My thoughts on being a flat face, fur-ball!
- We get called all kind of names like, "owl cat", "Gismo", "flat face", and my favorite, "Sweetie."
- We are unique individuals and we don't usually see many like us. We have a "look at me" personality and crave the attention of being different.
- We are so "floofy", so our humans just love to hold us and hug us all of the time. I think we remind remind them of those stuffed animals they used to love as children.
- Because of our "floofiness", wherever we go, we always leave a part of us behind. Mom says she always takes a little part of me with her wherever she goes.
- We have that "awwwwww" factor, especially as kitties.
- We get lots and lots of belly rubs.
- We get to sleep where we want to - especially the comfortable places.
- We make great decorations around the house.
- We don't get our noses caught in doors (can you find mine?).
- We like to talk to our "beans" all of the time and usually get our way.
- We are just plain cute!
- We get very special names - like "Miss Paula's Sweet Praline".
- We have that "cattitude".

I'm NOT fat, I'm FLUFFY!

Oh Praline
Those were gorgeous pictures...we have tagged you...
That is a great list!!
You are a very pretty girlie!
No. 8 and No. 10 - the Zoolatry Human wholeheartedly agrees with these two in particular.
Of course, Maggy and Zoey agree with everything on the list!
Great post, great pictures... great Praline, too... of course!
you are just gorgeous!!!!!
The floof! Can't. Resist. Floofage...
Hi Sweet Praline! Mickey told us about you and we just had to come over to say hello! It's so nice to meet you! We love your flat face! In fact, before us Mom raised Pekingese for 30+ years! She's quite parcial to flat faces!
Praline, you are gorgeous! Even though we are almost complete opposites, since we have no fluff, a lot of those items apply to us as well! (2, 3 - we are always being picked up and hugged even though we have no fur - 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13!)
Praline, you are such a floofy cutie! That is a great list of all the things that make being a himmie great. I can see that Maggy and Zoey agree with you 100%!
You are super cute and super floofy! That is a great list. You sit sorta like my sister Misty when she floofs up her furs. Come to my small world blog too if you is about me and my sisters at home.
I'll be back to see you soon.
WOW u is beautifu wellcome to our neighbourhood we is new here to and not good at this ar all our bean cand spell lol but she wont let us on the pc we are 6 on your blog our fur mom Steppa and our uncel George he is werry furryyyyyy and your nean take him to the beauty shop So we hope one day u come over and see us all
I have to agree that you are very, very, very beautiful and cute, too!
Oh Sweet Praline, you are beautiful!! We love all the cute pictures of you, too! Purrrrrrrrrs for your Mom and her surgery tomorrow! Thanks for your purrrs for our Mom!
Your FL furiends,
Hi My name is Muffin. I'm an orange tabby. I think you are very pretty. Being fluffy is nice. It gets you lot of pets nd hugs. The humans who call you Flat face are just jealous of the attention you get.
Oh, sweet Praline! You are just gorgeous. Mom just about SQUEES herself out of her chair when she sees pictures of you! You have such a beautiful, sweet little face, and Mom wants to give you a kiss. *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
You are adorable love. My kitties and I live with a flatface too, he kind of looks like you. Visit
Gee,I never thought about you not getting your nose caught in a door!!! Cool!! :)
I have short hair,but wow!!! look at your floof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome and so was your T13 ,heehee
Purrs Mickey
yoor soooooo cute Praline. Mom would love to brush you. She brushes really good too!
I think the 2nd pic is my fave: look at that chunky, thunky little body with those chubby, cute little "arms!"
We love the picture of you and your Mommy! :)
Hi Praline! Billie wants to know if any one ever says, "Is she mad? She looks really mad." I think it's because sometimes Persians look like they are scowling, but we know that's not the case. :)
You are a sweet ball of floof!
Hugs and Purrs,
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