spirit will always be at your side. You were a good human mother to her. She was a lucky girl to have you. My sweet bad boy Marley is trying to give me some comfort right now..I think he understands that we have lost a sweet friend. He is curled up in my lap now as I write this.
We will always remember your Sweet Praline.We are sending lots of purrs and headbutts your way. God Bless You, Jude the Dude,Poo,Babybella,Piper,Marley


Dear Paula
We are so sorry for the loss of Miss Praline. What love you have had all of these wonderful years. Like Sue from the Island Cats mentioned when one of our furries goes to the RB it feels like it is our own. Miss Praline was definitely one of our own. She will be terribly missed. It's so hard to think of life without our daily Praline.Although we know that even though she is not physically here on this plane we know she is still with us, and she is free of suffering. We send you our loving purrs and purrayers.

Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx,Gracie & Mom Debra

Oskar said...

My name is Oskar & though I didn't know Praline, I am mourning her loss. It was so brave of you to let her go when it was time. My mom person & I will be sending pawerful prayers to help heal your heart.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam

Anonymous said...

That was such a beautiful tribute that mom is trying to type between the tears. She knows what you're going through and please know that we are thinking of you at the difficult time. We are so sorry Sweet praline had to leave. She will be waiting for the day when you both shall meet again...

Cat said...

Oh Paula I am so sorry, I know how heartbroken you must be! What a lovely tribute to Sweet Praline, I wept through the whole slide show.

Jans Funny Farm said...

A beautiful video, Paula. We are leaking too hard lately to say much. But we did say Farewell to Sweet Praline on today's post. A hug from Jan, purrs and tail wags from us.

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so very sorry for your loss. The catblogosphere will not be the same without Sweet Praline.

The tribute you put together for her is lovely. What sweet memories you have of your sweet girl.

Rachel Luxemburg said...

Saw this over at Goma's blog -- I am so very sorry for your loss!

Lacy said...

Sad woofs, so sorry for your loss...ur in our thoughts and heart..I guess Coryelle gave u the answer to your question..RIP Sweet Praline, i am sure you will have lots of angel dogs and kitties to pllay with at the bridge...

a sad,
the hudson furkids
and mama...

pbgmomof5 said...

Our hearts are breaking for you, but we know Praline is chomping down on some really wonderful stinky goodness at the Bridge right now! (((hugs))) to you.

Marg said...

Goodness, Paula, that was the most wonderful tribute to Praline. You have a gorgeous voice and you just proved what a super Mom you were to Praline, all the way to the end. We know you are hurting but we all loved that little diva of yours and are feeling for you today and for awhile. We also have tears streaming down our faces, even the donkeys. Take care and please come visit all of us every now and then.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Paula our hearts are with you.
She was a beautiful independent soul who has touched us all through her blog.
Blessings and peace to you.
The sun will shine forever on Sweet Praline and all our friends who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
XXXOOO SS&S & Mom Lynne

Daniela said...

We are so so sorry for your loss. She was such a sweet girl.

Love from Daniela and Homer

Pip said...

We are so very very sad fur you. Miss Praline was a very speshul kitty.

This is such an amazing tribute to her. (We not knows you could sing so good! Mommy sais you has an amazing, trained voice!)

We purrs that your pain will be short and your memories long.
Love, TK and Squashies

jmuhj said...

What an exquisite little treasure your Sweet Praline will always be, watching over you until you are reunited in due time. Our *PURRS of COMFORT and PRAYERS* go out to you. We lost our beloved Corrie Angel in such a similar way, after she was with us for only two months, three days after I lost my beloved father. It is very difficult to endure -- but endure we must, knowing that this is only a pale imitation of the true life we will some day have with all of our beloved ones <3

Elaine Pritchard said...

I am sorry for your loss. I heard the sad news on Jan's Funny Farm blog.

You are in our thoughts and our hearts.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

As we shared on FB, our candle will be lit tonight -

AND Butterscotch and BroFur will get some ham in Sweet Praline's memory and honour!

