Whenever mom sees me lying down like this, I always get a good tummy rub!
P.S. about the technical problems. Sorry to all of my fur friends and their beans about the bad links the past couple of days. For some reason, my link switched to "catblog" instead of "blogspot" and many of you couldn't visit. Mom thinks she has it fixed now for the previous days. I am blaming it on her medicine from the surgery.
Oh my goodness, how precious you are! Mom is saying SQUEE SQUEE SQUEE (the noise she makes when she's overwhelmed by sheer kitty cuteness)!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Oh that is SUCH a pretty picture! :)
Aren't tummy rubs the best?
That's a tummy just asking to get rubs!
Wow, that's some fabulous floofiness!
you look very floofy and beautiful
Mom's are really obsessed with our yummies for some reason. It's OK though,I like it!
I also like ice cream too . Mom lets me lick the bowl, yum!!
Purrs Mickey
That's all my Momma could say....
We tried yesterday to come visit but we were blocked access and this morning the one link in the blogosphere also denied us but the second one didn't...wow that's really strange...
That's gotta be one of the best looking tummy-tums we have EVER seen and our Zoolatry Human wants to rubadubdub it right now!
You are such a cutie, Praline.
Purrs to your mommy.
The PM wants to rub that belly too! She also wants to bury her nose in it. She does that to me all the time. Very strange.
Hi Sweet Praline: our Zoolatry Human has lost your email address, would you write to us please cause we have something to send you...
thank you... bye now, Maggy & Zoey
Oh, goodness ... you are so FLOOFY! Mom is visitin' my cousin Ben who's a Himilayan, but he's had a lioncut an' he's not furry floofy. Sigh.
Ah, sunshine on the tummy furs is very wonderful!
Oah Dear~!
You have the most floofy tummy I have ever seem!!!!
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