Today's Photo Hunter's theme is "Space". I thought I would show you my favorite space to watch one of my favorite TV programs, "The Dog Whisperer." I just love to see all of these woofies in trouble, especially the episodes where the kitties just sit by and watch!
The Dog Whisperer is on TV tonight in NZ, but it's on at the same time as American Idol, so Mummy and I have to fight over the remote control.
We love that show! Although mom thinks that there should be a show called the Cat Whisperer, and he needs to come to our house to show Dante how to behave. :)
I like that show too. I am pack leader here.
I like your space to watch television!
That looks a very comfy place to rest and watch Caesar. He does a good job with those troublesome woofies.
We love that program over here too There are some very difficult doggies on though, I wouldn't like to get on their wrong side.
Hugs Ginger Jasper xx
It is good to have your own space to watch the TV.
Mom loves Cesar Millan! She thinks watching his show should be required before anybuddy is allowed to get a woofie.
Do you think they'll ever have a show called the Cat Whisperer?
We have read his books and he sounds pawsome. You look very regal in your SPACE watching the TV show. ~S,S,C & F
We think Mom should watch that show to teach our woofies better manners. They like to steal our toys.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We've never watched that show...we're gonna tell our mom so we can watch it and see all the woofies that get in trouble! We like when woofies get in trouble! Makes us look good!
Where's your remote? Surely you want to mute the excessive barking and growling...
Oh, U look so kewt watching TV! xxoo Bhu
We love to watch the show "It's me or the dog"! It's very fun to see those woofies learn a thing or 2 (or 3)!
you is like dogs??? me hought you no likes dogs praline... i think you has best seat in da house!!
We like that show too:)
Can we come watch him too? We don't have cable.
mommeh hurd dat dat man iz jus a fake! him iz not telling da whole trufs.
We watch that show too at our house! My mom says she heard there may be a cat whisperer show coming sometime soon too!
You gots a lovely space to watch your favorite show!
My Mommy loves watching the Dog Whisperer too! You haf lots of space at home. Maybe I cud ask my Mommy to teleport over to join your Mommy for the next episode!
PS. We haf done a linky to your blog. *headbutts*
We don't watch that show. Mom doesn't want us to get any bad ideas from the bad doggies.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
That looks like you have a great SPACE to watch TV. I'm sure it is good to learn tricks about dogs just in case one comes over.
You are brave! We usually leave the room if woofies are on TV.
OoOOO what a neat sounding show! And I can see how interested you look :)
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