Remember, not forever...just for now!

Khyra and Phyll

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Me and mom are so sorry to hear about Sweet Praline :(
Lovely photocollage and song you made for her !


Gemini and Ichiro said...

What a lovely voice you have Mom Paula. The Woman is crying and we are purring. That was a marvelous tribute to Praline--we particularly loved that photo of her with the shoestring!

Pattyskypants said...

Mai mom can't stop crying. She's getting my FURS ALL WET! But I am sad, too. I LOVED my Sweet P. She was purrfect! xxoo Bhu

Yes, Paula, we loved Sweet P and we love you, too. I have been in your shoes and I have to admit I wailed and wailed until I was hoarse. Bless you for your kindness to your Sweet P! xxoo Patty

Nomi said...

Losing our furry friends is so very hard...but she is still with you in spirit. It takes real love to make the hardest decisions. Your tribute is beautiful and so is your voice. Farewell Sweet Praline and purrs to your mum.

Team Tabby said...

What a lovely tribute to Sweet Praline, and you have a lovely singing voice. We are so sorry and send our thoughts, prayers and purrs your way.

Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike

Hedley said...

Hello Paula,

I've been following Sweet Praline for a couple of years now, but have never commented.

I want to thank you for sharing her life with us, and for caring enough and being brave enough to make that last decision for her, ending her pain.

I had to do it for my Dexter some years ago and know the pain you're in now and facing for the near future. In time, the pain will fade, and though you'll always have a Praline-sized hole in you, you'll be able to remember her more with joy than sorrow.

And, as others have said, you WILL see her again one day.

Please take care.
(Hedley and Simon's girl)

Raymond and Busby said...

We are tearful, but also joyful. How lucky we were to know Sweet Praline, and how thankful we are that you let us know her through her blog. The video tribute is wonderful. A true southern belle til the end. Until we meet again, Sweet Praline, you are forever our friend too. xoxo

Gigi said...

Godspeed, Sweet Girl! I know Boo-Boo and Mr. Teeth and Clarkie and Rosie and Socks and all the other Kitties Who Came Before were right there waiting to greet you at the Bridge.

Much love to your Mommy who gave you such a great kitty life and who did the loving and brave thing right up to the last.

Love and purrayers, Spitty & his Human

KarenMcG said...

Awww, Mom Paula.

I am so, so sorry for your loss.

Sweet Praline was a beautiful little diva princess and you two have such happy memories together. You loved her and she loved you.

Thank you for sharing so openly with us, particularly when your heart must have been hurting so.

Now she can have all the stinky goodness she wants and it won't make her sick any more. She'll be well in your (and our) memories.

Love and purrs from "The Boys" and Karen.

Admiral Hestorb said...

I am so so terribly sorrowful about your precious little girl. I remember the pain so vividly.

It will be good to have her back with you on Friday. Back home.

Much love and tears...


ellie said...

Thinking of u at this very sad time. Beautiful song that u sang for your Sweet Praline.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your loss. This is very very sad. :( Sweet Praline was very sweet and so brave.
She will be missed a lot. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

The Crew said...

What a lovely tribute to beautiful Praline. At 16 years, she had a good, long life and we know you'll miss her terribly. It's never easy to let our beloved friends go, no matter how many times we've done it. Time will heal.

Purrs to you.

The Crew & Crew's Mom

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Thank you for that beautiful slide show. We especially loved seeing Baby Praline.

We can imagine how raw and bereft you are feeling right now. You gave your wonderful girl so many gifts, starting with a wonderful life and ending with so much dignity.

Your love for her and hers for you will always be with you. We know there will be a lot more love in your life too.

Your Friends
The Poupounette

Unknown said...

I have been following a little on facebook as I was away from the house. Pixel samba and my self are sending healing thoughts your way

Lynx217 said...

