Update on Praline 11:00 AM: The Vet appointment went well! In fact, the Vet said I was doing so great that she didn't need to take my bloods! Yippee! She even said I was doing great and had to ask again how old I was. Thank you so much for all of your purrs and purrayers! They worked!
Uh oh! What's my PTU doing out?
The door is open and Mom is no where around, so I think I will check it out!
This is interesting. Usually when my PTU is out, Mom has to grab me and put me in it and I am fighting the whole time. I wonder what is going on.
TRAPPED! She tricked me!
I have a Vet appointment this morning at 9:30. This is for my yearly checkup, but the Vet said she may have to steal some of my bloods for a geriatric workup. I'm not old, so I don't know why she feels she must do this.
My Mom has an appointment with her human Vet this afternoon for him to follow up on her surgery. Mom says that she has a constant ache in her gum (which she thinks is normal) and every once in a while there is a sharp pain.
We will provide you with updates after our Vet visits. Thank you for your purrs and support.
I hope you both get good news at your vets!
Good luck to both of you! When I had to take Kirby last time, I sat the PTU in the hall while I got ready. He was in it ans waiting for me!
Hope you both have good checkups. We'll be purring for you both.
--Jasper and the McKitten-Cats
I hate the vet! Hope all goes well with the checkups!
We hate that you got tricked, but your Mom has to take care of you. Wishing the best for both of your visits today.
We hope yoo both pass yoor check-ups wif flying colors. We don't know what dat means zactly, we just know dat it is good.
We hope your appointments go well. Purrs for you and your Momma.
I hope both your visits to the v-e-t are painless!
Huffle Mawson
Purrs to you and your Mom for your v-e-t visits - we hope that everything goes well,
Gypsy & Tasha
Can you believe that Tamir sleeps in the PTU all the time? Silly boy.
We're sending out loud purrs for a good report from the VET. We hope your Mom's VET visit goes well too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Purring and praying for you my sweet little Praline.
Hugs Ginger Jasper xxx
we hopes you haf a good v-e-t visit. our grammie's cousin has botox injekshuns in her gums 'acuase of gum pain and they werk for her really well. we hopes your mommy's bean v-e-t can help her get rid of the pain
HI Sweet Praline,
At the castle, we will be thinking of you and your mommy at your v-e-t visits. When you gets home, please drop by the Castle for my puurthday party! Lots of yummies to eat, couch to sleep on. We can talk girl talk if you want.
Praline! Our mom tricks us the same way! We hope your v-e-t visit goes well and they don't steal too many of your bloods. And we hope your mom's check up goes well too!
We have our paws crossed that you are both fine. Hope you had a Happy Easter!!!!!
Healing purrs & tail wags, Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
Good luck at the Vets, Sweet P and Paula!! xxoo Bhu
pee ess: Me iz not cheating on U. Maggy and Zoey is deliteful furrends.
Yay!! We are so happy that your vet appointment went well, Praline!
We're all so happy your vet visit went so well, Miss Praline! And we hope your mom's is as easy with the human vet.
That's wonderful news, Praline! You go girl!!
Rocky & staff
Hope everything will be fine Praline dear!
My human tricks me like that too.. when I refuse not to get into the carrier..
I am so glad the VET news was good! (I will not even go near my PTU, even if it's just sitting there.)
Such a relief that everything went well at your vet. Hope your mom is doing well at her vet also.
We're so glad to hear that everything went well - hopefully everything went well for your Mama as well!
That's good news, Praline! We hope that your Mom gets good news as well.
Praline dat is great news!! We hopes yer mom's vet says it is normal and nothin bad.
Yay! Now yoor mom needs just as good a report!
Yay for Praline! Now we hope that your Mom gets good news on her mouth!
We are so happy for you, Pralin!
We hope your Mom's human vet tells her all is fine, too!
~ The Bunch
Glad to hear yore checkup went well, Miss Praline. We hope yore mom's was good too. We speshly hope her mowf stops herting soon.
Hugs & purrs,
Finny Buddy & Jazzy
I am so very glad to hear this, Sweet Praline. Glad all went well, and hope it did for your mom, too!
It's never fun going to the vet, but we wish you luck!
Fluffy and Bonkers
We are glad your V E T visit went well. We hope your mum's human vet visit goes well too.
Good news for you Praline! Let's hope it's good news for your Mom too :) xxx
I'm glad to hear that you both got good news!!
Whew! We are all very happy you both got good report!
Oh Praline and mommy Paula, I am so happy to read that all is well with Praline and that Paula's mouth is healing. I sure hope her pain goes away. Praline I thought for some reason your appointment was tomorrow. Maybe because Miss Peach has to go in tomorrow? I have been so worried about all of my dear kitty friends and their moms! But, Yay! you are okay! :)
We are so glad you are both doing well!! (((((((((Hugs from us!!)))
Your FL furiends,
purrz n purrz fur u Praline...n fur ur Mawmee!! Pleez fanks ur Mawmee fur dat kard she helpt u sind bout last monf sumtime. We waz furry touched by dat...
Luv u guyz.
hugs n kissiez
Katie Too
Bootsie Woo
n all da Katie Katz
(n Maxie too!)
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