
Floofy Friday

Hello All! Thank you for all of your suggestions concerning my Drinkwell Fountain yesterday. Mom even wrote the company that she bought it from and they sent her some helpful hints. We are going to try a few more things for a few days and the company said we could send it back for a full refund if I still refused to use it! So, my next decision (should I decide I still don't like the fountain) would be to either send it back to the company OR auction it and let some kitty win it for a $5.00 donation. What do you think?

Mom was holding me close last night and saw this shadow on the wall and just had to take a picture. I think it turned out kind of cool. The thing in the middle is the camera. So, for this "floofy Friday," you get both Praline and Mom Paula floof in the shadows!

Pee ess - My mom is still doing okay besides the normal soreness and tiredness. She goes back to the human vet on Monday.


Pinky Ash and Boo said...

The shadow picture is very neat. We're sorry you still don't like your fountain.

Motor Home Cats said...

That picture of the shadow is wonderful. We are glad to hear that your momma is starting to feel better. Do you drink out of the fountain when it is turned off?

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is one very sweet shadow look~!!!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We like the shadow picture! Like Angela Cartwright's shadow pictures!

Teddy Westlife said...

You look a bit unhappy in that photo of you Praline. Are you thinking about the evil drinkwell fountain?

Huffle Mawson

Country Cats said...

Your shadows look very sweet!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dear praline...momy bought me a fountain too and I do not like it either. It is the 'Cat It' one. I think I would like yours better. Auction or raffle it off.
I sure hopr you mommy will get a good bill of health. Being sore is not good...how can you eat good stuff?
Lots of love from Miss Peach

The Florida Furkids said...

We're sorry you don't like your fountain. We think you should give it more time. If you decide to get rid of it, auction it off. You probably could raise more green papers that way.

We love the floofy picture of you with your Mom!!

((Hugs)) to your Mom.

The Island Cats said...

That's a furry cool pic!

You should give the fountain some time...we bet you are stealing a drink or two when your mom isn't watching!

Tuck said...

I love the shadow picture! I'm glad to hear that your mommy is feeling better!!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That picture is so good, what a lovey keepsake.

So glad your mum is feeling better and fingers crossed for when she goes to the human vet next week.

Of course you are my NO 1 Praline, and I am not going on the date I will stay true to you..

Hugs GJ xxxx

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

That is a very cool shadow picture!

We are all in time out mode over here. Mom is really shook up and weepy. Angel's Mom might have to board him for awhile. We're just playing it by ear right now.

Pattyskypants said...

Me no likez moving waters eithur, Sweet P! Gets up in mai nose!! Mai mom sez she would send back for refund. xxoo Bhu

jenianddean said...

I think you are a little more floofy than your Mom in that shadow. I hope you learn to like your fountain.

Anonymous said...

Cool picture! We vote for your Mom getting a refund:)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

The shadow picture is great! Your mon is good with the flashy box.

Cat with a Garden said...

Great shadow pic!
We would give the fountain a little bit more time. It would be really good for you if you would use it (that's why your mom bought it!), but maybe it takes more time to get used to it.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

The Meezers or Billy said...

we're sorry you doesn't like your drinkwell.

that's a great pikshur of you and your mom

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is a cool picture of you and your Mom's shadows :-)

I think you should give your fountain a little more time. Do as others suggested, turn it off and after you get used to that, turn it on the lowest setting. If that doesn't work, then maybe you should auction it.

Anonymous said...

Well Praline, if yoo really really dun want to try dat new fountain den an auction wud be purrfect! Just try it at least once first ...

Jasmim said...

Oh Praline, you have to use your font ><
She does very well for us =)
But if you do not really like the best is to spend even a kitty!

Jas & Gi

Quill and Greyson said...

What a fun pic! Glad you're both feeling better.

Baby Patches said...

Oh I justs loves that shadow picture! So neat. I hopes you think about trying the new fountain your momma gots you. Let us knows if you try it.

Cat Street Boyz said...

We think it is healthy to drink lots of water so you should keep trying.......at least give it 2 weeks! Then if it still doesn't get you drinking then....send it back=^Y^=Toy

Anonymous said...

That is a very cool picture of your and your momma Miss Praline! :))
I am very happy that your momma is on the mend.. it is kinda sucky how long some things take to heal, but as long as they are all is well :))