I'm sure Nimbus was right at the bridge to greet her and is letting her hang out with him and Inigo (Rumbles' brofur) at the ginormous NimmyMansion (has to be for a 19lb Coon MOL) as Praline puts her touches on her very own mansion! I'm sorry I didn't get to see this through as I really needed to take some time off to grieve for Nimbus myself. It has not been easy and it won't for you but know you did everything you could for such a diva kitty! Praline will live on for forever! *hugs*


(Email me if u need to talk, still on vacation of a sort but I am still checking email now and then.)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

What a beautiful video, Paula! And of course I'm crying again. I just know she and Cerise are going to be BFF at the Bridge.

We have our candle lit in Praline's honor and memory right now. (((HUGS))) and love to you!

Mom Peggy

Kitty McCormack said...

Tears are swelling up in my eyes watching that beautiful montage of your Sweet Praline. My thoughts are with you during this hard time.

Kitty xxx

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I am so, so sorry. Beautiful tribute to your Sweet Praline.
*tears* and more *tears*
You will be together again.

~ Mom Bobbie of The Bunch

p1x1ecat said...

Oh Paula. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sweet Praline will be greatly missed. I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. My eyes are leaking as I write this and my heart goes out to you. Sending hugs and much much love.

Amy & the house of cats said...

What a beautiful tribute for a beautiful beautiful girl. We are so glad you will be keeping the blog up - we are glad we will still get to see her beautiful face - it always made mom smile so much to see her. We will be sad for a while but will smile to remember all her happy stories and her diva antics. And she will always be with you in your memories and in your heart.

Pumpkinpuddy said...

Sorry. Forgot mom was signed in. The post from p1x1ecat is from me.

OKcats said...

I'm so very, very sorry to hear this, Paula. Knowing you did the right thing doesn't make it hurt any less. I hope that her blog will provide you with beautiful memories forever. She will be missed by all.

Jana, mom of the OK Cats, Fuzzy and Zoe

Poppy Q said...

What a tough day for you Paula, but we know that your sweet girl was helped by having you there at the end. Sending you hugs.

Love Julie and Poppy Q

Cheri Linehan said...

I am so sorry for your loss of such a wonderful companion. I am sending love,light,and prayers to Sweet Praline for her crossing and to you. You both have brought me daily joy on your blog. Blessings! Cheri

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

I am so very sorry for your loss, it is always such difficult and painful decision to make and to know when to let them cross over The Rainbow Bridge. I do think is is one of the last loving gifts we can give them. My heart goes out to you in what is such a difficult time for you, please know you are in my prayers. She was a most beautiful girl and so obviously loved very, very much by so many people.
With Love
Momma Tea

Max said...

Awww...I'm really, really sorry. I know Praline is having a blast now at the Bridge, but still... it sucks here. :(

Clooney said...

Dear Paula,

That is an absolutely beautiful tribute to Miss Sweet Praline and you have a beautiful voice. We are so very sorry for your loss. We send you our kindest thoughts and you are in our prayers. (We hope that Sweet Praline will meet our special girl Inka in kitty heaven and become great friends.)

Be Well Miss Sweet Praline

Love Clooney, Neytiri and Mom Karyn

Anonymous said...

oh Praline, we misses you so much. we all just cried SO HARD here, seeing your beautyful pikshers and listening to your mommeh sing her love for you.

Old Kitty said...

Look at beautiful Sweet Praline! Mum Paula - what a lovely tribute and what a beautifully sung song for her. This is just so sad. My heart is so heavy for you. I am so sorry for your loss. What a precious beautiful gorgeous kitty. Take care

Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

Dearest Paula ~
Such a beautiful tribute for such a beautiful little ladycat. I said a prayer today and asked our little angel S'more to greet Praline with lots of kitty kisses and soft meows...

Thank you for this wonderful tribute and for sharing so much of beautiful Praline's life with us.

Lots of love, purrs, and hugs,
Rocky, Angie, Mommy Karen, and Angel S'more xoxo

Daisy said...

