Feeling My Oats
I may be an older kitty, but when mom stores my fev-ver butt mousies in the nip, Mom says I go crazy and start "feeling my oats." I have no idea what she means by that. All I know is I am having fun and feel like a young kitten again.
Mom's are silly...feeling your oats...but my mom had oats for breakfast this morning, would that mean I should put my paws in it? What does oats have to do with bunny kicking? Humans....
Not sure what it means, but you look like a happy lady.
FEATHERS! Cheysuli attempts to launch through the computer to get Praline's toy...
We love mice with feathers and nip, whoo hoo, can we play=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Have a nice day wiv your fevva - it looks fun!
I don't know what your oats are either but they look like fun :)
Huffle Mawson
You are having fun can I come play please.
A package for me, I am getting all excited at the though. I will get up on my window and lok for the post man every day. WHooo Whooo.Love surprises.
Thank you my sweet.
Hugs your pal GJ x
You look like a beautiful young lady who is having lots of fun. ~S,S,C & F
We don't know about oats, but you sure look like a kitten in that picture!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We're feeling them too, Praline!
Yup, just cause we get older doen't mean we lost our oats!
That looks like a great feather toy!!!
No matter how old kitties get, they still have some kitten in them! Especially when you bring out the fedders and the nip! What a sweet little girlie she is! Sweet Praline is really into her cherished toy.
We wonders what oats feels like anyway.
Praline, you look like you are having a lot of fun. We wish we could join you!
Sure does look like you are having fun! Hmmmm, we could go for some nip right now
Fluffy and Bonkers
Oh Praline, it's so good to see you feeling your oats! You look so cute and happy and healthy. There are too many kitties that are sick right now and I'm so happy that you are not one of them. Now if only Daisy, JB, and Miss Peach could get better.
How is Mommy Paula? I hope her back and mouth are better.
Miss Billie is doing well. She is crazy for Fancy Feast, so I give her as much as she wants, my sweet little girl. She's so tiny. Praline, I know you have some "Himmie" in you. Are Himmies bigger than Persians? Billie was the smallest of her litter, but she seems smaller than other floofy kitties I see.
I hope you and Mommy have a happy day!
Miss Billie and Lorianna
Fev-ers and Nip! To ow the best toys ever!
U sure look like a very happy younger kitty!
U IZ a kitten! xxoo Bhu
I bet your mom has almost as much fun as you have by only watching you!
Purrs, Siena
With feathers and catnip, you can't help but become frisky.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Go Praline, go!
I have oats I like to feel too!
That looks fun!
Hey my Sweet Praline - check this out. It looks like us!
How right you are, Praline. You can't beat a feather-butt marinated in 'nip! It brings out the kitten in us senior cats.
Nip has that effect on Rascal, and she's also an older kitty.
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