Easy Like Sunday
I like to lie in my popup tent backwards! Mom says I am supposed to go inside. I say, I like to sleep this way! I can see my pink boa that Ginger Jasper sent me better this way!
Mom just shakes her head at me. I wonder why she does that.
At first we thought it was your poop tent and we were confused. Then we realized that your popup tent is just doing what it is supposed to: keeping you from having to acknowledge your human. I see nothing wrong with how you are using it.
if we was lucky enough to haf a tent we would sleep like that too.
Peffe & Lussie
Simple. Mums have no idea.
Huffle Mawson
It's your tent Sweet Praline, you can use it anyway you want. That's a kitties right :)
Hehehehe! You are so funny and cute, Miss Sweet Praline!
Mom sometimes would not understand us cat, Praline (^^,)
I understand you purrrfectly my litte friend. Mums hey they sometimes have no idea.
Hugs GJ xx
Why don't the beans unnerstand that we like doing things OUR way...and that's not always the way they're suppose to be done...
Humans are clueless! It's so sweet that they pretend to understand us!
Our Mom gets confused about stuff like that too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Me iz glad U use tent that way. We can see more of Ur purrityness! xxoo bhu
Your tent, your rules. Mom's just don't understand!
Hey, all you need is your head covered. If you can't see them, they can't see you!
It's your tent, you sleep in it whichever way you want to.
What do Beans know, anyway?
Praline, our tents are the bestest things, no matter how we lay in them!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Is there a spider in there....you wouldn't want to go in and get bit so check it out real good!=^Y^=Toy
Tell mom its yours... so there!
You're an original thinker Praline!
hehe, Praline! That looks like a superduper way to sleep. You are furry kreative! I know my mom oftun sez she wundurs what's goin on in our fuzzy heads!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
It's ok to only stick your head in. It's not like it's raining! :)
You are funny! We love you tent, very stylish, and with that boa, so fashionable!
Whatever makes you happy Praline.
oh praline you should go inside it iz funz!! thank you so much for the b-day card!! you is sooooo sweet!!! I put it on my bloggy!!
Beans want everything done their way. We can see the advantages of sleeping the way you do!
We should never do the expected, eh, Praline? :)
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