- My friends on the Cat Blogosphere! You have been so wonderf
ul to my mom and me through my recent illness with your visits, your kind words, your thoughts, your purrayers, and your donations.
- I am no longer barfing! I have been feeling much better the last week. Mom thinks that my water intake has increased, but she won't
be sure until I go to the vet at the end of the month and get some bloodwork done.
3. My mom, who takes such great care of me and gives me lots of love!
4. My grandparent beans, who give me bunches of treats!

5. Lorianna and Miss Billie, who sends us special surprise treats and always has such kind words for us.
6. Miss Ann at Zoolatry who has donated so much of her time and talents to help me look beautiful! Plus, she has two beautiful Himmies: Zoey and Maggy!

7. Jasper McKitten-cat's dad, who introduced us to the CB! Thank you so much for that and for taking care of my mom.
8. Stinky goodness and crunchies! I am eating very well lately, so mom is happy about that.
9. Temptations! Greenies! Stewart High Fiber Treats! Friskies
hairball treats! Gimpet Topini Treats
10. Daily brushings and combings until Mom finds one of those mats. She worked on one for three days and finally got rid of it (after a few scratches) and then she finds another one!11. My floofy friends on Floof and Fur! There are not a lot of us out there and you are a special group of kitties.
12. Mom's job. It gives her green papers to keep me stocked in stinky goodness, crunchies, and treats and to keep me in a safe and warm home! The job also keep my mom's brain challenged each day!
13. How can I forget Bhu, Goma, Laila and Minchie (and their mom Peggy), Gandalf and Grayson, Daisy, Ginger Jasper, Misha, Friends Forever, Victor, and so many more that are regular visitors and keep my mom and me amused! I think I will feature some of you next week while my mom is recuperating from gum surgery!

Mom and I can't thank all of you enough for the kindness you've shown us. We enjoy the CB so much and look forward to our visits with our furry friends and their beans. With my snoopervision help, Mom is helping me to visit more of you each day.
that is so sweet of you! to post your thankfulness. those are some real nice reasons too.
Purrs to your Mommy! We hope her gums heal faster than fast so she can help you blog efen more!!!
~Slash & Bronzy
So lovely of your mum to post all the thankfulness. My mum and I love to visit you.
We send lots of purrs and a hug for you mum, hope the oral surgery goes well and she soon recovers.
Huge hugs and a smooch for my Sweet Praline xxxxx
That is a lot of nice things and kitties and Beans that you are thankful for.
We hope your mum's gum surgery goes well next week.
Smoochies to you Sweet Praline. You are a wonderful gal!
You're a lucky gal Praline and I am lucky to have you as my friend!
Huffle Mawson
You have an awful lot to be thankful for, Praline! We are thankful that you are feeling better!
You are so sweet! We are thankful for friends like you! Glad you are doing better and hope Mom's surgery goes well!
Oh Praline, we are all thankful for you and your Mommy Paula! You are both the sweetest Southern Belles ever! We are still purraying for you and your Mommy. I hope your blood work comes back perfect and that Mommy Paula's gums heal up quickly.
May spring bring you blessings and happiness.
Love and Hugs,
Miss Billie and Lorianna
You have a lot to be thankful for, Sweet Praline, and that's so good :-)
That was a very nice thankful Thursday post! Purrs to you and your Momma Praline!
All of our eyes are leaking from reading your beautiful and sweet post today, Praline. We luvs you so much it's like you are part of our fambly. The collage is beautiful too.
Your BFFs,
Laila, Minchie and Mom Peggy
You are such a thankful kitty, Sweet Praline! Is is any wonder that all of the cats on the CB love you?
What wonderful people you have in your life and so many good things to be thankful for.
We're glad that you are feeling better!
Charlemagne and Tamar
Those are great things to be thankful for. I don't like Greenies...should I try them again?
What a sweet post. You have a lot to be thankful for.
Aw, Praline...what a nice post! We love you too!!!
We're glad you're feeling so much better!
Praline, you have so much to be thankful for and I'm thankful with you! I sure am glad you're feelin' better. I missed you while my mom was gone. I did.
You know what's made me extra thankful lately? That my beautiful floofy furriend Praline is feeling all better!
Why, Sweet P, we LUVS U an ur mommy! U R speshul an sweet and oh so purrity! Me is so purroud to be in ur collage and luv all the other furrends there, too! xxoo Bhu
Paula and Sweet P, what can we say? We LUVZ you both! xxoo Patty
Oh nice! We love you too Praline and Paula. Hope your surgery goes fine.
Those are very nice things to be thankful for and we are also thankful you are feeling better!Still purrrrrrin'=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
That is a great list of things to be thankful for. We are so glad that you are feeling better and are eating well again.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Someone already ask why I not visit South Carolina, so you will definately be on the next trip along with Kansas and Wisconsin!
That is a great Thankful Thursday (even if I'm just getting here a day late...) We're just glad that you have found a spot in the CB. We're thankful for knowing you, too.
--Jasper McKitten-Cat
Miss Praline your post had me a little leaky eyed, you are such a sweet girl and your momma and you have had such a bad month, and nows it is your momma teefs stuff.. I tell you.. ifs I find myself a magic wand....
I am sorry my picture did not work, I do not know why but I do feel very privileged and happy that you included me :)))
ps: please make sure you momma concentrates less of us and more on getting all good herself :)) This is most impawtant to us! :)
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