Uh! Oh! I think I hear something that sounds like the Vet's footsteps! I'm out of here!
Maybe if I hide under the table, behind the trashcan, she won't see me!
Hmmmmmmmm. What's this cord doing down on the floor?
Oops! Dr. Susan Ellis and Mom caught me and put me back on the table. Dr. Ellis said I looked great! She sad my teeth had a little build-up, but she should be able to take care of that next year (and without knocking me out). She made some comment about me having strong little jaws! She started feeling around me stomach and said I had strong belly muscles too! She dropped some medicine in my nose (didn't like that) and then came from behind an gave me a shot!! Ouch!!!
The good news is that the Vet said I was in such good shape that she didn't see the need to steal my bloods. She even had to ask my mom how old I was and when she told her, the vet said I was doing great for a kitty my age. No special food or medicines needed. I think I like this Vet after all!
Dr. Susan Ellis (my Vet) holding me.
Pee Ess - My mom's human vet appointment went fine too. He told my mom it was just a "wait and see" process now and tey wouldn't know anything for about 6 months. Usually there isn't a lot of pain with an implant, but the doctor told my mom that with all of the problems and surgeries in the same area (5 surgeries in the last two years) that it would take her a little longer to heal. She goes back in September for x-rays.
Pee Ess Ess - Please don't forget to donate for your chance for the NEW Platinum Drinkwell Fountain. Mom has kept the fountain running to make sure it is stil working before we ship it. I have NEVER used it!!! For only $5, you can have a chance to get a brand new fountain that normally costs $70. Only four more days! All proceeds go toward my vet bills and the remainder will be sent to other kitties on the CB that are in need. Thank you in advance for your caring and assistance. We love you!

Praline, we're so glad you didn't have to have your blood stolen, and that you got a good report. Your v-e-t looks very nice with you.
Yay! That is great news! That looks like a very nice v-e-t.
Yay.!!!! happy dance. we are so glad for you and your bean.
Excellent news! Sounds like all those belleh rubs are helping you get strong tummy muscles!
That's a whole lot of great news from your v-e-t. We're glad that you were so healthy that the v-e-t didn't bother stealing your bloods. Hope your Mom keeps on healing well too,
Gypsy & Tasha
YEAH! Those are two things that are all good news and we are very happy about them!
We are so happy that your v-e-t visit went well & that you & Mom Paula got good reports!!
Yay, Praline! We are happy that you got such an excellent report at the vet. Great, great, double great!
We're glad that you're doing well and that your Mom is doing ok too.
Hooray! That's a great report, Praline!
That's a good vet report for both of you!
Huffle Mawson
Oh my little sweet one, that is realy good news. Your mum will be able to sleep easy now knowing you are ok.
Love from your friend Ginger Jasper xx
Such good news all around!
Yay! We're happy everything went well for you and your mom!!!
Yay, no bloods! We are very glad to hear such great news about you both, Praline!
What super news! We don't like it when they steal our bloods, so we're happy they didn't have to do that!! We're happy your Mom is doing so well too!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We are happy that both of you are doing well. ~S,S,C & F
Yay for all that pawsome news, Praline! We are so glad to hear how healthy you are. We are also glad your mom's appointment went well too!
U iz lucky to have a nice vet, Sweet P! Mai vet is scared of me cuz me iz so FIERCE and growly and clawy. Me haates her. xxoo Bhu
Glad you and your mom got a good report. We hope your mom's mouth heals well.
Great news, Sweet Praline! we are so glad that you and your Mommy are doing so well!
It's so nice to read such happy news Praline! Your VET's exam room looks so pretty and cheery. You were a good girl, honey.
I'm so glad Mommy Paula is on the mend. I wanted to send her candy for Easter, but after all that surgery in her mouth I though, "no way!" I hope she can enjoy all her favorite treats soon. At least there's ice cream!
We are purraying for Miss Peach too.
Lots of Gentle hugs from me and Miss Billie,
We wish luck with the surgery, Miss Peach, sure everything will right ^^
ooh Praline, you are pretty in the office of your vet! Sure it handles very well for you =)
Jas & Gi
I'm so glad you both had good vet visits. And no stolen blood is a big plus!
YIP-YOW! so glad to hear youse both had good report cards from yer respective vets!!
We can all relax now! Concats on your great report:)
Praline, it's me Chilli. Please come by tomorrow to celebrate Siena's first birthday - you are invited! We will hang out in the garden and play!
We are glad you and your mum both got good reports.
Great news for both of you!!
That's good that they didn't steal your blood. You know they never give it back!
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