Special thanks to Miss Ann at ZOOLATRY for my newest picture. Mom went back to the doctor today and he removed her bandages from the surgery, but won't take the stitches out until next Tuesday. She still has limited movement, can't get the foot wet and is basically stuck on the couch. When mom asked the doctor what she needed to do the next week, his response was "REST." That means I get 7 more days with Mom all to myself!
I feel bad that your Mom is hurty, but another week of Mom time is wonderful!
You're a great nurse!
Too bad your Mom's foot is sore and she can't run with you,but you get lots of snuggle time :) !!!!!
I tagged you for the 6 quirky things meme. Dro by and see the details.
Purrs Mickey
Sending healing purrs out to your mom! Our mom remembers the "no getting the foot wet" part when she had foot surgery.
Sending get well wishes to your mom ... enjoy your time with her!
I love that picture of you, Praline! I bet you are being a great nurse to your mommy!
YOU look like the purrfect nurse for your Mom who I hope feels better with those stitches gone...keep giving her those healing purrs
I know you will take good care of you Mom. It's one of the things we are best at. Just make sure your Mom actually rests.
Love the nurse's hat! Continue taking great care of your mom and enjoy your time with her.
Enjoy your snuggle time!
Nurse Praline has a nice ring to it.
purrs Shade and Goldie
It's to bad dat yoor hadda get feets serjeree in order fur yoo to get extra mom time...
Awwww, I'm sorry yur Momma's got an owie. I hope her recofury goes furry smoothly and fast! And I'm glad you will have more cuddle time with her! That's an adorabble graffick of you.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Awwww, Praline! What a precious and adorable floofy nurse you are. I know you will take wonderful care of your Mom! And I'm purring and purring for her foot to heal up and feel better soon!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
You are doing a very good job of taking care of your mommy. Being a nurse is hard work. The humans get cranky when they can't run around on both paws.
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