Your video was so beautiful and touching. I can hardly believe we won't be able to see Praline's beautiful sweet crabby face any more. I will never ever forget her. Thank you for sharing Sweet Praline's life with us. {{{hugs}}}

Anonymous said...

It was beautiful, she was a grand diva!

Forty Paws said...

Oh my gosh. Now Maw is crying. That was such a beautiful tribute to Sweet Praline. Wow. We will sure miss her.

Luf, Us and Maw

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

"Death ends a life, not a relationship" - Jack Lemmon

Dear Paula - Sitting here with tears running down my face and not being able to think of what to say, I just automatically responded to the email "ding" and discovered there was a comment from you on my own blog. You said "Thanks for making me laugh". I am glad our silly little post brought some cheer to you at this sad time!

We all will miss Sweet Praline very much, but we know of course that your loss is so much greater. Those of us who have had a similar loss understand how you are feeling right now. Those who haven't, know they will someday.

We are relieved that Sweet Praline is no longer sufferring, and we are happy thinking of her eating her fill and feeling healthy again over the Bridge.

The vision of her hissing at the vet brought a smile to our hearts, in spite of the sadness of the moment.

The video and song were awesome! Your love for your dear friend came through in every picture and word.

Thoughts of comfort and understanding from me, and purrs from Ayla, Iza, and Marley...


Tamago said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Sweet Praline...she will be so missed. I cried while I read your post and watched the video. My thoughts are with you....

Sagira said...

I am so very sorry to hear about Praline. Our thoughts are with you.

Unknown said...

What a great tribute to Praline! She was much loved through out our community!
I am sure she will be having a gret time with all the others as they wait for us.
Kisess, purrs and hugs
Nellie and her mom

IndyRose said...

My dear Georgie and Max will show Praline the good napping spots and the best field of catnip to munch there. I am so sorry for your loss, keep those memories precious!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Paula, what a lovely and loving tribute to your beloved Praline. I feel like Praline belonged to us all because of the blog. You know that I am here for you. You are such a loving person and Praline loved you so much.

I'm typing through tears. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Your voice is such a gift from God. I know that Praline can hear you singing from Rainbow Bridge.

Love, Deb

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

We are sorry for your loss, and know it's hard to miss her every day.

caspersmom said...

We are so very sorry to hear about Sweet Praline. We know how it hurts. My sister Patches passed away this past Wednesday. But we know that Sweet Praline will live on in your hearts as Patches will live on in ours. Purrs and Prayers for you in this time of your grief.

Casper,Cleo and Mom

Sally Ann and Andy said...

We are so sorry about Praline. Mommy and I were where you are now about a year ago. You did the best thing for her, but it so hard to "make it seem right." She doesn't hurt any more, and she can now chase rats or any other rodent with out any hinderance. Things will get better, but it takes time. If you ever get really sad and miss her just being there, it might sound silly; but, try talking to her and seeing there. We are so sorry that she had to move to heaven, but she loves you and will always love you more than anything.
Sally Ann and her Mommy

caspersmom said...

Mom Paula you have a beautiful voice and you song had Mom in tears.


Mr Puddy said...

My mom is crying badly when the video started..1995- 2011...16 years !!!! Mom paula, I really want to give you a hug in personal. Me and my mom are so sorry.

Thank you to share a beautiful memoir with us.
Purrs for Praline to rest in peace
Purrs for Healing your loving soul


Elizabeth Munroz said...

Dear Praline shall be sorely missed! We know our Dowager Queen, Keli, will be meeting her at the other side of the bridge and introduce her around and make her comfortable in her new home. Sweet Praline will not be alone.

Ellen Whyte said...

I'm so sorry. We really feel for you in this difficult time. Praline was a lovely girl, and she had a wonderful life with you. Purrs from all of us in Malaysia.

Dexter said...

What a beautiful tribute to your Sweet Praline. She was a good friend to you. Holding her in your arms while she crossed over the bridge. Very important. Let you both say goodbye. She was well loved and will be missed.

Mango Momma

pook555 said...

