Mom and I are waiting on the results from my blood work and urinalysis and we are supposed to hear from the vet today. I'll get mom to do an update as soon as she hears from the vet. No "stinky butt" on Sunday, but no poop either. I am eating well and drinking water and harassing mom for treats. Please keep those purrs coming.
We're thinking about having another raffle to help with the vet bills ($400+) the past two weeks. Mom bought a different type of pet fountain, hoping I would use it, but it's still in the box because I got sick. What do you think? Is it a good idea?
Hi Sweetie! We do hope that your results show that you are fine! Mommy sends lots of love! We would be happy to help you with a raffle! Just let us know!
Praline! Thank you for coming to the Party even though you were feeling a bit under-the-weather! I certainly put your floof everywhere....since I can't shed on things....right now! Thanks a lot Mommy! I hope that you feel better very soon! You are looking so pretty!!!
Love, Seaborne
Purring that your results are A Ok Sweet Praline!!! Waiting on results is the worst!
Absolutely! Might as well. We all love to help. I hope your tests come back A-OK too.imputle
Purring for good news Sweet Praline.
Purring my hardest for you, Sweet Praline!!!
Oh Praline, we are purring for you so hard! Sorry not to be around, mom is having major purrsonal problems....
Purrs coming over to you, and please let us know the results.
--JB, Chester, and mom
I sure do hope you get better, soon! And I know exactly what it's like to get those exciting vet bills. Melvin has his own little treasure box of tests and vet visits we are still paying. And as for your question about him getting PT, I was planning on taking him swimming in request of the vet, but he doesn't seem to like it much. So we are just working on playing with him as much as possible.
Smell better Praline! You look beautiful!
Lets just hope the waitings worth the good news you will hear soon. Purrrrrrin' for you,=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
I'm glad your tests came out OK ... I think your Mom needed the good news. Hope your stinky butt issue resolves soon.
Praline, you are looking so purrty. I's posted on tha CB fur more purrs fur yours tests.
I'd be happy to help wif an aukshun or raffle fur yours bills.
Love & Purrs,
We are glad you got good news! What kind of fountain did you get this time?
Good news! I am glad you are OK!!!
Yay fur good news! Speedy haf da stinky butt alla time. He can't help it he just does. We hope yoors goes away.
Glad the results are ok, that is good news. I will help with a raffle no problems.
Hugs GJ xx
Oh, such good news. We're glad you got a good report from the vet.
Hooray! Great mews.
Oh Praline! I am so glad your tests all came back okay! Stinky butt on a floofy cat is just no fun! Billie has had her issues with that too, if you remember. Once was a Temptation allergy and the other a few months ago was bacterial kind of like yours.
Poor Mommy Paula with that scope down her throat! I know how uncomfortable GI exams are. I had it um, the other way. I don't think you added to Mom's stress Praline. I think our kitty babies help with keeping our blood pressure lower.
I can sympathize with the bills. We just dropped over 500 green papers on our card for a new washing machine. Our old one is "deaded". The "Daddyman" is quite grumpy and my tummy has been quite "hurty".
I will keep you in my thoughts and purrayers that all will be healthy and happy for you both. I hope this week is much better!
Lots of Hugs!
Lorianna and Miss Billie
Yay! We're so happy that you passed your tests! Now if only your tummy would cooperate! Hope you feel better soon!
YIPPEE!!!! We are so happy that you passed all your tests! Mommy said that you would be feeling better in no time at all!!! We are HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!
uSSSSS + Auntie Deb
Glad you're all clear, Praline! You must just have a delicate constitution.
We're glad to hear that the news from the v*t was so good! Now we hope your stinky butt goes away soon... well, just the stinky part, not the entire butt!
Mom just got home from work and came right here to check to see if you had your results!! We're doing a happy dance!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Yay for an excellent report, Praline! We hope your butt is unstinkified soon!
At least try to drink out of that fountain this time, Praline. Humor your Mom.
We are glad your results came back good Praline, and we hope your butt is soon unstinkified.
We are very happy your tests came out okay! We sure do hope they find out what's with the stinky butt. Is this purrhaps your way of getting back at your Mom for leaving you?
Glad you are okay Praline!
That's great news Praline!!!
Purrs Miss Praline that you gets all better and no more vet visits.
Hi Sweet Praline! I am so so glad you passed all your tests. That makes us happy and I'm sure your mommy is very glad too.
Lorianna had a good idea. My tushy issues came from allergies to my foods. Since I switched to Prescription Hill DD and cut out different types of treats, I've been all good.
We will purr and purr for you to not have to go back to the VET
I am so glad that you passed all your tests, Praline. I hope your butt gets unstinky very soon.
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