I love to lie on my back and show my belly and get belly rubs from my mom. This is one of mom's favorite pictures of me as a kitten. I am lying on my back with a half twist hanging upside down on the back of the sofa. I got a big AWWWWWWW from my mom when I did this and an immediate belly rub and kiss!

Drinkwell Fountain Raffle

Well, Mom tried everything thing she could for over two weeks and I still refuse to use the new Drinkwell Fountain she bought me. I know she was trying to help me out by encouraging me to drink more water, but I already drink plenty of water from my Gamecock Bowl and I don't like to drink running water. We decided to give other kitties that like to drink from running water the chance to have their very own fountain (at a much cheaper price.) My next Vet visit is schedule for April 13 and the vet has given an estimate of approximately $300 for all of the bloodwork and tests. Donations for the water fountain are $5 each and the raffle will end on April 17. The winner will be drawn on April 18 and announced on April 19. Any remaining funds after the vet bill is paid will be donated to Miss Peach and Moki for their vet bills. Just click the donate button on the sidebar. Please include your blog name and URL in the comment section on PayPal. Thank you in advance for your help.
okay i habve to let out one big you know what on this one.....
I think us4 summed it up quite nicely, but I shall add my bit...
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! (I have more Es and exclamation marks)
You are the cutest little baby. We don't need a drinkwell fountain we don't think because the Woman doesn't think we would drink from it either.. but we may drop some of our temptations into your donate box anyway...
Praline, you're the cutest little kitten ever! I love the little foot sticking up on the wall
We love our drinkwell, so we won't buy any raffle tickets, but we will try to give you a donation anyway.
That picture of you is the cutest.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
I had to beat Misha.
Huffle Mawson
What a sweet baby belly.You take such good pictures. We're sorry you didn't like your drinkwell, but this way maybe a kitty who likes it will get it, and your Mommy will get some greenpapers for the v-e-t visit.
We're covering our ears because Mom is SQUEEEEing so loudly!!
We hope you raise lots of Green Papers with your auction. Mom said we need to give another cat a chance for a fountain, so we're just going to give a donation.
Sniffi and the Florida Furkids
Okay...this one put mom over the top!!! We can't handle the squeeeeeing anymore!!!
Adorable picture, Sweet Praline!!! Good luck on the raffle, it looks like you will have a lot of participants. Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Both pictures are great, but I love the picture of you dissing the Drinkwell fountain.
That is a sweet picture of baby Praline! Mom wants go give you a tummy rub. We are sorry you don't like the fountain. We love ours, But not all kitties do!
Awwww! Praline, my mommy and I always LOVE your baby pictures!
I hope your mommy is doing well! Tell her to stop doing stuff like scratching her eye . . . she keeps me and mommy worried about her!
We also have to saw AWWWWW!!!
We are still adjusting to our fountains, some of us like them, some of us don't. It's a personal choice!
U are sweet kitten praline!
Awww, what a cute little floofy tummy.
Good luck with the auction!
Don't blame ya Praline. Who does like drinking from running water?!
Fluffy and Bonkers
Awwwwwww.....Sweet Praline!! Your baby pictures are cuter than cute!! Mr. Tigger loves to drink from the faucet so we are going to purchase some raffle tickets!! Mom says it will save her money on her water bill!!
Your FL furiends,
and Maverick
Praline, you look so teeny tiny in that picture! Oh, so squeelicious!
OH man I am so jealous! Your momma must really give good tummy rubs for you to do that!
My momma blows raspberries and I just hate it...
You is such a sweet little babeh Miss Praline! :))
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