Our purrs and prayers are with you and our meowmy was touched by your tribute to Sweet Praline. Know she is at peace now at the Rainbow Bridge.

Purrs and hugs from all of us!

Stephanie said...

Am so sorry to hear about your loss of your sweet Praline. I currently have a cat with cancer and another that was just diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease, so I know all about those hills and valleys.

I wish comfort, hugs, beautiful memories and peace during your rough time.

May you both see each other again at the Bridge.

Mickey's Musings said...

We are so very sorry that Praline has gone to the Bridge. We wish we could hug you Paula. We know the emptyness you feel taking the empty carrier home.
We have no magic words or any way to deal with the pain.It is something you have to go through.
We trust the power of kitty purrs will help sustain you.
That was a lovely tribute for Praline too :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
JoyJoy,Treasure ,Tiger and mom Nancy

Kas said...

We`are all so sorry here, but understand she will be with other friends now with no pain. Praline will find joy in every moment and a delicious treat whenever she dreams of one.

LOve always Spider, Smudge, Kas , Miranda and Boyd.

Teddy Westlife said...

It's a lovely tribute Paula and we are so so sorry about Praline. You totally did the right thing and she is not in any pain now. We're going to miss her. Soft purrs to you.

Travis Cody said...

I was a coward at the end for my Mr Tucker last month. I was with him for as long as I could do it, and then I chose to remember the last best weekend before he went over the Bridge. I hope he forgives me for that bit of weakness.

You have my deepest sympathies for the loss of your sweet diva.

Jacqueline said...

My deepest condolances over the loss of your beautiful baby...The tribute was so touching and heartfelt, a really lovely goodbye...LOVE is an energy that never dies and in that way, Praline will live in your heart, with you always...Wishing you comfort and peace as you deal with this terrible sorrow; my thoughts and prayers are with you, Paula...love and hugs...J

Anonymous said...

Just heard the news. I want to cry. I will miss you, Kitty. :(

Just Ducky said...

Farewell Praline. Glad you told the vet just what you thought. Hugs to you mum.

Unknown said...

We are so sorry to hear about Praline. Glad to hear that she remained herself right to the very end. She was truly a great blog friend and we are so happy to have met you through Mango. We will certainly miss you both.

XOXO Blair and Mom (Erika)

The Daily Pip said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace Praline ...

Your pal, Pip

Danielle said...

I am so sorry. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Sweet Praline will be missed by all of us.


Josie said...

Beautiful. ((hugs))

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Even to the last minute, I was hoping this wasn't going to happen. I'm so very, very sorry. Our prayers go out to sweet Little Praline and her loving mom, Paula.

Your strength and caring is evident in the beautiful tribute you put together, singing the words that seemed to include us, too. We thank you for sharing your life together, she was a delightful little thing with so much personality. She will be sorely missed.

Love and hugs from us,

Julie-mom to Fishy, Tinker and dog Trapper and, of course, Tom

Cory said...

Paula, mom got all leaky at your wonderful tribute. So special with your lovely voice singing to your sweet girl.

We all miss her so much.


Cory, Ellie, Bennette, Ginger, Jonesie, Nigel, Figaro, Madison, Cecilia and Grete woofie.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

My heart is heavy and the tears from the mom won't stop while we watched your video of Sweet Praline. She is such a sweetie pie. I have always thought how cute she is. She will be missed by the many that knew her and loved her so much. Keeping you in my thoughts and purrs and you go through this difficult time. I am glad that you are going to bring her back home She would want that. Keep her close to you each day in your thoughts. Furever she will live close to us in our hearts.

maya said...

oh, Paula, we are all devastated with you. I'm sure Praline is happy at the bridge now, knowing that you did what was best for her. We will miss hearing about her little adventures, but I will always remember that beautiful face of hers. She was so lucky to have you.
Love and purrs,
Maya and Harley xxxxxxx

Millie said...

Mom and I are so sorry to hear Praline has crossed to the Bridge. We are sending you purrs and hugs.

