Well, Jasper has challenged us to a "bad hair" day picture. I kept trying to tell mom that I didn't have any of those days because I was a southern belle kitty and we always looked our best. Unfortunately, mom has one of these scanner things and she can find older pictures of me when I was a teenager and didn't know any better and . . .
No, mom, not that one!
Well, fellow kittieladies and kittiegentlemen, she found one of my adolescent pictures from when we were in Clemson. I had heard something outside of the window and like the curious cat that I am, I perched up to look out. Mom thought it was so cute, that she snapped a picture. My human grandmother calls me the "owl cat" because of my eyes and this picture tends to prove it.
So, there you have it, the ONE bad picture of Sweet Praline in her youth. (I think my mom had been too busy to brush me that morning)
No, mom, not that one!
Well, fellow kittieladies and kittiegentlemen, she found one of my adolescent pictures from when we were in Clemson. I had heard something outside of the window and like the curious cat that I am, I perched up to look out. Mom thought it was so cute, that she snapped a picture. My human grandmother calls me the "owl cat" because of my eyes and this picture tends to prove it.
So, there you have it, the ONE bad picture of Sweet Praline in her youth. (I think my mom had been too busy to brush me that morning)
Hi Praline! It's nice to meetcha'!
Hi! We are a very friendly group of kitties, and I think you'll like the Cat Blogosphere.
You are very pretty. Even on a bad hair day.
Awwww, Praline! What an adorable picture of you. You do look like an owl kitty! I have a young sister who does a cute owl look, too.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Hi Praline! We are Samantha & Tigger and we are very pleased to meet you! We love your BAD HAIR day picture!
Your FL furiends,
Without a doubt it was your mom's fault ... always defer blame to mom whenever possible ... you're still cute in your owl pose.
Nice meeting you! I think your furs still look pretty in that picture ...
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