Love, Millie & Mom Lynne

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

We're leaky ... And having a hard time composing ourselves. we wish Sweet Praline godspeed on her trip over the Bridge. Hugs to our furriend Paula.
DMM and Feline Americans

Pumpkin said...

Our whiskers are wet and Meowmy's eyes are leaking real bad. We will miss you sweet little Praline. You will be in our hearts always. Run free at the Bridge sweet pea.
Purrs + whisker kisses to you and your fambly.

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh Mom Paula I am so sorry to read this, although you did the right thing for your girl, as you always have.

Your tribute is lovely. I'm sure Praline is directing things from over the bridge and will help ease your heart.

Huge hugs to you!

Meg & Fin

Catsparella said...

That video was very touching..thank you for sharing it with us. Sweet Praline was a beautiful kitty, and I'll miss her patented tortitude! She had a wonderful life, and was so lucky to have you as her purrfect Mom! Sending lots of love to you Paula, and purrs for Praline ♥

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We know that having Sweet Praline home with you will help...Teri is comforted by having those who came before us here with us. She is still sad when she thinks of them, but so happy she got to share a part of her life with each and everyone. We know that we miss her, too, and feel sad knowing all her posts are in the past now, but are so grateful for each and every one...

Myst and Blackie said...

We are very sorry for your loss but we are so happy that you shared Praline with us the last few years. She was a wonderful cat with an equally wonderful owner.

Purrs & hugs...

Jade, Myst, Blackie & Jen

Keiko said...

We are so sorry to hear that Sweet Praline had to go to the Bridge. The video is a wonderful tribute to such a gorgeous kitty. The CB will not be the same without you Praline... we're sure that you will become a bright star in the sky and watch over your Mum forever. Our Mummy is sending you many hugs and prayers...We hope Sweet Praline and our little angel Yuji will become friends at the Bridge!

Many purrs and hugs...
Kitty Quartet & Mum Misa

Tuxedo Gang said...

Our thought and prayers are with you Paula!! We loved your Tribute to Sweet Praline and it made us all cry tears of sadness and happiness!! We will miss Sweet Parline, she will alyas be in our hearts!
Your TX furiends,
and Chandra

Samantha & Mom said...

Sorry wrong sign in!! The post above was us!!
Love & Hugs,
Your TX furiends,
and Chandra

Laura Stefanko said...

im so sorry, i never really followed your blog but i knew about her and her medical problems. im so so so so sorry im crying because its just plain devestating. one thing we all need to remember is that she is hissing at the angels, :) she is healthy and has many boy friends in heaven. my prays go out to you paula, i dont know how you are dealing with this but you were strong enough to share the news with us so bare with me :(

~love and prays -Laura-

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Oh Paula, I am so, very, very sorry for your loss...I was crying through out the whole video. It was beautiful...

m.q said...

Rest in peace dear friend
u will always be remember

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Paula. Many of us out here are thinking of you today.

M Dawson said...

A friend grieves with you. Bless you sweet Praline may your spirit fly free and joyful. Mum will miss you, we will miss you.


@DashKitten &

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Sweet Praline will be in our memories forever. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this sad time.

Run free, sweetie, until we meet again one day.

Suka said...

Khyra sent us over. We are so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Sweet Praline. Your video tribute to her was very heartwarming and touching. She was such a gorgeous cat. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Know that Sweet Praline is with you always in your Heart and memories.


Suka and K

The Furry Bambinos said...

We are so very sorry. The video you made is so very poignant. We know how hard this time is for you.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, and Sky

Duke said...

What a lovely tribute to beautiful Praline! Our hearts are breaking for you.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

one of Fae's humans said...

even though i didn't know Praline very well, i will miss her as well... my heart goes out to you and Praline's friends during this hard time.


Vicki said...

Paula - the slide show is beautiful and what a lovely voice you have. Thank you so much for sharing. Love and best thoughts coming your way...Batu & Vicki xxxooo

Your Daily Cute said...

What a beautiful slideshow, and a beautiful song you chose to sing for Sweet Praline. So much love.

I'm so sorry.

Admiral Hestorb said...

MomI was able to watch the video this morning. Yesterday she could not as she knew she would cry. Today she did cry but had a small smile as she was born on my mom's birthdate of September 25th. We were Libra girls together.


HoundDogMom said...

We are stopping by from Khyra's blog. We are so sorry to hear about the loss of your Sweet Praline. The video was beautiful and we are sorry that we are just know getting to know who Sweet Praline was. RIP Praline. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

The Cat Guy said...

I am new to you blog, just read about Praline's passing on Random Felines. The video is very touching, a sweet tribute to a very sweet friend. Many hugs and purrs in this time of heartache.

CCL Wendy said...

You have a beautiful voice. It made everything so much more emotional.

Tears were streaming down my face the whole time.

I'm just so glad you're keeping the blog -- it's the best testament to Sweet Praline.

Anonymous said...

We are just so sorry that Sweet Praline has gone to the Bridge...rest in peace dear, sweet, beautiful Praline.

We are glad to hear that you will not close her blog. You are still in our prayers dear Paula. Hugs

Deven said...

Just a beautiful love song to Praline. We loved you, and love you both. It's nice to know that she'll always be with you.

Ariel said...

Such a beautiful post it made mom cry.Your voice is so lovely.

Farleysmom said...

Our eyes have been very leaky up here in Charlotte. We feel like we've lost a family member, we enjoyed reading about Praline daily. Our thoughts are with you and she'll be there waiting for you along with all her friends. Susan & Doris (sisters and both cat owners)

How Sam Sees It said...

We are stopping by from Khyra's. We are sorry for your loss and are sending you hugs.


Anonymous said...

We're all leaky eyed over here...that was a lovely tribute, and you have an amazing voice. She'll forever be in our hearts.

Alexi said...

Hi Mom Paula,
We iz very sorry that we haf not been by to comfort you but da beans have been away on bacashun. They just gotted back and saw that Sweet Praline crossed the bridge. Mombean's eyes got really leaky and her noose is all snuffy and all. WE iz all very sad about Praline. Mombean might try to get in touch with you later in the week.

Alexi said...

Peee Sss. Mom Paula, we finks you have a lovely voice. Mombean likes to sing but she finks you haf a grate voice. Your singing made Mombean's eye reel leaky.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Awww, we jus heard.
We are so Sorry and so Sad dat your Sweet Pealine haz left you. You video iz a Bootiful Tribute ~
Soft nose Kissez & Purayerz~
The Garden Cottage Cats ~

Mish Meow said...

I just happened upon your blog today. I am so very sorry for your loss. I have an 11 year old Himmie named Blue. He is my everything. He hadn't been acting right for awhile and I found out earlier this month that he had a bad tooth. He had surgery to remove two of his incisors. The day of his surgery on the 11th, was far worse for me than it probably was for him. Today he had to go to the groomer for his Spring shave. He's very mad at me right now.

I am so happy to read that you've had Praline cremated. I live with my parents and we lost our Rat Terrier in November. My mother and I stayed with her until the end and she too, after days of not eating or drinking, came up with enough spunk to nip at the vet! We had her cremated and she resides on my dad's desk in a little shrine of her photos. We have a little heart shaped tea light holder which we burn until it goes out, every month on the 18th which is the day she left us. We call it MollyDay. She went to sleep wrapped in my Tinkerbell blanket. I brought it home and folded it and placed it neatly in my closet for when it will be needed again. My cats are 11 and 14.

I am so glad that you were able to hold Praline on your shoulder like you did. I have already solemnly sworn that when it's time for my babies to go, I want to be holding them.

Michelle in MO

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We are so sorry Paula for the loss of your dear friend. That video was such a touching tribute, eyes leaking over here. She will be truly missed.

Hugs and purrs of comfort from out here in the woods.